Youth vote deserted Bernie...

At least we know they weren't at the polls for Super Tuesday, so Joe Biden made a sweep of 9 of the 14 states. The Bern took Utah, Vermont, Colorado and the big delegate state, California. Apparently the loss of those states Bernie expected to win, like Texas, hasn't slowed down the Vermont Senator. USA Today says...
The common theme in all those [Joe Biden wins, Texas, No. Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Tenn., Arkansas, Okla., Minn., Mass., with Maine leading Biden] states: "Sanders fared worse this year than he did when he faced eventual nominee Hillary Clinton four years ago."But this didn't dampen Bernie Sanders enthusiasm for the nomination professing that he is still headed for success in November...
"We are going to defeat Trump because we are putting together an unprecedented grass-roots, multi-generational, multi-racial movement."
Mixed race, multi-generational family |
"And I think Bernie Sanders is well equipped to stand by his ideals and his policies that he’s been standing by during his long and very consistent career in politics," Schutte said as he stood in line for a Sanders rally in Richmond Thursday.Howard Dean, former DNC Chair, puzzled by lack of youth vote on Super Tuesday...
Not that Joe Biden doesn't stand on his record; in fact most of what we hear from him is what he did in the Obama administration as Vice President. CNN reports that Biden's campaign was staggering until his win in the So. Carolina Primary, brought about by the black vote which translated into his southern states win in the Super Tuesday Primary. Of course Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg dropping out of the race and both endorsing Biden certainly didn't hurt.
The Washington Post says, "All of a sudden, Sanders’s 2020 looks a lot like his 2016," which in my mind was a primary with Hillary Clinton that was hijacked by then DNC head, but now disgraced Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Many think Bernie could have beat Donald Trump then, and we wouldn't have been exposed to the Oval Office lunatics corruption for four years. The general consensus today is that Joe Biden is best fitted to win in November.
Here's the scenario from the WP with two approaches...
"In one narrative, Sanders picked up where he left off four years ago, coming into the 2020 contest retaining the core base of support he had built in that nomination fight. He rolled up three wins in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada — better than he did in 2016 — and seemed for a while to be in contention in South Carolina, a state he lost by 50 points then."The assessment is after the California count, the Bern will "likely to be at or near the top of the delegate count."
Bernie Sander talks about Super Tuesday results and his "unique" campaign...
The second...
"Sanders’s presidential campaign starts with a tie in Iowa and an easy New Hampshire win — just as happened in 2016. He won the Nevada caucuses in which he came short four years ago but lost South Carolina by a similar margin. On Super Tuesday, his primary competitor, former vice president Joe Biden, ran the table in the South, winning a straight line of states from Texas to Virginia. He also picked up states that seemed within Sanders’s grasp, including Minnesota and Massachusetts."Here is a list of upcoming Democratic primaries following Super Tuesday. As you can see there are several with sizeable number of delegates: Michigan, 125; Florida, 219; Illinois, 155; Ohio, 136; Georgia, 105; New York, 224; Pennsylvania, 153; and New Jersey, 107. We'll keep you posted on these in the future, but in the meantime Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden will be going head-to-head to get ready for Florida on March 17.