Beginning on a positive note, Western Australia is locking down for a single case of coronavirus and one of its residents said, "We welcome the restrictions." It was for five days to protect against the new U.K. variant. Here's the Aussies take...
"It may seem strange to act so aggressively for a single case, but we Australians complied. There were no complaints of infringing on freedoms. No marches against masks. My city of Perth came to a standstill. The roads were quiet, and our beaches were deserted. A trip to the supermarket for essential groceries saw everyone wearing a mask — for the first time"
How refreshing...after experiencing the idiot U.S. population protesting against everything from wearing masks to observing distancing. Perth even has a beach, a magnet similar to California and Florida, but the residents did the right thing and stayed home. By the way Perth has had 904 cases for the entire pandemic. I might add, Australia is 35th on the Worldometer list for COVID-19, the United States is number one. Read more...
I had an appointment with one of my many doctors today and I asked him why this was happening. His answer was a shocking opinion that it was misinformation, likely from social media. Later I asked his medical assistant the same thing, but her answer was more questioning the vaccine, until she researched it. And that, folks, shows where to go for the coronavirus facts. Not take the word of the amateurs and misleaders on social media. Read more...