Monday, November 5, 2018

Kathy Griffin the best! Leaves Phoenix in stitches

My wife and I attended Kathy Griffin's performance here in Phoenix last night and it was non-stop laughing for over three hours. Yes, this amazing woman knocked off one hilarious joke after another with subjects ranging from Kim Kardashian to Donald Trump, with Donald getting the most attention. You might think the Donald Trump severed head incident would have at least slowed her down but after some very insightful time following a couple of pity parties, she basically said 'screw it' and hit the road with her new world tour. Guess what is the center of her three-hour act...the Donald Trump severed head incident.

She railed on Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a while and pretty much confirmed that she is the biggest liar in the world alongside her boss, Donald Trump. There were several quips on the Kardashian's and a lot of Hollywood gossip that only and insider like Griffin could know. But the main thrust of it all was how Kathy Griffin has been ostracized from tinsel town. Fired from the CNN New Year's Eve show and 25 performances of a scheduled tour were cancelled. Her current trek around the country was organized by her close friend and contrary to the comment from a show business big wig that she would never draw a crowd again over 500, there were over 1,800 at the Phoenix Symphony Hall.

Kathy told of how the Justice Department tried coercing to allow them to photograph her in a jail jumpsuit in handcuffs being led off to jail, to which she responded, "No fuckin' way." It took two months for her attorney to negotiate out of that; as it turned out, she had committed no crime, thus, no charges. By the way, my wife isn't fond of the "F" word, but she laughed at its use repeatedly during the show. It seems to not only fit Kathy Griffin's humor but actually compliment it. Wherever you are in the country, if this class-act comedienne comes to town, don't miss her!

2018: Most important U.S. election ever


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Who wins 2018 U.S. Mid-terms?: OPINION

Donald Trump's sending of troops to the U.S. Mexico border could cost taxpayers $200 million by the end of this year, and barring any violence, what exactly will they do? it is obvious this move is entirely for the purpose of cementing a Republican base that has put immigration as the number one issue in this election. But there is definite hope in the turning of two GOP seats in the Senate, necessary for a Dem majority. First, the early youth vote in Texas for Beto O'Rourke running against Ted Cruz. Second, Kyrsten Sinema is running ahead of Martha McSally in Arizona for retiring Jeff Flake's seat. Although the House appears to be turning to the left, Democrats must hold on to all current seats.

There isn't much time left for decision making but if you are wondering sitting there on the fence, just think of the last two years under Donald Trump and Google "Donald Trump stupidity." You will get over 5-million  sites, most of which represent a huge embarrassment to this country. In them are some of the most bizarre antics for even the lowest form of individual, must less the President of the United States. Then go vote!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Who wins 2018 U.S. Mid-terms?: OPINION

After looking at today's news, I thought the above cartoon featuring the Oval Office Oaf was quite appropriate to represent the state of our country just before mid-term elections. 

There was another shooting today, and I emphasize "another" because there have been so many lately you are certainly aware of the gun violence, unless you're living under a rock. And then there are over 5,000 immigrants seeking entry to the U.S. through Mexico and the Trump administration's comment was "We won't shoot them." Not that they should be admitted en masse, but the pursuit of some diplomacy with their home countries is definitely in order. 

Democrats in Georgia are convinced that Republicans are attempting to rig the upcoming election by suppressing voters, and they are probably right, given the history around the country on this. North Korea is threatening to resume nuclear development over Trump's sanctions on that country and the "unvaccinated epidemic" continues in South Carolina with an outbreak of measles. I wonder how many of these irresponsible "vaxers" would take this stand if it were not for the arrogance of the Donald Trump administration? 

In other words, we need control and a Democratic Congress would solve that problem. GO VOTE, next Tuesday and I do care who you vote for, but that is not important. But if you don't vote, you have lost your voice in what is perhaps the most important election with which this country has ever been confronted.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Who wins 2018 U.S. Mid-terms?: GOP Congress will always be anti-Obamacare

The idea of Republicans fighting insurance companies on behalf of consumers is pure BULLSHIT! If by chance the GOP should retain a majority in Congress, which I truly believe will not happen, Obamacare and all its great benefits could be history. Progressives and Democrats MUST VOTE next Tuesday, November 6!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Who wins 2018 U.S. Mid-terms?: LISTEN to Tom Steyer

Tom Steyer's meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina, was attended by people of all ages, which tends to represent the spectrum of those voters out there who detest Donald Trump and want his governing controlled by a Democratic Congress. Steyer has been supporting impeachment for months, and has now joined the movement to win back Congress...both Houses. You should read this article because it brings together all of the elements of why Donald Trump must be beaten by curbing his power in the Oval Office.

Wednesday - 2/5/25: NO TIME FOR NEWS???

Sure you do...   The latest headlines... Ignoring accepted medical guidance, Texas governor tells agency heads to recognize only 2 genders.....