Showing posts with label Dave Heineman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dave Heineman. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s self-serving move on President Obama’s Deferred Action Plan should alienate all Hispanics

Jan Brewer, governor of Arizona only because she supported and signed the state’s anti-immigration law SB-1070, backed by a bloc of radical conservative racist voters, has re-established the state as the most bigoted in the country.  On the day many young illegal immigrants—only because their parents brought them here illegally—were celebrating the possibility of gaining a reprieve to stay as productive citizens, the wicked witch from the Southwest stepped in to stop it.

The typical Jan Brewer
Brewer, America’s worst governor confirmed by a recent ballot, signed an executive order that attempts to thwart President Obama’s directive extending temporary work permits to more than a million undocumented immigrants.  Obama’s directive grants two-year work authorizations to undocumented youth between 15 and 30 years of age who have lived in the U.S. continuously for at least five years.  Brewer did her dirty deed simultaneously for effect.

Everyone agrees the President made the directive when he did to show Latinos that he supports them, conveniently coming prior to the November election.  But it’s a good thing made necessary by the fact that the GOP Congress defeated his Dream Act, designed to accomplish the same purpose.  But the maniac in Arizona’s governor’s office has made it her purpose in life to circumvent anything Barack Obama does on the issue of immigration, no matter how many are hurt.

The goofy Gov did it specifically for politicizing the situation, and to attempt to show an authority used so many times since she took office that has helped make the state the laughing stock of the nation.  Along with a state legislature primarily Republican and called a gang of “Kooks” by a local columnist, Arizona continues to stand out as one of the poorest—if not the poorest—run state in the nation.  Gun laws alone draw criticism from major countries around the world.

Brewer's equally inept Matt Benson talks to undocumented protesters:

What Brewer has done is put Arizona in the position of having to answer a host of lawsuits that are already being planned.  Evelyn Cruz, an Arizona State U. clinical law professor and dir. of the Immigration Law & Policy Clinic says there will no doubt be a legal challenge since Brewer’s order might conflict with federal statues.  The ACLU is already considering a lawsuit against the state if its Dept. of Motor Vehicles refuses to grant the undocumented driver’s licenses.

In the NBC article, “Cruz noted that the REAL ID Act of 2005, a federal law that modified requirements for state driver’s licenses and ID cards, specifically listed immigrants who have been granted “deferred action” as among groups of people eligible for a license.”  Further, “She said Brewer’s order conflicts with both state and federal law.”  Adding, “The state of Arizona has regularly issued licenses to people lawfully present in the U.S. even though they don’t have lawful status.”

Reported in the Arizona Daily Star, Jeff Rogers, Chair of the Pima County Democratic Party said: "Jan Brewer has once again shown that she is nothing more than George Wallace in a skirt.  What's next? Will she personally stand outside the Motor Vehicle office and block entry to qualified 'DREAMers'?"  Arizona U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva commented: "She's just being herself, hurting our economy and pulling families apart to please a small minority of the population."

Marisa Trevino in Politics in Color makes some excellent points calling Brewer beyond being mean-spirited; she “wreaks of vindictiveness” against Democrats and the Pres.  Trevino thinks it sorta seals the Hispanic vote for the Dems and Obama in November.  But what is laughable to the writer is the fact that barring these folks driver’s licenses to get them to work eliminates taxes they would pay to Arizona from their jobs, many of which are unwanted with low wages.

Undocumenteds making their point
Jeff Biggers in the Huff Post says: “By taking public action against President Obama's policy that will potentially grant work permits to over one million undocumented young people, Brewer has once again put Arizona's name on the map as the epicenter of anti-immigrant racism and hate.”  And he adds:

“Brewer and Arizona's right-wing politicos have their own issues with driver's licenses and following the law; in 1988, Brewer failed sobriety tests after a car accident in Phoenix.  Then a state senator, Brewer received immunity from arrest and prosecution.”

Finally, monkey see, monkey do.  Nebraska’s GOP governor, Dave Heineman, has decided to imitate life in Arizona by deciding to refuse the same state benefits to undocumented immigrants in that state.  How any state leader could follow the lead of the inept Gov. Jan Brewer is beyond me but, then, I suppose that places Heineman in the same category with Brewer.  I don’t know about the people of Nebraska, but I do know many Arizonans are tired of this lunacy.

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