Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi on Donald Trump impeachment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi on Donald Trump impeachment. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Speaker Pelosi now favors impeachment-Moving ahead


Speaker Pelosi now says it's time to dump Trump...   
The time is NOW

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has now decided enough is enough, the Ukraine incident did it, and she is moving ahead with impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump in the House. My take, is T-rump looking for a confrontation, or is this just more of his warped mind in further degeneration?...
"Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is expected to announce a 'formal impeachment inquiry' into President Donald Trump 'this afternoon,' according to NBC and MSNBC news analyst Howard Fineman."
Pelosi demands whistleblower statement by Thursday...

Pelosi will meet with her chairmen, leadership and caucus at 4PM today. A vote on impeachment is expected “in weeks not months.”

The two sides to life and living

Maybe you haven't noticed, because of all the hostility in today's politics and this country in general, but there are many good thi...