Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Jack Dorsey and Twitter must be added to every Progressive's shit list

Jack Dorsey/Alex Jones love fest
I don't call it censoring when it comes to the crap Alex Jones spews on a regular basis. Journalism, the Fourth Estate, is what is covered by the 1st Amendment in its protection of free speech, not lies, false conspiracy theories and repeated defamation. This guy is the sleazebag of all sleazebags and anyone who follows or supports him, themselves, would reside at the bottom of the barrel. So why is Twitter head, Jack Dorsey, sticking up for the garbage monger and after professing leaning to the left, giving an extended interview to Sean Hannity?

Hannity himself is guilty of perpetrating the Seth Richards murder conspiracy, which even disgusted the Fox News staff. Anytime you see news on Fox, Sinclair Broadcast or nut jobs like Alex Jones you have to assume only a small percentage of the content is true, very small, and it's just best to stay away entirely. There are too many legitimate news outlets out there, both liberal and conservative, and a small amount of Googling will help you find what you're looking for. As for Twitter's Jack Dorsey, as long as he defends this kind of trash radio, I hope his Twitter followers continue to leave.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

First Facebook,now twitter-All that's left is the bloggers

I have been blogging now for almost 15 years and both Twitter and Facebook, plus Google+ and now Pinterest have been very helpful in sharing my blog posts. I think Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most arrogant persons I have ever known about, on a parallel with Donald Trump. His (Facebook's) handling of your privacy information is shocking and downright scandalous, precisely why he gets the very minimum required from me. But since the latest uproar against Zuckerberg and Facebook my referrals from FB have dropped to a minimum, compared to Twitter.

Now, Jack Dorsey, who heads Twitter, is defending Alex Jones, the wacky conservative radical and his broadcast network Infowars, after it was banned by Apple, Facebook, YouTube, and many other companies. I am a staunch defender of the 1st Amendment but Jones is a real nut job who came up with the conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook Massacre of 26 people including 6-year-old children, never happened. If Dorsey wouldn't censure him for content, he could have for the fact the whole thing is an outright lie, which is a proven fact. Alex Jones followers are even more pathetic than those who watch Fox News.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

His staff, Ann Coulter and Twitter's Evan Williams all turning on Trump

The Trump-Coulter team
To begin with, here's what a senior administration official who also worked on Trump’s campaign said...
"Every day he looks more and more like a complete moron.”
Another person in the administration commented...
“If Donald Trump gets impeached, he will have one person to blame: Donald Trump.”
It would seem that even Donald Trump's top advisers believe that their idiotic leader's actions portend impeachment. The Daily Beast reports that T-rump had "trash talked" James Comey to Russian government officials. In this meeting "Trump reportedly promised the Kremlin more flexibility in their relationship, with 'crazy' Comey out of the picture." To Russia’s foreign minister and ambassador to the United States, the Oval Office imbecile remarked, "I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job.” Putin must be going into spasms about now.

Everything that comes down seems to be leaked, some saying it comes from within the administration with the hope that it could stop Trump's zany acts. Since we know that will never happen, one just might assume that many of these leaks are meant to point out the sheer desperation of a team whose morale is in the toilet. It's a cry for help with a clueless Congress completely ignoring the fact that Donald Trump is literally destroying our country. And the two most responsible are Senate leader, Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.

But perhaps one of the biggest blows to the Trump administration is the revelation of Ann Coulter that "...she’s ready to bail on President Donald Trump over his lack of delivery on promises." But that's not all, she does address his outright lunacy with the comment that he is “comically improbable" in the Oval Office. Her downfall is when she blames Congress for "...Trump’s perceived lack of success so far in his presidency." At first I thought she was talking about Barack Obama but obviously Coulter is hallucinating again.

I have a great deal of respect for Ann Coulter because of how she has risen as a top conservative pundit in a man's world. I don't agree with anything she says and believe much, if not all, of her ideology is dangerous. But I will defend her to the end of the earth to be able to say it. Here's one of her quotes: "I love to engage in repartee with people who are stupider than I am." Maybe that is the key to her success. Another example is the fact that she claims Donald Trump's quote, “immigrants are rapists,” was stolen from her.

Here is another example of Coulter quotes...
“We need to execute people like John Walker [Lindh] in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors,”
 Coulter later clarified what she meant;
“When I said we should ‘execute’ John Walker Lindh, I mis-spoke. What I meant to say was ‘We should burn John Walker Lindh alive and televise it on prime-time network TV’. My apologies for any misunderstanding that might have occurred.”
Now, Coulter washing her hands of Donald Trump is a hard hit, but perhaps what Twitter's President, Evan Williams said would dig even deeper into T-rump's psyche. Williams remarked that one of the goals of Twitter is for people to speak freely and exchange information and ideas. He added though, “If it’s true that he [Donald Trump] wouldn’t be president if it weren’t for Twitter, then yeah, I’m sorry,” Whoa, now, you are talking about the great communicator's favorite mode of staying in touch with all the blithering idiots who voted for him.

Apparently his tweeting has toppled since he learned that "... a special prosecutor would investigate his campaign for possible ties to Russia..." And it was back in March that he commented to Tucker Carlson of Fox News...
“I have my own form of media. There's been nobody in history that got more dishonest media than I've gotten. … Twitter is a wonderful thing for me because I can get the word out.”
A Twitter spokeswoman felt the need to qualify Evan Williams' comment...
“Twitter provides a platform for people to engage with and discuss issues of importance, and facilitates a more open exchange of information. We continue to see more leaders, around the world, take to Twitter to communicate with their constituents and engage in a conversation.”
Twitter will never be the same again.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Political Satire: Trump and Putin start World War III on Twitter

It was 2 AM at the White house but the new U.S. sovereign was still awake with smart phone in hand tuned to Twitter. Melania had finally decided to move to the Lincoln bedroom to get some sleep. But Donald Trump had decided to challenge Vladimir Putin to a game of 'World Leader Psychopaths,' where you challenge each other to see who can be the biggest nutcase leading a country. The two had been playing this for years and Putin agreed that if Donald John ever won a game (he hadn't)) he could build as many luxury hotels in Moscow as he wanted. 

It was 10 AM in Russia's capital city and Vlad was busy in his office admiring the Putin coffee mug he was drinking from as his smartphone rang on Twitter. "Hello Big D," it was obvious who it was. "How's it hangin'?" He often wondered how Donald John had time to stay on Twitter all night when he had such a gorgeous wife.

"Okay, Vlad, it's time for our regular game of World Leader Psychopaths and tonight I'm going to beat your ass."

"First of all, it's not night here, and second, I'm tired of playing games with you."

"What the hell do you mean? This is a tradition and we have to play. Nobody else here will play games with me."

"I'm bored with the game and since you've lost every time so far, it's pretty obvious you are the world's leading psychopathic leader."

"What the hell, you're calling me a psychopath?"

"Why not, that's what all of your countrymen call you."

And then the Twitter line went silent and stayed that way for several minutes. All of a sudden Vlad cried out, "Holy shit," and went racing down the hall of the Kremlin with the phone in his hand, still on Twitter. As he entered the special security room and headed for the launch console, he heard an alert from Twitter.

"Too late, Vlad, I already hit the button."

Wednesday - 2/5/25: NO TIME FOR NEWS???

Sure you do...   The latest headlines... Ignoring accepted medical guidance, Texas governor tells agency heads to recognize only 2 genders.....