Wednesday, May 22, 2019

LATE BREAKING: Trump walks out on Pelosi/Schumer meeting

Trump walks out of Pelosi/Schumer meeting
Speaker Nancy Pelosi called it "very, very, very strange," adding, "sad" referring to a meeting at the White House with Donald Trump, which included Sen.Chuck Schumer. Pelosi described Trump's walking out of the meeting as "an orchestrated — almost to a 'poor baby' point of view" situation."

Here is Trump's tweet retort...
"So sad that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will never be able to see or understand the great promise of our Country."
 In another, he warns, "You can’t investigate and legislate simultaneously - it just doesn’t work that way."
Later trump heard Pelosi accused him of "engaging in a cover up," and apparently he went postal. One of his minions said...
"Bottom line: if Nancy Pelosi had not come out this morning and said what she said about "cover up," they would still be in there right now meeting on infrastructure." 
According to CNN, What Pelosi said: Pelosi on Monday night said the committees were on course to be successful and Democrats' message must be "No one is above the law," and that they are witnessing "the cover-up." The California Democrat also said they all agreed they needed to get to the truth, but that the public believes kitchen table issues must also be dealt with.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...