The two of them were sitting in the White House Situation Room located in the basement of the West Wing. President Donald Trump and national security adviser Michael Flynn, sitting across the table from each other, just staring.
Donald John: What the hell are we doing here, Mike?
Flynn: Your greatness, I've heard so much about this place, I just had to see it.
Donald John: Jesus Christ, you pulled me out of my Oval Office just for that. I was busy talking to the White House designer about a new gold inlaid rug to replace that thing with a design on it.
Flynn: But that's your official seal of President of the United States.
Donald John: Mike, don't need that. I know I'm the most powerful person in the world now. What the hell's wrong with you, everyone knows that.
Flynn: Okay, then why don't we talk about starting a war while we're here. You already put sanctions on Iran for doing those nuclear tests. Let me take a few good men, sneak into the country, and bomb a Tehran night club. Then I can go right over to the Tehran News, take credit for it in the name of the United State and, bingo, we've got a war.
Donald John: Sounds good to me but, Mike, how do you plan to get out of Iran then?
Flynn: Your illustriousness, you will then wage the global war I have always dreamed of and rescue me.
Donald John: You just might work.