Friday, June 28, 2024

Steve Bannon: Almost as scary as Donald Trump?


As Republican House Speaker, Mike Johnson, tries to persuade the Supreme Court to keep Steve Bannon out of prison, it was reported by CBS News that "Steve Bannon promises retribution if Trump returns to the White House." Here's the scenario...

"House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said on Fox News' 'Hannity' on Tuesday night that House Republicans were 'working on filing an amicus brief with his appellate work there in his case because the January 6 committee was, we think, wrongfully constituted.'"

Meanwhile, The former Donald Trump strategist claims "his War Room is shaping Republican narratives" adding, "We’re relentless. I will never back off." That has been the blueprint of the Republican Party for years; to keep shoving misinformation at the American public, over and over, until some begin to believe it.  And those poor souls range from the hard-core MAGA supporters to those who are undecided and can be influenced by this meaningless nonsense. Yes, and in my mind this makes Steve Bannon almost as scary as Donald Trump while sharing similar means of dissemination.

CNN reports...

"The Justice Department urged the Supreme Court on Wednesday to reject an effort by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid prison while he appeals his contempt of Congress conviction."

 But with a conservative packed court, it's anyone's guess of what they will do. Throughout all this radical right muddling, Bannon confirms the 2020 election denial, the "Big Lie," as he and his cronies describe it, is still "Driving Everything in the GOP," according to The New Republic. And then in The Guardian piece on the 'War Room,' above...

The 70-year-old – once featured on the front of Time magazine with the headlines 'The Great Manipulator” and “Is Steve Bannon the Second Most Powerful Man in the World?'– is constantly thinking about the media and shaping narratives. He believes that he wields more influence through his War Room show, which launched in October 2019, than he did working on Trump’s first election campaign or during a brief, ill-fated spell as White House chief strategist."

Now, that's really scary!



Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Clarence Thomas wants to give domestic abusers guns with gun rights already absurdly exaggerated


Aging is something we either look forward to or dread. With today's political crazies, one can only wait...

Clarence and Ginni Thomas

There have already been 8,026 murders by a gun in 2024, 15,299 gun injuries and 245 mass shootings, according to the Gun Violence Archive, But Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas says domestic abusers should own guns, while at the same time SCOTUS was upholding a federal law prohibiting domestic abusers under restraining orders from carrying firearms. Thomas was the only dissenter. Is he trying to persuade the gun industry now to shower him with money and gifts after having done this elsewhere for years and getting away with it?

The New Republic Reports...

"In his dissenting opinion in United States v. Rahimi, Thomas sided with gun rights advocates who opposed the rule, arguing that the other Supreme Court justices had somehow misunderstood a three-year-old opinion he’d written about gun regulation. In this case, however, Thomas only has himself to blame."

Just another case of confusing the issue in the name of gun rights in an attempt to keep the American public on the side of gun nuts. TNR says, "Thomas regularly points to historical tradition when trying to strip away people’s rights," as follows,,,

"Thomas argued that criminal prosecution is a good enough means of keeping guns out of the hands of those who would do harm, insisting that the government could not “strip the Second Amendment right of anyone subject to a protective order—even if he has never been accused or convicted of a crime.”
It is this absurd assumption that the 2nd Amendment is sacred, which is designed to skew the opinions in this country in order to put more guns on the street. There are almost 400 million out there in America with a total population of 341,784,755, more than one gun per person. Common sense tells you that with the huge capacity of this weaponry, you are bound to have more gun violence, and that is what we have in this country.

Also making sense is the idea of keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers. Almost 60% of mass shootings are domestic violence related, where the perpetrator either killed family or intimate partners, with these statistics from The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence...

"On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men."

Yet, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wants to give domestic abusers guns. And, unrelated to this issue, but indicative of character, Thomas, along with his wife Ginni, is considered one of the most corrupt judges to sit on this high court. Pathetic!


Monday, June 24, 2024

The Republican Party festers racism


Dorothy Parker said, "People should be one of two things, young or dead." I am neither young nor dead, but...

Dorothy Parker at left with Algonquin Roundtable friends
 ...On a day to day basis I marvel at the utter tomfoolery of the Republican Party and am so grateful that I do not have that many more years to suffer the morons of the radical right. Yes, I am sure they will hang around a while whether in the minority or majority. This kind of cancer is near impossible to get rid of, espeecially with the force Trump supporters are using to prolong it. How can any sane, conscious individual still support Donald Trump after his recent Racine, WI, tirade where CNN's Daniel Dale caught him in 30 obvious lies; old news perhaps, but still pathetic.

Trump is a confirmed racist from Blacks to Muslims, and he has his followers. Valentina Gomez, a Republican candidate for Missouri secretary of stateValentina Gomez, a Republican candidate for Missouri secretary of state, said, Black Americans who do not like the country should "kindly" leave. At times I don't like this country, but that is a constitutional right we have in our democracy. Gomez is a Trump supporter who would agree with the idea to turn America into an authoritarian state. Obviously admitting she doesn't have the brains to think for herself.

In a recent Twitter video Gomez attacked Juneteenth and said: "If you don't like America, gtfo [get the f*** out]." Once again pointing out the classlessness of Trump followers. There is more of this diatribe but what is clear is that it is this kind of senseless dedication to the Trump cause that is threatening to destroy our democracy.  It's been said that Trump is the "most racist president in modern history," and beliefs like the following do confirm that argument...
"embracing birtherism, referring to African nations as 'shithole countries,' telling congresswomen of color to go back to where they came from, calling Mexican immigrants 'rapists,' refusing to denounce white supremacists during a presidential debate and so on."

We have to get rid of the ilk of Valentina Gomez and her absurd ideology. The way to do this is through the November election. BE SURE TO VOTE!

And,,,Take a left at the next conservative!


Trump suck-ups coming out of the woodwork

It all started with Trump's cabinet selections circling the wagons, preparing their 'resumes' in readiness to pounce on their id...