Thursday, November 9, 2017

Takes Donald Trump only one year to tank America's worldwide stature

Note: U.S. is number 6
German magazine Der Spiegel said it best with the headline about Donald Trump's presidency, “The End of the World.” That hasn't come yet but considering recent events, it could happen any day. The vision of Trump among world leaders is, he "is a liability, not a leader." WOW! That's an evaluation of the man who is the most powerful in the world. Or, is he? Pew Research Center says Trump's leadership is questioned globally. To illustrate the problem, Pew has devised nine charts on how the world sees the Oval Office maniac. But U.S. News, in an opinion by Robert Schlesinger says the world "hates Donald Trump." And we're stuck with him for, well, we'll wait and see.

Has America finally caught on to Donald Trump's bullshit?

Ralph Northam Virginia win
The New York Times says, "Suburbs rebel against Trump," in the Virginia and New Jersey elections. Real Clear Politics shows Democrat Ralph Northam with a solid 8.9-point lead over Republican Ed Gillespie in the Virginia race for Governor. Former Trump supporters have finally turned their backs on Trump, with Northam winning big with women and younger voters in Virginia, and Democrat Phil Murphy winning over Republican Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, by 14 points. This all happened because of grass roots efforts, something Bernie Sanders perfected in the 2016 Dem Primary and has continued recently in local races. With this new momentum, the left moves closer to taking back the House in 2018.

Suburbs shun Trump in Virginia, New Jersey elections...

Democrats' strength in Virginia...

Republican Lt. Gov. loses to Democrat in New Jersey. Governor's race...

Real Clear Politics charts Northam Virginia win...

Dems surge spells trouble for GOP in 2018...

Democrats finally get back to grass roots...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

I know you don't even care about U.S. gun violence...but yesterday was appalling

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but yesterday, November 7, 13 people were killed by gun violence, 38 injured.

Stephen Hawking: Could Artificial Intelligence destroy civilization?

Man connects with Artificial Intelligence
This concept goes back to the play, R.U.R. by Karel Čapek in 1921, about robots sickened by human behavior, deciding to kill all that are on earth. And then there was Demon Seed where too much power is ceded to AI and robots begin to impregnate human beings for half-breeds. I worked closely with AI when in the junk mail industry and found the potential scary. And now physicist Stephen Hawking has warned that artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to destroy civilization, with other experts saying there is a 50 percent chance that AI will be able to perform all human tasks better than humans in 45 years. And Ray Kurzweil, chief engineer for Google and famous futurist, says, although risky, it could be very good for mankind. Think I am way too old to worry.

In R.U.R. Robots take over and kill all humans...

In Demon Seed, robots with new found power impregnate human beings...

Stephen Hawking says AT could doom mankind...

Other experts say AI will do all our work for us...

But wait, Google's Ray Kurzweil says it won't be so bad...

Republicans win by gerrymandering

Don't think so and Republican gerrymandering (manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency so as to favor one party or class) will do exactly that. The GOP is expert at this illegal tactic, snowing Dems for years. Now, a Michigan grassroots group, opposed by Republicans, is petitioning for an independent commission to redraw political maps. NBC News believes it is a disgraceful national tradition with major effects on communities of color. But, the Dems and the GOP both do it, with humans drawing the lines, which basically removes all subjectivity.

Gerrymandering is illegal...

Case making gerrymandering illegal...

Gerrymandering hurts needy most...

Both Parties gerrymander...

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Voters fancy Democrats over Republicans by 11% in 2018 midterms

The man who could change the Dems
These are the results of a recent ABC-Wash. Post poll, reporting Democratic candidates are favored at 51%, Republicans 40% in the House 2018 election. These figures compare with 2006, when the Dems won back both the House and Senate. However, FiveThirtyEight points out that even though Donald Trump lost the popular vote, he won the presidency. Here's a fact to consider...when the sitting President's rating is below 50% (Trump is 37.7 according to 538) the Party loses more than two-dozen seats in the House. Some think the Democrats have recovered from the 2016 disaster and, “There’s a storm that’s going to hit Republicans in 2018.” The question, who will lead the party?

Latest poll shows voters favor Dems 51% over Republicans 40% for House in 2018...

538 says don't forget Hillary lost in 2016, winning the popular vote substantially...

Donald Trump's low popularity rating could win the House for Democrats...

Dems are quietly fanning the grassroots to get out the 2018 vote...

Will your favorite department store close?

Remember the days when Montgomery Ward was one of the retail stores you depended on for cheap prices, along with Sears? MW retail operations went out of business long ago and their rival, Sears, appears to be having trouble. They are closing 63 Sears and Kmart stores, along with J.C. Penney 138 stores, Macy's shuttering 68 stores, Radio Shack 1,000 stores. The brick and mortar closings are a result of the American public's decision to shop online. First it was junk mail in your mailbox but all this quickly switched to online shopping with Amazon breaking out as the leader. It's only a matter of time before many of these retail locations are history...just like Montgomery Ward.

