Showing posts with label Cliven Bundy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cliven Bundy. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Oregon militia standoff is unconstitutional

Bubba at the standoff
They're screaming their constitutional rights by taking over and holding a federal U.S. building which is against the law, as far as I know. But common sense doesn't work with these gun nuts; they only understand what they want and don't care how they go about getting it. Cliven Bundy is another example of this kind of dimwit approach, with his 2014 Nevada deadlock, and his son, Ammon Bundy is leading the latest skirmish. The senior Bundy still owes the federal government more than $1 million.

If I owed the Gov one dollar they would slap a lien on my home in minutes. Why aren't the Feds doing this to Bundy? MSNBC reports, "Ammon Bundy told the 'TODAY' show on Monday that his group has no intention of committing violence unless the government intervenes. But at the same time, he refuses to rule out violence if the building is raided."
“The only violence that, if it comes our way, will be because government is wanting their building back,” Ammon Bundy told Natalie Morales. “We’re putting nobody in harm’s way. We are not threatening anybody. We’re 30 miles out of the closest town.”
"Wanting their building back;" of course the government wants their building back. After all they need it to conduct business for the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. So these lamebrains are setting the Gov up to do their job by removing them, saying the resulting violence will be their fault. “We’re putting nobody in harm’s way. We are not threatening anybody. We’re 30 miles out of the closest town.” What kind of stupid reasoning is this? Oh, forgot, we're dealing with gun nuts.

President Obama should send in his best SWAT team and if these double-digit IQs with a "...morbid interest in firearms out of a belief that they provide protection, security and freedom while appearing scary to the uninitiated," (Urban Dictionary) resist, then well, shoot em.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Salon has made it perfectly clear how the U.S. Government mucked up the Cliven Bundy standoff by sticking their tails between their legs and simply retreating like cowards. Rick Perlstein said, "What should be judged a watershed in American history instead became a story about one man’s racist rants." He goes on to talk about how Bundy inspired Jared and Amanda Miller's killings in Nevada and then two more shootings in California. Perlstein concludes, as do most gun control advocates, that gun deaths have become a lifestyle in America, tragically, an accepted one. Apathy over the loss of your favorite college football team is one thing. Apathy over your neighbor's child's death from a gunshot wound is something else entirely.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Cliven Bundy protesters
Jerad and Amanda Miller supported Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher that for years refused to pay federal grazing fees for his cattle and attracted the bowels of the militia-minded misfits to help him protect his ranch. Jered likened Bundy's situation to another Waco and vowed he would do something on Facebook. The Millers were actually asked to leave the ranch because they were felons. Jered on Facebook said he liked the NRA, the 2nd Amendment, The Patriot Party, Rand and Ron Paul, Freedom Works and many more in the radical conservative movement. His wife on Facebook liked the videos, "Shooting Cops," "Citizens Can Shoot Police," and "When Is It Okay To Shoot a Cop." The kind of family you'd like to move in next door to you. Not sure what the profile of those that came to Bundy's ranch to protest but the picture attach
ed might give you an idea.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...