Showing posts with label Anthony Scaramucci. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anthony Scaramucci. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Let's use the 25th Amendment to remove Donald Trump

August 28, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET NEWS BYTES...Where Liberals Walk

Has Alzheimer's raised its ugly head in the White House?  

The 25th Amendment...
"allows for the removal of a president if the vice president and a majority of Cabinet secretaries agree in writing that the commander in chief is 'unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.'”
Both George Conway and Anthony Scaramucci think the 25th should be used to take down a mentally unfit Donald Trump. Scaramucci commented...
“I don't understand how elected public servants of the longest-standing Republican democracy in existing world history, a 243-year-old Republican democracy could have this sort of full-blown insanity on display and not act.”
Think what you might about Trump's former White House communications director, and George Conway, for that matter, but each is turning some very important screws into T-rump's hide that psychiatrists say could help bring about his meltdown. CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin says...
“I’m not nearly smart enough to know what is going on inside of Anthony Scaramucci’s brain, but I do know he’s not an elected official, and what will matter is when Republican elected officials who are running for re-election start criticizing the president,” said Toobin. “Because that is going to indicate that they believe the Republican Party is moving away from him.”
Donald Trump is a lunatic...

 “Jeff Flake and Bob Corker are senators who criticized the president. The only Republican running for re-election who has gone on record saying he opposes the president is Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan — and he became an independent last month. Paul Krugman regularly criticizes Donald Trump along with the Republican Party tweeting recently...
“it’s not clear whether Trump is getting any crazier. It’s just that events have stopped accommodating his madness.”
But that could end soon with the economy slipping prompting this Krugman comment...
"I mean, no recession yet, no major market plunge, just a modest slowdown (so far) — he’s disintegrating before our eyes. And the closest thing we have to a grownup on the scene is the Lego Batman guy [Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin].”
 God help us if Mnuchin is it. Krugman continues...
“Again, not clear whether Trump is any crazier than he was; maybe he’s deteriorating, but is calling Powell an enemy notably worse than the stuff about crowd sizes at his inaugural and refusing to admit he lost the popular vote?”
Trump is now being compared with Ronald Reagan and his onset of Alzheimer's that was covered up by the White House. It was MSNBC legal analyst Maya Wiley who said...
"she is no doctor, but that there are signs of the president’s decline that reminded her of how Ronald Reagan’s White House hid his Alzheimer’s from the public."
One of our family went through a parent suffering with the disease and said that Trump's actions now are very similar to her mother. Tragic, but this must be addressed immediately. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Is Donald Trump Cabinet planning a coup?

August 21, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET NEWS BYTES...Where Liberals Walk

Donald Trump's lies finally catching up with him  

LYING: The epitome of Donald Trump
Although Anthony Scaramucci doesn't name names in this particular article, he says "that some current administration officials will soon turn on Trump and work against his 2020 re-election." Scary Tony adds...
“It’s a little bit like a cycle,” Scaramucci said. “I mean, if you can get the cycle started, some people that are fear-based due to the president’s bullying or the nonsense on his Twitter feed or how he handles himself personally, they’re intimidated by him.”
It has been obvious how some have been irked at the Oval Office lunatic, like former Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson who once called Trump a "fucking moron." Scaramucci concluded with...
“What we saw over the week is the balloon is coming out of the president’s bombast,” he added. “The balloon is coming out of his rhetoric.”
 And then Scaramucci came out with, "These 6 former Trump officials are the most likely to throw him under the bus in 2020," Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Former Defense Secretary James Mattis, Former chief of staff John Kelly, Former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Additional comments...
"The president has not been shy about expressing his disdain for Tillerson ever since he left his position, and he sent out an angry tweet calling his former top diplomat 'dumb as a rock.'”
"In his resignation letter, Mattis took thinly veiled shots at the president’s notorious disdain for America’s system of international alliances."
"He [John Kelly] was caught on camera twice shoving his face into his hand when the president did something embarrassing, such as when he referred to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un as 'Rocket Man' in front of the United Nations."
Fact checking for Donald Trump lies has become a major business...

There's more you can read in the AlterNet article. And in the 'I can't believe Trump told that lie" column, he made the claim that Google threw over 2.6 million votes to Hillary Clinton. "On Monday’s edition of CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” fact-checker Daniel Dale told host Chris Cuomo that not only is President Donald Trump’s claim a lie, the professor he’s citing, Robert Epstein, has repudiated Trump’s interpretation of it."

Now, the clincher is that "Trump is in panic mode because his ability to lie to his fans may soon face its greatest test," and he may fail miserably. Here's how...
"Economic reports increasingly warn of a coming recession, likely to be exacerbated by the pointless trade war with China, which was largely launched as an ego boost for Trump. So Trump and his allies are clinging to their favorite strategy — lying their heads off — in order to convince his followers that the U.S. economy is going great."
A documentary of Donald Trump lies...

Here's more from Maggie Haberman of the New York Times...
"Trump’s main response to reports of a possibly looming recession is to go into full conspiracy-theory mode, accusing his own hand-picked chair of the Federal Reserve and the news media of conspiring against his re-election chances."
But with the American public finally getting smart about the White House maniac, "Trump’s presidency is backfiring as the public grows more and more opposed to his views." While still wildly popular among his hardcore far-right base, it's not representative of the United States on the whole. Although in agreement with T-rump's views in the past, “There’s just one catch: the public is turning against Trump’s views.” This because of at least one major factor...
a Reuters poll found that Americans “were more likely to empathize with African-Americans” — including “whites without a college degree,” who played an important role in Trump’s victory over Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Now on to 2020.

READ MORE of my posts on Donald Trump Lies

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