History of the fall of Macy's, JCPenney, and Sears...

These major retailers are all closing stores...

Nordstrom has also lost shoppers...

List of 2017, store closings with numbers...

Monday, November 6, 2017

Trump lies again over middle-class tax savings-Ryan has fuzzy figures

Donald Trump said "the average American family would get a $4,000 raise, which is an outright lie. Speaker Paul Ryan hedged by saying it would save his group $1,182, using median household income ($59,000) when, in fact, the more realistic figure is median family income at $73,000. And there are added caveats like the savings are only good for the first year. Ryan also says thinking of repealing Obamacare's individual mandate in the tax bill, but with the curbing of the GOP's Obamacare repeal, Dems are planning the same strategy to trash the tax bill. What is so scary is that the opaque Paul Ryan believes all the shit he spews, and Trump doesn't know any better. Pathetic!

Trump lies about tax bill, Ryan uses "trumped" up figures...

Let's stick in the repeal of Obamacare's individual mandate...

Dems planning same strategy against tax bill that killed Obamacare repeal...

Bernie Sanders would have trampled Trump in 2016

Donna Brazile would have replaced Hillary with Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders has his faults, like weak on gun control, soft on black issues, and light when it comes to women's rights. But his popularity soared in 2016, while Donald Trump struggled to maintain his position. Yet, Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the race for President. The Bern's campaign group says they now have proof that the DNC was favoring Clinton, and Donna Brazile said she seriously considered replacing Clinton with V.P. Joe Biden. Sanders says in Rolling Stone Dems should concentrate on bread and butter issues like healthcare and the economy, not Robert Mueller's investigation, but Bloomberg reports the Russia baggage will follow Republicans into 2018. In my earlier blog today, Half of America thinks Trump guilty of criminal acts, 53% convinced of broad wrongdoing in Trump Russia case, and 58% of public thinks Trump investigation is right on.

Bernie Sanders would have beat Trump in 2016...

Definitely proven the 2016 campaign was rigged against Bernie Sanders...

Donna Brazile almost replaced Hillary Clinton with Joe Biden...

Bernie Sanders not sure Robt. Mueller investigation Dems' focus for 2018...

Bloomberg says Russian baggage will follow Republicans into 2018...

Sunday, November 5, 2017

I know you don't care about gun violence... but 27 gun deaths in Texas?

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but 27 people were gunned down in a Texas church and 30 were injured.

I know you don't care about gun violence...

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but already today, Sunday, there have been two gun homicides with three injured.

American public thinks Trump lied about Russia, 40% for impeachment

Almost half of an ABC News/Washington Post poll believe Donald Trump is guilty of criminal acts during his 2016 Primary and eventual election to the White House. Only 28% think the case is limited to Manafort, Gates and Papadopoulos, 53% convinced there is 'broader wrongdoing." 58% of the public hold that the Trump investigation is the right thing. Both AG Sessions and Trump denied knowing about Russian contacts when records suggest otherwise. Former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page testifies he personally told Sessions about Russia trip.

40% of Americans support Trump impeachment...

Half of America thinks Trump guilty of criminal acts...

53% convinced of broad wrongdoing in Trump Russia case...

58% of public thinks Trump investigation is right on...

Trump/Sessions deny Russian contacts...

Carter Page testifies he personally told Sessions about Russia trip...

Saturday, November 4, 2017

I know you don't care about gun violence...

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but the rate of gun deaths went up in 2016 for the second straight year, suggesting we might have a problem???

Hllary Clinton sabotaged Bernie Sanders' 2016 Primary run, Donna Brazile says

Didn't happen
Donna Brazile says she has proof that Hillary Clinton "rigged the race against Bernie Sanders. I blogged in agreement several times in 2016, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren also acknowledges the fact. Brazile promised Sanders she'd get to the bottom of the then mystery after replacing Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Brazile talks about how Hillary compromised the party’s integrity, and "alleges that an unethical agreement was signed between Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and the DNC to keep the party financially afloat." My question is, with Elizabeth Warren so vocal now, 'Where was she in 2016 when Bernie needed her?'

Donna Brazile has proof Hillary Clinton rigged 2016 Primary...

Elizabeth Warren acknowledges Hillary Clinton guilt...

Donna Brazile goes to work at DNC uncovering scam...

Hillary Clinton compromised Democratic Party's integrity...

Donna Brazile acknowledges Hillary Clinton 2016 unethical agreement...

