Showing posts with label Marion Hammer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marion Hammer. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2019

What's for Christmas mommy? An assault rifle of course honey

August 19, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET NEWS BYTES...Where Liberals Walk

NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer is crazier than ever  

I thought I had heard the most bizarre comments already from the NRA's Florida lobbyist, Marion Hammer, but she proved she is still as crazy as NRA head, Wayne LaPierre with this question...
Wayne LaPierre
“How do you tell a 10-year-old little girl who got a Ruger 10/22 with a pink stock for her birthday that her rifle is an assault weapon and she has to turn it over to government or be arrested for felony possession?”
This is beyond belief that any responsible parent would give a ten-year-old child any gun, much less an assault rifle. This walking propagandist has spread more gun violence over Florida and the rest of the country than is possible to comprehend. Here are some actual facts from Hammer...
"Florida is the number five state in terms of gun production. And Hammer pressed that gun manufacturers are a $1 billion dollar industry with more than 700 firearms manufacturing license holders. In 2016, those smaller shops and large manufacturers produced more than 750,000 weapons."
NRA turmoil that could put it out of business...

 Don't know what would be best, get rid of Hammer, or just get rid of the state of Florida, which would eliminate the gun manufacturers as well. It's when you witness the idiocy of moron gun nuts like this that you realize the significance of gun control and why these gun rights maniacs fight it so hard. Hammer received a litany of Twitter activity telling her just how stupid she was for the comment, and the fact that she is lamenting the fate of the poor gun manufacturers.

What possible sane individual could give a crap about a company that is in the business of producing weapons of human destruction, particularly on young children? These lost lives also come at a large expense...
"Dr. Charles Tate, a Broward County radiologist, said Florida would save millions that way, citing that the 2016 Pulse shooting in Orlando costs about $390 million from medical costs, police, and expense to employers."
John Legend on Dayton gun violence...

Although this does not eclipse the innocent people that die from the use of these weapons, you have to look at the overall picture from a national basis. There have been at least 17 deadly mass shootings in the U.S. in 2019, 3 more that could have been. And there are numerous shooting deaths across the nation every day. Here's a headline from Quartz...
"It took more than 700 deaths over 20 years for Americans to finally dislike the NRA"
"It took at least 87 mass shootings and 725 fatalities, but for the first time in 19 years, American opinion has finally turned on the National. Rifle Association (NRA)."
And the polls support this...
"According to a poll by Fox News published Aug. 14, 47% of Americans hold an unfavorable view of the NRA, versus 42% who hold a favorable one."
With Wayne LaPierre and his NRA on the run in recent internal conflicts and fraud investigations, it is time to eliminate the major source of gun violence in this country. And then we can busy ourselves getting the millions of guns off the street.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Gun nuts take hit on "Stand Your Ground" law

Stand Your Ground is without a doubt one of the stupidest laws to ever be passed in this country, thanks to Florida's Marion Hammer, top National Rifle Assn. lobbyist. First it was Trayvon Martin killed by George Zimmerman in 2012, who eventually got off scot-free, but since has experienced a number of personal problems as a result. This time Michael Drejka, 47, didn't get away with it with the killing of another black man, Markeis McGlockton in Clearwater, Florida. McGlockton, 28, was shot and killed on July 19, after shoving Drejka to the ground at a convenience store.

Drejka invoked the Stand Your Ground law, the sheriff refused to arrest him on that basis of the law, but Bernie McCabe, the state attorney for Pinellas County, decided to file charges based on the exact same investigation sheriff Bob Gualtieri had collected but did not file charges. Good 'ole boy vs. finally some common sense in Florida. So, another NRA creation for the purpose of protecting the gun nut over the innocent public from gun violence suffers a setback. It is prime time for the public to understand that the only way to stop this daily rampage of bloodshed is to get rid of the NRA.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Immigration tops gun control in November voting

I know immigration reform is an issue that must be addressed, but currently more lives are at stake in the matter of getting guns off the street. Especially since much of the targeting has been children in respect to mass shootings. I was more than a little surprised to see a recent poll by Florida Atlantic University (FAU) Business and Economics Polling name immigration as the number one issue this fall. Now this is Florida voters in the state where the most recent gun violence massacre occurred, Parkland's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. You have to wonder if this is because Florida has such loose gun laws with the NRA's leading lobbyist, Marion Hammer, in residence, or is this predicting the familiar trend after major gun violence...back to public apathy.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Why did this gun massacre happen in Florida?

