Showing posts with label NRA out of ammo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NRA out of ammo. Show all posts

Monday, March 1, 2021

Is this the end to the NRA? One can only hope


The NRA's head gun nut, Wayne LaPierre, is never at a loss for words, but that look on LaPierre's face (left) stems from the fact that the organization is definitely at a loss for money. As ABC News expressed it, "NRA is 'out of ammo.'" The first salvo came from New York...
"Prosecutors in New York sued the NRA last summer in a bid to dissolve the gun lobbying juggernaut, accusing it of being 'fraught with fraud and abuse' -- a claim the NRA has repeatedly and vehemently denied."
This resulted in the NRA filing for bankruptcy protection and announcing plans to reincorporate in Texas. If the snowstorm isn't bad enough, now this deplorable group wants to come to Texas. But...
"Legal experts interviewed by ABC News posit that the chances of a dismissal are strong, particularly given the NRA's insistence that the organization remains financially viable -- a position that undermines the traditional purpose of a Chapter 11 claim."

Canada to ban handguns after banning assault weapons... 

 Spelling doom for the NRA in the U.S. will give gun control advocates optimism, especially with this headline, "Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns." And yes to American gun nuts, with Biden administration already working on new gun laws, we may soon be coming for your weapons. The way I see it, if you must invoke the 2nd Amendment, a rifle or a shotgun should suffice the need to protect your home.

Canada banned assault rifles in May of 2020, and the new handgun law will make the country a much safer place to live. Giffords Law Center confirms "that openly carrying firearms endangers public safety," so the confiscation of handguns would serve to eliminate that problem as well. In addition, a Gallup Poll has found that "A majority of Americans are dissatisfied with gun laws and policies in the U.S., 56% want stronger gun laws, 42% don't.

And without the NRA's fraudulent propaganda, there is every possibility that Joe

Biden's administration will be able to push through reasonable gun control legislation. In the move to Texas, LaPierre may have opened another can of worms. If the Texas bankruptcy does move forward, Judge Harlin Hale of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas could...

"choose to appoint a trustee to investigate allegations of fraud -- or even assume control of the organization."

If the above proceeds...

"The first thing a trustee would do would be to, in effect, take over control of the organization, all of the assets, and all of the records," said Jay Westbrook, a bankruptcy scholar at the University of Texas-Austin. "That would be a very undesirable development from the point of view of the people now controlling the NRA."
Pamela Foohey, a bankruptcy law professor at the University of Indiana, feels that would be a bad move for the NRA because...
"The most likely scenario in bankruptcy when a trustee is appointed is a plan of liquidation, then dissolution."

Head gun nut, Wayne LaPierre, has been accused of using the NRA as a "personal piggy bank" by the New York Attorney General. And now Phillip Journey, a Kansas state judge who was recently elected to the NRA board of directors, asked the court...

"to appoint an "independent examiner" to determine 'the veracity of the alleged fraud, dishonesty, incompetence, and gross mismanagement that has plagued the NRA's reputation.'"

Judge Journey also "suggested that NRA leadership failed to properly inform board members of its plan to file bankruptcy -- a possible violation of the organization's bylaws." Denials are flying all over the place, but when you consider the history of the NRA, particularly its leader, Wayne LaPierre, almost anyone who has followed this gang of thugs will tell you there is probably something illegal going on. And those same people, at least most of them, will hope the NRA goes down this time.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...