Friday, November 3, 2017

Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly on the hot seat

Kelly says, 'OK Sarah, let's get it right'
Apparently John Kelly missed the class on war history at the U. of Massachusetts. Kelly blamed the Civil War on “the lack of an ability to compromise, which historians deemed “dangerous” to “kind of depressing.” Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the sole black Senate Republican said, “There was no compromise to make – only a choice between continuing slavery and ending it." Kelly later espouses the Jim Crow version of the causes of the Civil War. And it didn't end there when Sarah Sanders tried to confirm it claiming certification from left, right, North and South. Kelly is also charged with lying in an Oct. 19, speech about Rep. Frederica Wilson of Fla. re. what Trump said to widow of an American soldier. Has there ever been a White House this screwed up?

John Kelly comment “dangerous” to “kind of depressing”...

The Civil War was about ending slavery...

John Kelly just can't get it right...

John Kelly lies just like his boss, Donald Trump...

GOP tax bill-Corporations take all

This Republican debacle is heavily skewed toward business receiving $1 trillion in cuts, two-thirds of the tax bill, plus a maximum of 39.6% top rate for millionaires. Yet Speaker Paul Ryan boasts the plan's intention is to make middle-class tax cuts. However, many Republicans are balking, seeing portions of the plan that would raise their constituent's taxes, not lower them. The Democrats exclaim that it is an enormous giveaway to the rich and corporations but the GOP claims the plan will unleash spectacular growth that will trickle down to everyone. Shown below is a rundown of just what is in the tax plan.

Corporations get it all...

Some Republicans see tax increases for constituents...

Paul Ryan espouses usual bullshit...

What's in the GOP Tax Plan...

Thursday, November 2, 2017

I know you don't care about gun violence...

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but 1 person was killed and 2 injured, one a 12-year-ole child at a downtown Chicago Starbucks. Another man was wounded in an earlier shooting.

Jared Kushner on Trump's Shit list

Who is "The Hair" waving goodbye to?
Ruled by most in the administration and Congress as the worst adviser ever to hit the White House, Jared Kushner may be at the end of his rope. Trump blames him for the James Comey firing. He also thinks he is responsible for Mueller's expanding probe, with the special prosecutor indicating he is ready to move into White House interviews. Sam Nunberg says Trump is f**ked, near paralyzed with fear of impeachment only exhibited to insiders, and his popularity rating is an abysmal 33 percent. Should he decide to fire Mueller, will the house of cards fall? With this Republican Congress, it's questionable.

Jared Kushner on the ropes...

Robert Mueller wants to interview White House aides...

Steve Bannon advises Trump to confront Mueller...

Sam Nunberg says Trump is f**ked...

I know you don't care about gun violence...

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but three people were killed at a Walmart store in Thornton, Colorado, which is north of Denver.

Sexual harassment completely out of control

Brett Ratner, a film producer, is the latest harasser in a long line since Roger Ailes, no doubt before. After hundreds of women have come forward for various offenders, Natasha Henstridge and five others accused Ratner. Now Dustin Hoffman apologized for hitting on an intern in 1985, and Kevin Spacey has a string of accusations by male actors, while coming out as gay. With Bill O'Reilly, well, this arrogant bastard is now blaming it all on God; that's after a recent $32 million sexual harassment settlement. And Harvey Weinstein did his best to grope the Hollywood female population. A'int show business wonderful?

Brett Ratner’s couch...

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Fighting climate change is killing the planet

At my age I remember hearing about how we were polluting the atmosphere back in my 50's; that was over thirty years ago. I believed it then and I believe it now. Scientists predicted how climate change will hurt health around the world and it's happened. It's not just here, look at the UK and China, plus over 2,100 cities globally exceeding safe levels. A temperature increase of only 1.5 degrees F threatens the health of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. As a "threat multiplier," climate change hits the most vulnerable and fuels disasters. Yet this administration refuses to acknowledge it.

Climate change around the world...

Pollution worldwide...

Disaster, disease and more...

Climate disasters and disease...

Guess who gets screwed in Trump tax and me

Neither the wealthy nor large corporations read my blog, so you know who "you and me" are. The poor working slobs that are virtually abandoned in Donald Trump and the GOP's tax plan. As an example, the Koch Bros. would realize a fortune, with the slashing of 401(k)s to pay for it. Trump wants to lower the top income tax rate to 35%, reduce the corporate tax rate from 35 to 20%, with the average American realizing about 1.2%, eventually getting worse. The top 1% would increase after-tax income by 6%, which is five times the 1.2%. Fewer than one-third of the public support the tax plan.

The absurdity of Trump tax plan...

Kiss your 401(k)s goodbye...

How Trump screws average American...

The math of how "we" lose...

The rich reap five times more than "you and me"...

Two-thirds of country don't want tax cuts...

If DOGE is illegal then Elon Musk must be illegal

The “department of government efficiency” (Doge), headed up by billionaire Elon Musk, has grabbed the governmental infrastructure by the bal...