In a state that has already experienced over 16,000 deaths from Covid-19, two of its mentally challenged, anti-vaxxing residents have decided to put together a super-spreader event this weekend to celebrate, you guessed it, even more deaths. NPR reports Ty and Charlene Bollinger, known for their position as one of the 12 people...
responsible for the bulk of the misleading claims and outright lies about COVID-19 vaccines that proliferate on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Charlene Bollinger decided, and rightfully so, that Nashville, TN would be the perfect place to hold their "freedom fighting" idiot fest. In the last few years, Tennessee has succumbed to a majority mix of conservative morons who, in 2016, pledged all eleven electoral votes to Donald Trump. This event is called, "The Truth About Cancer," a statement that couldn't be further from the truth. And get this...
The event's lineup will reflect those political views [the Jan 6, Capitol insurrection] and feature Donald Trump's son Eric and longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone.
Joe Biden talks about Anti-Vaccine Protesters ‘Threatening’ Doctors And Nurses In Tennessee
Lisa Fazio, a misinformation researcher with Vanderbilt University says, "People like us, believe these things," which sounds like, if the following is correctly understood, means they just believe in conspiracy theories...
Fazio says some people may show up to this conference for one conspiracy theory and learn about another, giving misinformation the opportunity to cross-pollinate.
It sounds to me like all these people have been cross-pollinated with the moron gene, and, as Fazio adds, "If you're part of this community, you believe the entire pot."