Apparently Chief Justice John Roberts, who is supposed to be the referee in Donald Trump's impeachment trial, has decided to side with his Republican colleagues in overseeing the proceedings. AlterNet reports...
"He is presiding over this trial, which is supposed to mean enforcing the rules, not acting like a potted plant and doing whatever it is he’s been doing—catching up on reading? Crossword puzzles? We don’t know that either, because Mitch McConnell didn’t let any cameras in besides the ones controlled by him."This all looks good now but how will it play in November when those 50% of the American public who want Trump impeached go to the polls? Democrats overwhelmingly support his ouster, "as of January 20, 84 percent of Democrats want Trump removed from office." The Vox article, above, also provides a look into the total fairness of the trial...
"On the issue of fairness, 53 percent of respondents said Republicans will hold a fair trial, and 50 percent said Democrats are advocating for the inclusion of witnesses and additional evidence only because doing so will make the trial more fair. Similarly, 54 percent said they disapprove of how Republicans are handling the trial, and 50 percent said they disapprove of the Democrats’ approach."So far, the major unfairness of the Senate impeachment trial appears to be Moscow Mitch McConnell.