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Showing posts with label Hamilton. Show all posts

Monday, March 13, 2017

Is Donald Trump's presidency biggest scam since Bernie Madoff?

Newt Gingrich, early Trump backer
I spent 35 years in the junk mail industry where a new scam was born almost every day. There was even a selection of mailing lists of names from those who responded to those offers that looked...well, almost too good to be true. We called them the GULLIBLES. That's pretty bad for the consumer when you can target individuals with a product you want to sell, and they don't really need it, but will want it just because of the sales letter you sent them. This, of course, is not as bad as the famous one, The Nigerian Scam, also known as 419.

The 419 was from some Nigerian family to move a lot of money from their country to the U.S. in your name, from which you will benefit in ridiculously large amounts of cash, all for helping in the transaction. As the experts put it...
"They will use your emotions and willingness to help against you. They will promise you a large cut of their business or family fortune. All you are asked to do is cover the endless 'legal' and other “fees” that must be paid to the people that can release the scammer’s money."
Does "using your emotion" sound familiar? There are nine more scams can see here, but that isn't what this post is all about. It asks the question, "Is Donald Trump's presidency biggest scam since Bernie Madoff? The Washington Post thinks so and, after highlighting all the issues promised by Donald Trump in his candidacy, says...
"...little by little, as Trump seeks to make good on his promises, Trumpism — as sold by the man himself — is being revealed as fraudulent to its core."
"Fraudulent to its core," is not like, well, you're falling a bit short of the public's expectations. When you go to the core, you have arrived, described in "the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything." So, Donald John has missed the boat on the main issues that affect America. WP continues as an example, the health-care bill that Trump promised the people has been short-circuited by his endorsement of the new House GOP health-care plan...
"The bill, experts said, falls far short of the goals President Donald Trump laid out: Affordable coverage for everyone; lower deductibles and health care costs; better care; and zero cuts to Medicaid. Instead, the bill is almost certain to reduce overall coverage, result in deductibles increasing, and will phase out Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion."
There's more about additional issues you can read in the WP article, above. And there are more signs that Donald Trump is bad for this country. The Associated Press (AP) announced, "...the Trump administration's immigration policies are hurting tourism."
"The nonprofit industry organization said in a statement that there are 'mounting signs' of 'a broad chilling effect on demand for international travel to the United States.'"
Don't watch this on an empty stomach...

Disputed by White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters, "...the non-profit, the U.S. Travel Association's statement added to a growing chorus of concern from the travel industry over the impact of Trump administration policies on tourism." New York city is forecasting 300,000 fewer visitors compared to 2016. Here's another fact...
"The Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau told the Philadelphia Inquirer this week that it had lost out on an international meeting with 3,000 attendees that decided to go to Canada or Mexico instead."
According to Statistics & Facts...
"The travel and tourism industry is one of the largest industries in the United States, making a total contribution of 1.47 trillion U.S. dollars to GDP in 2014."
Here's more...
"A Jan. 30 op-ed piece in the Toronto Star newspaper encouraged Canadians to "boycott vacations to the U.S." until Trump is no longer president."
With problems like this, the tourism industry could bring the country's economy to a screeching halt. The AP also reported that, "Last year, the U.S. Commerce Department predicted a record 78.6 million international visitors would come to the U.S. in 2017. That forecast is usually updated in May." CNN is saying there are...
"...people influential with the most powerful man in the world are publicly raising concerns that there is a cabal of entrenched bureaucrats hidden in the bowels of the nation's government who are intent on his political demise."
Sean Spicer said...
"I think that there's no question when you have eight years of one party in office, there are people who stay in government and continue to espouse the agenda of the previous administration. So I don't think it should come as any surprise there are people that burrowed into government during eight years of the last administration and may have believed in that agenda and may continue to seek it. I don't think that should come as a surprise."
Spicer dismissed the idea that the CIA is working to identify those people and remove them from government.
Translated..."Made in"
But one of Donald John's biggest problems could be our southern neighbor, since a primary campaignThe Huff Post says...
promise was to build the wall between the U.S. and Mexico...and make them pay for it.
"US President Donald Trump, who has relentlessly intimidated and humiliated Mexico since before he was sworn in, evidently enjoys playing the ogre. He has repeatedly demanded that Mexico treat the US “fairly and with respect” while blaming it for “taking advantage” of its northern neighbour."
It's actually the other way around because "President James Polk invaded Mexico in 1846 and stole 55% of its land, including Texas and California." There's more that makes Donald Trump look like a dimwit...
"As recently as July 2015, the US government was praising Mexico as a “critically important” partner in America’s well-being; 14 years prior, George W Bush acknowledged that the US has “no more important relationship in the world” than the one it has with Mexico."
If the Trump administration and its "Trumpism" isn't the biggest scam since Bernie Madoff, then the total White House staff should go to Hollywood. What was that other politically historical play that was one of the biggest hits ever on Broadway. Maybe Donald Trump is another "Hamilton." could never put music to this man. Wait though, maybe Kellyanne Conway could fill in.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...