Showing posts with label Morgan Lowe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morgan Lowe. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Arizona Sec. of State Ken Bennett tied in with conspiracy theorist Joseph Farah

I live in Arizona where Republican lunatics run the state, supported by a lot more of their ilk that vote for them.  We have some of the stupidest laws in the country that only a demented bunch of legislators led by an even more demented governor would pass.  This includes almost every gun law in the state, anti-immigration law, SB-1070, a birther bill that at least the Gov had enough sense to veto, and a list much too long to include here.  But you get the idea.

Joseph Farah with G Gordon Liddy

It seems that Arizona Sec. of State, Ken Bennett, wasn’t happy with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio getting all the attention in demanding President Obama’s birth certificate, so he decided, prodded by the Surprise, Arizona tea party gang of (let’s see, what’s another word for lunatic, oh yes) wackos, to demand proof from Hawaii of Obama’s birth, or he would keep him off the November ballot.  I did a blog post on this back in May you can see here.

And then in a recent turn of events, local KPHO-TV investigative reporter, Morgan Lowe, ties old Kenny into a conspiracy theorist, Joseph Farah, who was the official prod of those poor souls in the Surprise TP, who promptly crawled on Kenny’s back.  Farah writes in the conservative media and is the guy who said Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh “…had ties to a Middle Eastern terrorist group and that TWA Flight 800 was brought down by missiles and that the U.S. government covered it up.”

KPHO-TV reporter Morgan Lowe
I was watching the report on KPHO with a friend who is also a staunch progressive like me and I mentioned the earlier blog post, above, and the fact that Ken Bennett had threatened to keep Barack Obama off the ballot in November.  My friend went ballistic questioning whether this idiot could actually do that.  I said yes, but felt the negative reaction, maybe even a court case, would remedy the situation.  But the impact on this voter was painfully obvious.

I explained to my friend, who is an avid voter, that this is the problem for most progressives in Arizona; they don’t get out and vote, and that is why we have fruitcakes running the state.  There is a question here of a conflict of interest since Bennett is Mitt Romney’s Arizona campaign chairman.  Morgan Lowe spoke to State Rep. Chad Campbell, a Democrat, who told him, “He is pandering to a very small fringe group of people and he's really putting their interests in front of the interests of the state of Arizona.”

Reporter Lowe sent a number of questions to Ken Bennett’s office to help clarify the Sec. of State’s positions on all these issues, which you can see in the above KPHO link.  He did not receive an answer.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...