Showing posts with label Trump lies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump lies. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

TRUMP LATEST: Everyone but supporters think he is losing it

I have blogged on Donald Trump losing it in the past and these headlines seem to persist in the media, but the Oval Office lunatic still charges ahead. Blindly and stupidly, but still on the move.

Evidence of the frailty of Trump's reasoning...

My thoughts were to forge on with coverage that pushes T-rump to the edge, joining others out there doing the same, which has happened, but to no avail yet. Not sure what the prop is that keeps him going, but my best guess is that when you're the kind of idiot that doesn't realize the damage he is doing to his country, then you are beyond the normal breaking point and could skate along forever, Which is simply not acceptable.

Here is Alex Henderson's take in AlterNet: "The more journalists report that Trump is losing it, the more he loses it." Yeah, that's true, he loses it constantly, but somehow seems to get it back. At least enough to survive, which is what Trump is all about. Say and do those bizarre things on a daily basis, throw the USA into more chaos by the hour, but with his double-digit supporters as his cornerstone, he proceeds in numbing bliss.

Many mental health experts spoke out on Donald Trump mental instability two years ago...

Bess Levin in Vanity Fair says he is beginning to lose it over reports that he is losing it. Levin continues...
“Donald Trump has never been the picture of mental stability, but over the last few weeks, he’s appeared to crank up the crazy from about a 45 to a 337. From seemingly proposing intravenous Lysol as a coronavirus cure to claiming the United States is close to testing 5 million people a day for COVID-19 — a number so completely absurd that he might as well have said we’ll soon be running 8 billion tests a day — to reportedly threatening to sue his campaign manager over a dimming 2020 outlook, the president has well and truly lost whatever remaining shred of sanity he once had on reserve.”
These are all interesting observations, any one of which might have pushed the button to oblivious disconnection, but haven't. Are we doomed to suffer the wrath of the White House maniac through another four years of misery and ineptitude? If so, there are several of us who might want to leave this planet. Yes, I said the entire planet, because there is nowhere on this one to get away from this moron and it is necessary to go as far as possible.

You have to read Henderson's AlterNet piece so you can see two of Trump's most comical tweets re. media people and his campaign manager. And in another AlterNet article written by Nancy LeTourneau from the Washington Monthly, she reports: "The signs show Trump is growing increasingly disconnected from reality." But where is the break? Now, don't get me wrong, in most cases you don't want to see anyone have mental problems, but???...

CNN fact-checks Donald Trump's recent town hall for more lies...

LeTourneau's observation here focuses on Trump's lying, something which no other American president has ever been guilty of in the history of this country, and something which will become his legacy...
"Almost three and a half years into Trump’s presidency, it has become almost blasé to talk about his ubiquitous lies. According to the fact-checkers at the Washington Post, as of April 3rd, he has told 18,000 in 1,170 days, for an average of more than 15 per day. What is even more disturbing: He’s getting worse."
This is the guy who is supposed to be running this country, which, of course, he is not, lying to the American public fifteen times every day. Yet, there is still that demented crowd of followers out there who continue to worship at his feet. Her piece also a must read for the video she includes (scroll down) that illustrates how this schizoid can sit there with a sincere straight face and talk about the great way he has handled the coronavirus pandemic.

LeTourneau does a more recent count on the lies, five in less than two minutes. and lists them one-by-one. So we have someone at the helm of this country who is in a constant state of oblivion, probably not prone to fully go over the edge because there is absolutely no connection there with reality. Here's a quote on reality from Douglas H. Everett...
"There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other."
Enough said. 


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