Showing posts with label Joe Biden administration accomplishments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden administration accomplishments. Show all posts

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Joe Biden's Approval Rating Is A Sham


A sham is something that is not what it purports to be; a spurious imitation; fraud or hoax, according to In other words, you have to look deeper to find out just what is going on here. In January of this year U.S. News published the post, "Why Is Joe Biden So Unpopular? Here's a quote from the piece...
"If there were an avatar to accompany the [Joe Biden] PR campaign, it would be an image of the baffled president, lifting America up by its collective lapels and screaming, 'What is wrong with you people? Why don't you LIKE ME!?'"

So, my question is, 'What is wrong with you people? Why don't you like Joe Biden?' And I don't really include Republicans in this question, although there must be some who are on his side but won't admit it. I'm talking about those who should like him, like some Democrats and Independents. Biden supports the left's agenda and has only been hampered by Republicans like Moscow Mitch and Kevin McCarthy and Democrats like Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema.

So what's the problem? Newsweek has this to say...

"While the Democrats performed strongly in last week's midterm elections, recent polling shows that President Joe Biden still remains unpopular with the American public.

Following the vote, a Big Village survey, conducted on November 9th and 10th, gave the president a net approval rating of minus 10.5.

So how, then, do you explain this conclusive record from U.S. News?...
"The frustration is understandable. On paper, the Biden administration has racked up some impressive achievements: more than 6 million new jobs were created, a single-year record. Unemployment dropped from 6.2% to 3.9%, another single-year first. Childhood poverty and hunger are down while average wages went up. Biden has the first majority non-white Cabinet in history and presides over the most diverse administration in history. He passed a massive COVID-19 relief bill and an expansive infrastructure package many previous presidents tried and failed to achieve."

Biden touts accomplishments at Cabinet meeting...

I know the people have spoken but, in this case, could the American public be way off base? Is there some kind of unknown grudge against Biden? I mean, the President and First Lady Jill Biden are very nice people. So what the hell is the problem? Robert Reich says in The Guardian...

"America is overflowing with good news. Unemployment is down, wages are up, consumer confidence is rebounding, and consumers are spending more (retail sales jumped 1.7% in October, the third monthly increase). Covid seems to be in retreat, at least among those who have been vaccinated. And two big parts of Biden’s legislative agenda – last spring’s $1.9tn American Rescue Plan, and his recent $1.2tn infrastructure plan – have been enacted."

The above article published on Nov. 18, 2021, goes on to talk about the upcoming midterm elections with Reich asking the question, "what’s not to be happy about?" Apparently plenty since Biden's approval at the time was 12 points lower than when he took office, then at 41%. It should be noted here that this is around where Trump’s was for most of his presidency. Current thinking in this Nov. 2021 time period...

Most registered voters say that if the midterm elections were today, they’d support the Republican candidate. Even Trump beats Biden in hypothetical matchups. More than 60% of Americans say the Democrats are out of touch with the concerns of most Americans. And Republican congressional candidates now hold their largest lead in midterm election vote preferences dating back 40 years.

Well, all this proved to be bullshit when the Republican red wave circled for a while and then went down the drain. The Democrats retained control of the Senate, added several governors wins and if the GOP does win the House, it will be on a razor-thin margin.

So, I ask once more, 'What is wrong with you people? Why don't you like Joe Biden?' The American public should think hard about this and if you don't come to a positive conclusion on Biden, you just aren't listening.



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