Ron DeSantis has been flaunting his success with the Covid-19 pandemic for months, noting how his methods defy the science of the virus, telling Floridians how lucky they are to be free of the federal regulations. Well, all you pathetic sunshine souls, it isn't working and it never has. I have been posting on this overrated lunatic for some time and can thank this moron for an increased readership due entirely to the fact they portray DeSantis as the imbecile he is.
As an example, here's a post from Aug. 16, 2021, he shares with another idiot, Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, that garnered 486 readers, "Republican killing machines: Gov. Ron DeSantis/Gov. Greg Abbott."
Who should know more about addressing the coronavirus than the scientific community, which all Republicans seem to disregard with disdain: "More than 800 Florida physicians implore Gov. DeSantis to allow local school mask mandates."
And during the same month, "Ron DeSantis: Almost successful destroying Florida," brought in 516 readers, both of these numbers significant due to the concentrated focus on just one person. Maybe it was this paragraph that did it...
Here's a quote from DeSantis that now reverberates "loudly" for him in the state of Florida: "My actions will speak louder than words." Actions, let's see, his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic: 3,039,988 total coronavirus cases, 41,937 deaths. His latest daily case count, 15,402. If your state is #3 in the U.S. for total cases, #4, total deaths, looks like Ron DeSantis' actions are either piss-poor or virtually non-existent.
A year ago, Ron DeSantis booed for lying...
Moving into September of 2021, "Watch Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis caught in a lie," saw 539 readers, obviously interested in the fact that DeSantis has a knack for lying like his buddy, Donald Trump. Watch the video for the lie. And here is the one that tells it all, in November of 2021, "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis a "Fraud" and a "Phony," produced a whopping 837 readers, which accounts for the fact that there is high interest in the corruption of Ron DeSantis. Here's an excerpt...
This, (referring to the headline) according to the Orlando Sentinel while the Miami Herald reports this loser is descending into 'anti-vax Crazyville.' Any way you want to look at it, the state of Florida under Gov. Ron DeSantis has had 3,695,945 COVID-19 cases resulting in 59,497 deaths. Here's what the Orlando Sentinel's editorial board had to say...There's more...
"Between the start of July and the end of October, about 21,000 people died of COVID in Florida, according to Johns Hopkins University data. Those four deadly, tragic months accounted for one in every three of the total COVID deaths—nearly 60,000 victims — since the pandemic began 20 months ago," the board wrote.
Throughout all my posts, and the extensive national press coverage of what was going on in Florida, DeSantis maintained his superiority in controlling coronavirus. And the people of his state, and many other dull-witted Republicans across the country, believed it. But then recently, Omicron cases rose 948% in Florida in just two weeks, and during the surge, DeSantis was nowhere to be heard from or seen as his state literally went down the pandemic tube.
I should mention here that Florida newspapers have chastised the governor regularly like The Florida Times-Union, "Omicron surge: Florida moves up on Top 10 list of states where COVID-19 is spreading the fastest." There are more. But I think you get the idea. Here is a national laughingstock who says he "might" run for president in 2024, and who mirrors the lunacy of Donald Trump right down to the lying. And it is that double-digit Republican base that worries me.
"Florida mayor: DeSantis has been MIA during omicron surge""'Where is Ron DeSantis now?' Florida mayor slams governor amid new surge'