Fox News suggests gun violence to stop new gun legislation
Wayne LaPierre-Always there with more guns |
"If you take 'people’s guns away from them, there’s going to be a lot of violence,' The View’s Meghan McCain announced. 'What you are calling for is civil war,' warned Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. 'What you are calling for is an incitement to violence.'”Of course, these are two of the most insane of the conservative Republican media wingnuts. And the nation's gun nuts still believe the...
"Second Amendment exists not for self-defense, or to protect the rights of hunters and gun enthusiasts, but to enable citizens to go to war with the U.S. government, and to fend off a 'tyrannical' turn at home."And that is basically what Fox is espousing, suggesting a bloody revolution will be necessary to stop the Democrats. Here's the scenario...
“The core philosophy of the Three Percenter movement, whose adherents have engaged in violence, is that citizens would be justified in taking up arms to violently overthrow the government if the government enacted stronger gun regulations.”The Daily show's Trevor Noah on Fox News and guns...
It all started with the Obama election when the radical gun nuts were convinced he was going to take away their guns. They were supported by the head gun nut, the National Rifle Assn.'s Wayne LaPierre. Following the Sandy Hook school massacre in Connecticut...
"Fox’s Todd Starnes warned there would 'a revolution' if the government tries to 'confiscate our guns,' while Fox News Pat Caddell claimed the country was in a 'pre-revolutionary condition,' and 'on the verge of an explosion.'”AlterNet says, "The sinister, desperate threats of bloodshed come as the public opinion pendulum continues to swing away from the NRA and its radical gun defenders." And gun owners must now look forward to the possibility of a Democratic House, Senate, and White House where new gun laws are most likely. Of course, the most immediate benefit will be for the gun manufacturers since the gun nuts will be amassing to buy more firearms.
The latest massacre in Texas follows "a long list from that state alone." The Washington Post says...
"the [Texas] governor encourages people to buy more guns and a new set of laws now allow you to take your gun to church and prohibit landlords from banning guns in rental properties."Elizabeth Warren talks about gun violence...
Now that's a move in the right direction if your intention is to encourage more gun violence in your state. Paul Waldman of the WP muses, "If we actually told the truth about guns"...
The first thing they’d [gun advocates] say: The rote response we give after every mass shooting is just playacting. President Trump will say, “We’re looking at a lot of different things. We’re looking at a lot of different bills, ideas, concepts,” but he’s not going to do anything. He’ll claim that he’s going to stand up to the National Rifle Association, but then he’ll cave. Republicans in Congress will make sure no bill offering even the mildest controls on gun ownership will pass, even if it’s supported by 93 percent of the public. We may offer up our “thoughts and prayers,” but our main thought is “Can’t we talk about something else?” and our prayer is that voters don’t decide to change the situation we’re in.There's more but you get the idea. The gist of all this is the fact that the gun huggers aren't serious about anything that even slightly resembles the enactment of responsible gun laws...like universal background checks. They would rather listen to the evocative rantings of Fox News and its propaganda spouters. That's why we are in the situation we are, a nation where there are more guns than people. This is bound to catch up with us soon, and we'll be sorry.
Read more about gun violence from my blog.