Showing posts with label Packing U.S. Supreme Court. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Packing U.S. Supreme Court. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mitch McConnell is a scum bag

August 30, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET NEWS BYTES...Where Liberals Walk

Senate Leader Mitch McConnell: The epitome of corruption  

uh oh...What will Donald Trump say?
Here's a monumental laugh: Mitch McConnell to Supreme Court: We won’t let Dems 'pack the court,' said, no doubt, with a straight face. This slimeball appears to be almost as out of touch with reality as Donald Trump. Mitch McConnell has done more to destroy the U.S. Congress than all of the other members combined. His mission is to block anything the left proposes, no matter the value or urgency. Election security bills and gun control legislation most recently.

Here's the scenario...
"McConnell blocked President Barack Obama from filling a vacancy left by Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, then confirmed President Donald Trump’s replacement Neil Gorsuch a year later after eliminating the filibuster for the Supreme Court nominees."
There's more...
"Last year, McConnell pushed through the controversial confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, who faced allegations of sexual assault. Kavanaugh is widely viewed as more conservative than his predecessor, Anthony Kennedy. McConnell has also said he would consider filling any vacancies ahead of the 2020 election as well, despite having blocked Obama’s pick in an election year."
Bernie Sanders Goes After Mitch McConnell on His Home Turf...

 He has been called Moscow Mitch and a Russian asset, both of which are appropriate for someone who has made sure the 2020 election is wide open to Soviet hacking due to the lack of new protection laws that he opposed. With any luck at all, McConnell will lose his seat in Kentucky. We can then wipe this most dismal of experiences clean with a Democratic majority in the Senate and be rid of perhaps the most corrupt politician that has ever come to Washington.

And to further encourage Russian meddling in the 2020 elections, McConnell has delayed filling seats on the Federal Election Commission...
"The Federal Election Commission (FEC) — intended to be a group of no more than three Democrats and no more than three Republicans overseeing the federal campaign finance system — has been operating with just a bare quorum of four for the past 18 months. With the resignation of Vice Chairman Matthew Petersen, at the end of the week, the commission will be virtually paralyzed."
The FEC has two important functions that are sorely needed, especially with Donald Trump in the White House: auditing campaign filings, and investigating corruption. With just three active members, it will be able to do none of that. Eleanor Clift of The Daily Beast said: "For the Sake of Our Democracy, We Must Ditch Mitch McConnell"...
What to do? All roads lead to Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, who won’t allow debate on remedies for gun violence and refuses to take up gun-control legislation passed by the House to expand background checks.
Can Amy McGrath unseat Mitch McConnell...

He was heckled recently on home turf at a church picnic in Fancy Farm, Kentucky, where he was called, "Moscow Mitch," "Murder Turtle," and "Massacre Mitch." As with Donald Trump, the more the screws are turned, the more McConnell climbs the walls. Here's an example of Mitch McConnell supporters that seem to closely mirror those of Donald Trump...
"At Team Mitch, it's been business as usual. Just hours after the El Paso shooting, the campaign tweeted a photo of a single tombstone bearing the name of McConnell’s Democratic challenger. Another tweet shows seven grinning young white men in “Team Mitch” T-shirts pawing a cardboard cutout of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez with the caption, 'break me off a piece of that.'”
This prompts repeating, " The dregs of humanity: Mitch McConnell."

You can read several of my posts on McConnell here.

Donald Trump is Satan struck

Just like with Elon Musk, who was hugely responsible for T-rump winning the 2024 election, the Oval Office lunatic is enamored with Satan be...