Some in the four border-states with Mexico may not like it but Latinos are encouraged by the fact that President Obama plans to concentrate on law-breaking undocumented immigrants for deportation. But also because he has now proposed that those illegal immigrants closely related to U.S. citizens do not have to leave the country to attempt to get their legal status. This would reduce time measurably in the actual separation of family members.
Critics cry that it is just another way for the Obama administration to weaken the immigration laws. Others think it is simply election-year grandstanding for the Hispanic vote. As an example of the current situation, if you are an illegal immigrant married to a U.S. citizen, you must return to your country of origin first. But what many haven’t taken into consideration is the record number of illegal immigrants Obama has deported, much higher than former Presidents.
The Pew Research Center has some interesting facts about the length of residency of unauthorized immigrants. Almost 10.2 million unauthorized adult immigrants in the United States have lived in this country for at least 10 years and nearly half are parents of minor children. Pew Hispanic found that 35 percent of this group has been in the U.S. for 15+ years; 28 percent 10 to 14 years; 22 percent 5 to 9 years; and just 15 percent less than 5 years.
They are younger than their legal counterparts; average age of 36.2 years for illegals and 46.1 for those legal. U.S. native adults are 46.5. The U.S. Hispanic population is 50,477,594 living in 14,110,760 households, according to the Census Bureau. Their median income is $44,404 with a high income average of $217,851. Over 6 million of the U.S. Hispanic population is making over $50,000 annually, almost 2 million $100,000+.
There was an interesting article on CNN, “Want jobs? Encourage immigration,” quoting the phrase, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses of immigrant entrepreneurs yearning to breathe free," expressing that that should be the message from Lady Liberty. The author, Amy Wilkinson, goes on to say, “Inviting immigrants in to create jobs may seem counterintuitive, but the facts are clear. Immigrant-led innovation is key to creating U.S. jobs.” She backs this up, below.
“According to statistics from Partnership for a New American Economy, 40% of Fortune 500 companies were created by immigrants or their children. Further, between 1995 and 2005, 25% of high-tech startups in the United States had at least one immigrant founder, and these companies have created more than 450,000 jobs.” Inc. magazine lists the top ten Hispanic entrepreneurs in 2010 you can see here. Wilkinson comments that while the U.S. often kicks out immigrant innovators, other countries welcome them.