Those figures mean that at this time there are a minimum of 143 people in the U.S. with severe cases of the coronavirus...
My calculations are based on at least 950 known U.S. cases today, which could be higher tomorrow. Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, wants everyone over 60 or with underlying health conditions to stock up on what you need and stay home until there is some sense of control. Unfortunately, control may never be realized, considering who is in charge of the U.S. coronavirus epidemic.
The head guy, Donald Trump hasn't a clue of what is going on so he put his second in command, Mike Pence, in charge, who royally screwed up an HIV uprising in Indiana when he was governor. And to top it all off, Alex Azar, Health and Human Services Secretary just said he has no idea how many people in the U.S. have been tested for coronavirus. So, in light of this familiar blend of incompetence, the Trump administration just decides to keep the misinformation coming.
Here is Dr. Messonnier's take...
“This virus is capable of spreading easily and sustainably from person to person ... and there’s essentially no immunity against this virus in the population.”
“It’s fair to say that, as the trajectory of the outbreak continues, many people in the United States will at some point in time, either this year or next, be exposed to this virus and there’s a good chance many will become sick.”Here's the update for coronavirus from Dr. Messonnier...
And here is a frightening fact from CNBC...
"Of the 70,000 cases WHO scientists looked at, only about 2% were in people younger than 19. The odds of developing COVID-19 increase with age, starting at age 60. It’s especially lethal for people over 80."There are approximately 69 million folks today age 60 and over, and if you remove even a portion of that number from the day-to-day activities they are capable of and used to performing, the economy could take a dive. The eighty-plus crowd is much smaller, but more likely to heed the advice to stay at home in larger numbers due to the potential dire consequences. Think about it, some 80+ have no one to shop for them, and they have to go to the doctor.
Rachel Maddow prompts us on Donald Trump's pathetic incoherence on the coronavirus epidemic...
I don't honestly believe the Trump administration could have prevented the coronavirus from entering the United States, nor probably anyone else for that matter. But what has been clear from the beginning is the incompetence of Donald Trump and his minions. Here's the scenario from The Washington Post...
The coronavirus had already begun to spiral out of control around the world when Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, during routine Senate testimony, made a surprising claim.Chuck Schumer discusses Donald Trump's coronavirus incompetence...
“As of today, I can announce that the CDC has begun working with health departments in five cities to use its flu surveillance network to begin testing individuals with flu-like symptoms for the Chinese coronavirus,” Azar said. “This effort will help see whether there is broader spread than we have been able to detect so far.”
The Post adds: "But there were two major problems: The cities weren’t ready, and the tests didn’t work." And so the comical parade of Trump administration bunglers has marched forward since then and here is a key fact to confirm its ineptness: there have been only 1,900 tests for coronavirus in the United States compared to 140,000 in So. Korea. And now how the United States did it...
"Azar’s bungled announcement before the Senate Finance Committee on Feb. 13 was just one of many preventable missteps and blunders in the federal government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis — the embodiment of an administration that, for weeks, repeatedly squandered opportunities to manage and prepare for a global epidemic that has killed thousands worldwide and at least 19 (31 as of March 10) so far in the United States."And there's more according to Dr. Messonnier...
"People with diabetes, heart disease, lung disease and other serious underlying conditions are more likely to develop 'serious outcomes, including death.'”So, not only do we have a healthcare dilemma caused by the White House maniac, but we also have to worry about an economy that could spiral down soon, thanks to the incompetence of this same idiot. Never, in my lifetime, have we been between these most extreme rocks and hard places. Hello November.