Showing posts with label Colin Powell death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colin Powell death. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

COLIN POWELL: What Kind of President Would He Have Made?


Abundantly better than the former White house maniac who belittled Colin Powell as the rest of the country praised the former general and diplomat...
Trump criticized Powell's record on the Iraq War and derided the news media for treating the former secretary of state "so beautifully" after his death.

Then T-rump went on to say,  "Hope that happens to me someday." Now, I won't come right out and say it but the innuendo is there. However, this post is about Colin Powell and what kind of President he would have made. The former Secretary of State could have been the first black president, but if I recall correctly, his wife was not really encouraging her husband to run, perhaps even the opposite. Thinking she just didn't want Powell to indulge in today's politics?

Watch Rachel Maddow's accolades for Colin Powell...

The Secretary was first approa
ched by William J. Bennett, former Sec. of Education in 1994 for the 1996 election. Considering the Democrat who ran, and won in a landslide, Bill Clinton, it was probably a good decision by Powell. It was Clinton's time and he made the most of his eight years. He was running against Bob Dole and Jack Kemp, but, notably, Ross Perot, running on the Reform Party ticket,

garnered 8.4% of the ticket.

But it was the General's attention to detail that he had used for years in the army and the diplomatic corps that told him that it wasn't his time for the White House. This is how Powell saw it at the time...

If there was a clear major foreign policy question or domestic crisis that he thought he had a solution for, Powell told one friend, he would feel an obligation to run. Those Republicans and others who urged him to run argued that he would be a healer for the nation. But he was not able to define fully what needed healing, and felt he was miles away from having a clear remedy, particularly to the narrow legislative questions of the day.

Powell felt the Republicans were desperate and wanted his popularity to dig them out of a hole. He was right and the hole just got deeper with Clinton's sizable win. In a recent telephone conversation with Bob Woodward, he told him, “I’ve got multiple myeloma cancer, and I’ve got Parkinson’s disease. But otherwise I’m fine,” he said in a July interview. He added...

“Don’t feel sorry for me, for God’s sakes! I’m [84] years old,” said Powell, who died Monday. “I haven’t lost a day of life fighting these two diseases. I’m in good shape.”

Of course he wasn't fine and he wasn't in good shape but this just shows the fighter this great man was. Didn't answer the headline question specifically but believe most true Americans have their own answer.

RIP Colin Powell...

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