Michael Tomasky of The Daily Best says it is because of its, "..."certifiably insane gun laws." All of them, of course, compliments of the National Rifle Assn. with its premiere gun lobbyist, Marion Hammer. Right now, Florida has 11 gun-related bills on the 2018 calendar. The ones that are pro-gun rights will pass. State Senator Greg Steube, R-Sarasota has filed five bills to make it easier to buy a gun. Can you believe that? Right now all you have to provide in Florida to purchase a weapon is a warm body. What could possibly make it easier.

These people are certifiably crazy, the epitome of gun nuts, and the ones behind the gun massacre in Parkland where 17 people were killed by an AR-15 assault rifle. They are totally responsible, along with lax restrictions on the mentally ill buying a gun, thanks to Donald Trump. Here's a quote from The Daily Beast...
"The gun laws of Florida are sick. Carry in vehicle? Yes. Must notify officer? No. Carry in state parks allowed? Of course. “No weapons” signs enforced? Nyet. Nearly 1.8 million Floridians have concealed carry permits, and 36 other states honor those permits."
This is the biggest problem in the U.S. today and if not dealt with soon, we could see schools close because the children's parents are afraid to let them attend. It's a threat worse than terrorism.

Thank NRA's Marion Hammer for Parkland, Fla gun massacre

NRA's Marion Hammer
As late as January of this year, Marion Hammer, the National Rifle Assn.'s elite Florida lobbyist, was railing at the Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times, "...
"...warning the sheriffs of Florida that they had no right to testify about pending firearm legislation. Not when their words conflicted with the positions of the National Rifle Association."
Can you believe this? And in the nation's bloodiest mass-shooting state where "...29-year-old Omar Mateen murdered 49 and wounded another 53 in a gun rampage at an Orlando nightclub." Followed by the encore last Wednesday at Parkland, Fla, where Nikolas Cruz gunned down 17 students and teachers with an AR-15 assault rifle he bought at age 18. All of this compliments of Marion Hammer making sure that Florida's gun laws allow anyone with a warm body to buy a gun. The woman has also spread her lunacy around the country promoting the NRA's gun rights.

Yet not one word from Hammer or the NRA's Wayne LaPierre on the Florida deaths. How long do we allow the NRA's killing machine this kind of power?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Is gun control impossible based on the number of weapons on the street?

Florida will soon pass the one-million-mark in gun worshippers carrying concealed weapons.  They are the first state in the country to reach that firepower.  If Florida’s population wasn’t three times that of Arizona, I’d bet the latter would have been first.  But then, Florida is where the NRA’s own graying granny Marion Hammer hails from, a little old lady we can thank for the Stand Your Ground law plus others like it designed to kill off the American population.

Guns on the street
Gun sales in Florida have likewise soared 96 percent from 2002 through 2011.  But comparable sales remained only stable after the Aurora, Colorado movie massacre.  Considering gun nuts never think they have enough guns, go figure.  In Colorado they jumped 43 percent.  There is a graphic showing mass shootings since 1999 that is significant since in many of these incidents, either assault weapons or high capacity magazines were used.  Readily available.

There are at least 270 million guns out there in the U.S., 2.84 per 100,000 population.  Firearms account for 67.52 percent of all murders nationwide but Illinois, even back in 2010 (the latest figures) it was 80.35 percent.  It has only gotten worse with the recent gang wars that have caused hundreds of deaths in Chicago.  Loose guns everywhere, compliments of the national Rifle Assn. (NRA). 

It is hard for other developed countries to understand why the U.S. has so many murders due to guns.  We have almost 13,000 a year, 8,775 of them caused by firearms.  As an example, Great Britain has around 600 murders a year which makes this fact startling even considering the smaller population.  The difference in the proliferation of guns in the two countries is equally amazing; GB has only 3.4 million firearms out in the population.

Another gun proliferator is the Tea Party, known for demonstrations in Washington, D.C., blatantly with guns in the hands of members as a show of arrogant force.  If TPers hadn’t lost most of their effectiveness in recent months, you could almost rank them up there with the NRA in their fanaticism.  They are the cheerleaders for virtually unrestricted gun rights using ringed targets of President Obama to prove their point.  Double-digit IQs at best.

What is frightening is the fact that some are touting the fact that gun control is not to be considered, at least in the near future, even after Virginia Tech, Tucson and Aurora, Colorado.  Jonathan Mann writing on CNN wants to know, “What is it about Americans and guns?”  An obvious reference to worship by gun nuts of their weapons, plainly over valuing human life, which is so often taken by firearms.  He quotes the same numbers I use above but continues in analysis.

He says, “The laws are being driven by politics, and the politics are being driven by groups such as the National Rifle Assn.  The Washington Post estimates that the NRA succeeded in helping elect four out of every five candidates it endorsed in the most recent congressional election.”  He quotes NRA head, wacky Wayne LaPierre saying, "When they tell you that a government ban on certain firearms will somehow make you safer, don't you believe it, not for a second, because it's a lie just like the lies they've told you before."

Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Where the guns are
Mann also quotes New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg when he commented on both Obama’s and Romney’s reactions to the Aurora shooting, “You know, soothing words are nice, but maybe it's time that the two people who want to be president of the United States stand up and tell us what they are going to do about it, because this is obviously a problem across the country."  As a matter of fact, soft rhetoric is all we have been hearing on gun control for years.

The problem of this post persists, ‘Is gun control impossible based on the number of weapons on the street?’  With over 270 million guns out there in the hands of who knows who, you’d never gather up even a small portion of them because the NRA has made sure the government doesn’t know where they are.  And maybe that is where we start.  Demand the registration of all firearms so we can at least know who the good guys are, making it easier to locate illegal guns.

So maybe it is a doable situation, huh?  Oh no, I forgot about wacky Wayne LaPierre.  Maybe Obama can deal with him in his second term.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Graying Granny Marion Hammer excellent example of NRA’s brain washing

Marion Hammer

Attacking grandmothers is not something I would normally do but Marion Hammer is the exception.  She is ruthless in her loyalty to the National Rifle Assn. (NRA), one who illustrates perfectly just how this gun worshipping culture is instilled in kids from a very young age.  She was five when her grandfather gave her a .22 bolt-action single-shot rifle—at least it didn’t have a high-capacity magazine—and ordered her to “hunt down a rabbit or a squirrel for dinner.”

In 1995 she was president of the NRA and today is committed as a top lobbyist for the organization dedicated to putting a gun in the hands of every American—including even 5-year-olds—and make it legal for them to carry their weapons anywhere they want to.  She was the ramrod behind the “Stand your Ground” law which has been deemed responsible for the Florida shooting and killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman.  She is now 70 years old.

Brian Malte

“Brian Malte, director of legislation for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said he considers Hammer an extremist.”  Further, "Marion Hammer and the NRA are the masterminds of a dangerous paranoid mentality that got Trayvon Martin killed, the mentality that is responsible for endangering all of our lives.  It's based on a lie that you need to be armed to the teeth anywhere you go,” said Malte.

Gary Kleck

Rep. Dennis Baxley, the Ocala Republican who sponsored Florida's Stand Your Ground law in 2005, counters. "It's not because we want to shoot somebody," he said. "We want to keep people from getting hurt."  Based on that statement, I looked for some confirmation of just how often an individual’s personal gun is used for self-defense.  The latest I could find was a 1997 study by Gary Kleck, an expert and Professor of Criminology at Fla. State U.  He said: 

“…gun ownership is largely passive self-protection--once a gun is acquired, the owner only rarely does anything defensive with it. Only a minority of defensive owners actually use their guns for self-protection; most of the rest just keep the gun in a bureau drawer or similar location, where it is available for use should the need arise.”

There’s more.  In 2008, Hammer and the NRA defied Walt Disney and the Chamber of Commerce and were the driving force behind a 2008 law that allows employees to bring guns to work -- as long as they lock the weapons in the car.”  She wasn’t done.  Her next pursuit was taking on the medical community to pass legislation “…to prevent doctors from asking young patients about guns in their homes. A judge shot down that law, saying it violated doctors' free speech.”

In the following video you must watch it to the end for the true meaning:

Apparently “Stand your Ground” was inspired by a Florida homeowner, 77-year-old James Workman, who shot and killed an intruder in a trailer outside his hurricane-damaged home.  He wasn’t prosecuted because it was legal to protect yourself in your home against imminent harm.  A reasonable law that most gun control advocates agree with.  But that wasn’t good enough for Marion Hammer, who saw an opening to move gun defense out onto the streets.

Hammer is described as “emotionally compelling’ in her presentations to lawmakers.  What is more important than her enthusiasm to these under thumb legislators is the fact that, if they don’t cooperate, the NRA will cut off contributions to future campaigns and back a competitor in the next election to run them out of office.  It is bad enough when money alone can decide elections but it is tragic in the hands of a Marion Hammer and the NRA.

Hammer has said little following the killing of Trayvon Martin, only commenting that Stand your Ground is “a good law.”  It is this complete lack of recognition for what is wrong and the lack of responsibility to admit you have perpetrated something horrible on the American public, that is defined by many as typical NRA arrogance.  And it will go on as long as the Marion Hammers and her NRA are allowed to pass more gun rights laws and loosen those on the books.

Trump suck-ups coming out of the woodwork

It all started with Trump's cabinet selections circling the wagons, preparing their 'resumes' in readiness to pounce on their id...