Showing posts with label Teeslanger no mask Store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teeslanger no mask Store. Show all posts

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Wild West Trump lovin' store owner pulls gun on customer over mask

I live in Cave Creek, Arizona where the cowboys, and non-cowboys as well, pack heat. We're a suburb of Phoenix where you'll find hundreds of gun packin' citizens walking the streets, some of which with absolutely no training for the weapon they can carry wherever they go. Even bars. And, Arizona is ranked at the top when it comes to road rage shooting, Phoenix itself 7th in the nation. Although there is a connection, guns are not the real subject of this post.

There is a store in Cave Creek by the name of Teeslanger, just up the road from where I live. I have no idea what the name Teeslanger means and that really isn't important in the meaning of this post. It is about the store's owner, Scott Cerkoney, who pulled a gun on a customer just because he was wearing a mask for protection, when in fact masks are required in Maricopa County where the store is located. Here's the account from The Foothills Focus...

"Upon entry, the man said Teeslanger’s owner, Scott Cerkoney, told him to leave. Cerkoney got in the face of the victim, who did the same to the shop owner. The man said Cerkoney then pulled a gun on him, demanding he leave, as confirmed by statements from witnesses and in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office report."

This is one of Cerkoney's unbelievable statements: "You need to leave my store right now, I do not allow people to wear masks." This moron doesn't allow people to wear the protective piece that is proven to save lives in the COVID-19 pandemic, recommended strongly by the CDC, and required by a mandate from Maricopa County. There is a sign at the store entrance, forbidding masks and that declares, “This virus was a weapon used by the Democrats to steal an election!”

"MCSO alerted Maricopa County Public Health and the Arizona Department of Health Services regarding Teeslanger's no mask policy." However, Arizona's governor, Doug "Dufus" Ducey, has repeatedly ignored the complaints against store owners like Cerkony, which is one reason the state is ranked highest in the world for its coronavirus chaos. It another reason the virus has produced 4,944 new cases today, 152 deaths.

Confirmation from county officials...

Teeslanger’s no-mask policy is a “direct violation of the Maricopa County face-covering ordinance,” said Will Humble, the Arizona Public Health Association’s executive director. He is the former Arizona Department of Health director.

Humble further: he described the county’s mitigation measures as “paper tiger ordinances,” explaining how many businesses defy executive orders and mask mandates without enforcement or repercussions. Thanks again to Trump's clone, Doug Ducey, who has chosen to lead Arizona in the same direction as the White House maniac did the nation. And that is why the U.S. has 23,805,620 cases as of today and 397,284 deaths.

Following the same line, Arizona has 649,040 cases, 10,855 deaths. Humble has another comment about people like Cerkony and top officials of Arizona...

“Lots of people out there like that, and he’s getting away with it,” Humble said about Cerkoney. The store owner “will continue to get away with it because there’s no enforcement in the state by design, by the governor, Dr. (Cara) Christ—and you can print that,” Humble added.

Here's more...

Teeslanger is located in Prickly Pear Plaza and sells a variety of souvenirs, including politically themed T-shirts with phrases like “Take your COVID-19 and shove it…” and “Votes Don’t Matter,” as well as “MAGA” merchandise. Outside of the store is a replica of President-elect Joe Biden’s head on a pole that guests can punch.

There's much more to read about this anti-masking lunatic in The Foothills Focus. And I'll let you know when they put this double-digit gun nut and anti-masker away.


  Sure you do...   The latest headlines... A GOP lawmaker wants to repeal AZ’s ban on machine guns, pipe bombs and more... Read more 'Un...