Showing posts with label Brad Little. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brad Little. Show all posts

Monday, September 27, 2021

IDAHO: Ground zero for latest Covid-19 stupidity...


THERE'S MORE: With overflowing morgues and ICUs in Idaho, its imbecile Gov. Brad Little threatens to sue Pres. Biden over his "plan to fine private employers with 100 or more employees that do not mandate the COVID-19 vaccine or routine testing.” Yes, let's kill more Idahoans???

UPDATE: More Idaho Covid-19 health crisis...774 hospitalized, 206 in ICU. Looks like more Idahoans getting vaccinated. READ MORE. 

Idaho currently has 249,740 cases of coronavirus, 2,753 deaths. Their total cases and deaths per 1,000 population are closely comparable to Texas and Florida, two of the worst states for Covid-19 in the country. Why? One good reason is the state has vaccinated only 41.3% of its population. Dr. Carolyn McFarlane, medical director, Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, muses over their problems...
"To handle all the patients coming in, the hospital has transformed a storage room into more treatment areas inside its emergency department."


"Now it's been rearranged as curtains with tags as room numbers, we staff it with a nurse, two if possible, but we don't always get that," said Michael Young, an emergency room nurse.

Rationale in a state that appears not to want it: Idaho ICU doctor: 'It didn't have to be this way.'

To give you an idea of the background of stupidity in the Idaho crisis, Ashley

Carvalho was a few hours into her night shift as a doctor in a Boise, Idaho, hospital earlier this month. A man in his 40s with Covid-19 was deteriorating and Carvalho was doing her best to keep the family abreast of his condition. She remembered another similar incident, a man with the virus, where she had taken abuse from the family for not treating him with ivermectin.

Ivermectin, of course, has been judged dangerous by the CDC with recommendations never to use. The confrontation continued until police had to remove the man’s family. The reason was...

the son-in-law told her, “If you don’t do this [Ivermectin], I have a lot of ways to get people to do something, and they’re all sitting in my gun safe at home.”

Not only is this doctor dealing with a medical crisis, but she also has now encountered a dangerous gun nut threatening her life. Now here's a reaction from Idaho's governor, Brad Little...

“What is absolutely certain today, may not be certain tomorrow,” said Little when asked what he has learned during his tenure throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now that's deep and, if it is what the people of Idaho want to hear, well, no wonder so few are vaccinated, and no wonder the halls of its hospital are lined with dying patients. Good God! The state obviously has no leadership. It's been said hundreds, perhaps thousands of times, but I can't resist saying it again, Little is another Killing Machine in a long line of Republican state heads. And, if the Idaho population has a death wish, just like Ebenezer Scrooge said in the Christmas Carol...
“If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

Dreadful advice, but it seems that this is what the anti-vaxxers are searching for.

Donald Trump is Satan struck

Just like with Elon Musk, who was hugely responsible for T-rump winning the 2024 election, the Oval Office lunatic is enamored with Satan be...