Showing posts with label Artificial Intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Artificial Intelligence. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2018

AI is scary but fun

HAL of Space Odyssey
I worked with AI, Artificial Intelligence, for several years in the junk mail business when I was creating computer models that would determine just where to find a catalog company's best and most profitable customers. Yes, it's been around for several years but wasn't really known outside that limited community of analysts and statisticians until recently. It worked. I purchased a computer program, all-told cost me $25,000, that literally did all my thinking in relation to telling my clients where to mail their catalogs. Output was very expensive, which limited those able to pay the price.

I tell you this to illustrate the fact that you can program a machine (most computers) to think like a human, draw conclusions and make valid predictions. In the same vein, it is possible for these same machines to perform normal household tasks, including what is in the Google AI article, making a call that sounds like a human being. Robots replaced human beings long ago on auto assembly lines, as well as other automated businesses. Remember HAL from Space Odyssey? Started out a team player but turns on his makers and controllers. This was 2001. We're way beyond this today.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Stephen Hawking: Could Artificial Intelligence destroy civilization?

Man connects with Artificial Intelligence
This concept goes back to the play, R.U.R. by Karel Čapek in 1921, about robots sickened by human behavior, deciding to kill all that are on earth. And then there was Demon Seed where too much power is ceded to AI and robots begin to impregnate human beings for half-breeds. I worked closely with AI when in the junk mail industry and found the potential scary. And now physicist Stephen Hawking has warned that artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to destroy civilization, with other experts saying there is a 50 percent chance that AI will be able to perform all human tasks better than humans in 45 years. And Ray Kurzweil, chief engineer for Google and famous futurist, says, although risky, it could be very good for mankind. Think I am way too old to worry.

In R.U.R. Robots take over and kill all humans...

In Demon Seed, robots with new found power impregnate human beings...

Stephen Hawking says AT could doom mankind...

Other experts say AI will do all our work for us...

But wait, Google's Ray Kurzweil says it won't be so bad...

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...