Showing posts with label Trump recession. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump recession. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Donald Trump's spool is unraveling


Donald Trump lunacy tidbits... 
Definitely coming off the spool

It happens daily, almost hourly, these days, when Donald Trump opens his mouth and sticks the whole White House in it. His tweets have dubbed him master of the inane, a position he probably will never be challenged for. So, I am assembling more of the instances today where the Oval Office lunatic has lived up to his reputation.

"Trump’s G-7 achievements: No trade deal, no military deal, no climate deal — and ‘yes’ on helping himself." T-rump did come away from G-7 with the accomplishment he probably went there for in the first place. To promote his Florida resort Mir a Lago for the next G-7 Summit. Well done.

And the whole Mir a Lago idea backfired. "Observers and experts quickly observed that this idea was likely illegal and potentially unconstitutional. There's more...
"Trump’s suggestion that the world leaders should meet at the Trump [also losing money] National Doral in Miami — thus funneling potentially millions of dollars directly into his pockets. In two years, the resort’s net operating income — a key figure, representing the amount left over after expenses are paid — had fallen by 69 percent.
At least there was some humor at G-7...

"Trump Campaign Spokesperson Floors CNN’s Chris Cuomo: Trump Has Never Lied to American People." This was Kayleigh McEnany, national press secretary for the Trump campaign, "who claimed with a straight face that President Donald Trump has never lied to the American people." Cuomo thought he had bad hearing, but the T-rump minion stuck by her statement.

I say Trump is a "useful idiot" who is a Russian asset. There were a lot of points made about Donald Trump being so favorable to Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, in this article, but I liked this one best...
"A former CIA operative told Insider the evidence is "overwhelming" that Trump is a Russian asset, but another CIA and NSA veteran said it was more likely Trump was currying favor with Putin for future business deals."
A counterintelligence FBI agent added...
"It's hard to see the bar anymore since it's been pushed so far down the last few years, but President Trump's behavior over the weekend was a new low."
The agent was talking about the G-7 Summit, a meeting Donald Trump attended for the sole purpose of selling the Trump brand.

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe says Trump could be a Russian Asset...

"Trump’s trade war debacle has Wall Street and farmers turning on him," is the screaming headline from RawStory. According to MSNBC’s “Morning Joe"...
"Donald Trump is rapidly losing the support of businesses and business-friendly chambers of commerce over his trade policies, which could doom his 2020 re-election prospects."
And U.S. farmers, who were partially responsible for his 2016 election win, are furious over what the Oval Office lunatic has done in the tariff trade war, in some cases wiping out the sale of their crops. Speaking again about the recent G-7 Summit...
"on balance, it is good for China for the world’s big industrialized democracies to be without effective U.S. leadership."
And that's exactly what America has, ineffective leadership.

Recession signals say Trump economy may be in trouble. Here's why...
"Data is coming at investors from every angle with so-called recession indicators flashing signs of an economic slowdown brought on by slower growth abroad and the U.S.-China trade war."
There seems to be a lot of disagreement on "how healthy or unhealthy the U.S. economy really is" with several factors involved. The U.S. bond market is down; GDP growth is slowing; Corporate profits are down drastically; Manufacturing growth has slowed; and a host of other aspects point to a downturn. Obviously, not a good thing for T-rump with his multitude of other problems. But it is yet another clear sign that we must get rid of this ego maniac.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...