Showing posts with label .USC revoke bribery degrees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label .USC revoke bribery degrees. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2019

What is gerrymandering?...

"manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency so as to favor one party or class."
In other words, drawing lines that favor your party so the people in a particular voting district will have the numbers to elect the candidate of their choice. It's been done for years, by both parties, but most recently Republican efforts--while Debbie Wasserman Schultz was asleep at the Democratic National Committee--have put the GOP in the enviable position of controlling an important number of voting districts across the country. And this wins elections.

What ThinkProgress calls an "unlikely alliance" in the U.S. Supreme Court could save "Proportional representation" in No. Carolina and Maryland, where cases are pending. During the process of each attorney arguing his or her case, Justice Kavanaugh made an interesting observation. After listening to one of the lawyers with no comment, Kavanaugh suggested...
"that proportional representation provides the courts with a 'judicially manageable' standard to assess whether a particular map is gerrymandered." 
Justice Brett Kavanaugh has been a constant worry of Progressives and Democrats for his conservative views, the most prevalent being abortion. But he, along with Chief Justice Roberts, could help SCOTUS to arrive at an equitable decision for both sides.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Your political bullshit of the day


San Antonio airport refuses to let Chick-fil-A restaurant in due to their opposition to the LGBTQ community...Iowa's white supremacist Steve King "Belittles Hurricane Katrina Victims" for Needing Help...Boeing advised airlines their pilots needed minimum training for 737 Max, two of which have crashed killing all aboard...Lori Loughlin has been cited for agreeing to "deceive" the IRS over college bribes...Newsweek: "MORE CHILDREN WERE SHOT DEAD IN 2017 THAN ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICERS AND ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY, STUDY SAYS"...USC may revoke degrees gotten through bribery...


  Sure you do...   The latest headlines... A GOP lawmaker wants to repeal AZ’s ban on machine guns, pipe bombs and more... Read more 'Un...