"Manchin accepted over $400,000 from energy companies and GOP donors in the third quarter""reward utilities that increase their clean energy supply by 4 percent each year, while penalizing those that don’t. Lawmakers have included the initiative as part of a multitrillion-dollar tax-and-spending package that aims to advance Biden’s broader economic vision."
But Manchin's state depends heavily on coal, which means he places politics before the health of Americans. Here's what Alecia M. Spooner says, a teacher of Earth and Environmental Sciences...
"Burning coal emits large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Coal is composed almost entirely of carbon, so burning coal unleashes large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. These emissions have been shown to increase the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and lead to global warming."
Watch coverage of Joe Manchin destroying Pres. Biden's climate plan...
It also releases toxins and just the mining of coal is dangerous. The Washington Post comments...
"The standoff has jeopardized Biden’s pledge to halve emissions by 2030, inspiring a new flurry of last-minute policy proposals just two weeks before the president and other world leaders are set to convene the most important global climate talks in a quarter century."
So, it is safe to say that, not only has Joe Manchin jeopardized the environmental issues in the United States, he also threatens the position of the U.S. as a leader in championing the climate change issue around the world.