Showing posts with label Trade War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trade War. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Donald Trump meltdown imminent

August 15, 2019: NEWS BYTES ON PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk

Four stories this morning that indicate that Donald Trump's bubble is about to burst.
The Donald Trump meltdown is here

The first is the "massive, nonsensical tweetstorm" he let out after his prior booster Fox News reported his disapproval numbers tanked and "are almost the worst they’ve ever been." Further...
"his China trade war is destroying markets worldwide. The DOW dropped 800 points Wednesday, and DOW futures are swinging “wildly.” Reports from inside the White House say aides are terrified that the economic numbers will be the end of his presidency."
In the second story, Nancy LeTourneau in the Washington Monthly said, with his presidency at risk, Trump would go to war with the world to keep it...
"We should know by now that there is no bottom to the depths Trump will go in a battle like this. To lose means obliteration, so he’ll pull out every ugly trick he can concoct. Given his positional power, that could be dangerous, so buckle up for a very bumpy ride with an overgrown toddler, who also happens to occupy the Oval Office."
And based on T-rump's approval ratings, Matt Rogers demonstrated what their findings would mean in the electoral college: If the election were held today, Democrats 419, Republicans 119. Abysmal! But, then, the election is more than a year away and a lot can happen before then, like a Democratic Party that can't get its act together and come up with the ultimate strategy to beat the GOP in 2020. Right now with some 20 candidates in play, the optimism is guarded.

MSNBC evaluates past Trump tweets...

And in the third story, AlterNet points out that, "Trump’s promise of an economic boom is proving to be a failure." To back that up...

"The GOP’s 2017 tax cut bill appears to have been a dud. The trade war with China is spooking investors. There’s little sign that the administration’s deregulatory fever is doing anything other than allowing businesses to screw consumers over and pollute more. And on top of all that, economists are increasingly worried that we may be on the brink of recession. And on Wednesday, the stock markets closed with the Dow Jones Industrial Average having dropped 800 points."
So, what does the Oval Office lunatic do, he blames Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, who recently raised the interest rate for an unknown reason since there were no signs of inflation. Janet Yellen had everything under control, but Trump had to have his own man. And now the Dow is taking a nosedive and the trade war with China threatens to have more repercussions around the world. It is so tragic this country must suffer from such an incompetent moron.

Donald Trump tax cut fails...

Then finally the opinion of Alex Henderson that Donald Trump's presidency will "end in disgrace. Trump will eventually be abandoned by his biggest fans." Trump's tenure in the White House is already a disgrace and it is just unbelievable that his supporters can't see this. It would indicate to me that my past assessment of their double-digit IQs is right on. Here's the parting shot by The Week, journalist Windsor Mann ...
“It’s too soon to say when Donald Trump’s presidency will end, but it’s not too soon to say how it will end. It will end in disgrace. And when it does, Trump’s defenders will turn on him.”
It can't happen too soon for this country and the world. 

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...