Showing posts with label anti-Vaxxer misinformation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-Vaxxer misinformation. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2021

Anti-Vaxxers a Steel-Trap of Misinformation


In an earlier post, I mused over a friend who was in contact with an ardent anti-vaxxer/masker person who had recently caught a mild case of coronavirus. This person was implying that their position of having refused the vaccine earlier, subsequently getting the virus, now put them in the position of having the kind of antibodies that would keep them safe from any repeat of the Covid-19. My friend did her best to lay out some scientific facts the denier would have none of.

Like, recent studies suggesting a mild case of coronavirus produced antibodies that lasted for only around three months. The reply was, your science is corrupted and experts like Dr. Fauci are afraid to tell us the truth. You cannot, or, at least, it is useless, to argue with the acuteness this kind of person protects their beliefs. When they search deep down inside, however, they must know they are wrong. If not, you have to question the level of their mentality when the facts are

staring them in the face.

Apparently this group of way-out-withholders skipped the discipline of science in the first 12 grades where factual data proved a point and was generally accepted. A both commonplace and specific questioning of science today comes at a time when the need to respect credible research and development has become imminent due to the fact that over 700,000 Americans have so far died from Covid-19. This need to believe transcends the petty convictions held by these anti-science groupies.

Watch...Having Covid-19 v. getting vaccine

Well, all you rabid deniers, your justifications for delaying, denying, denying, whatever you want to call it could kill you...and other innocent family, friends or just someone you come in contact with. A Yale Univ./Univ. No. Carolina says...

“Reinfection can reasonably happen in three months or less,” explains lead study author Jeffrey Townsend, the Elihu Professor of Biostatistics at the Yale School of Public Health, in a university release. “Therefore, those who have been naturally infected should get vaccinated. Previous infection alone can offer very little long-term protection against subsequent infections.”

The key here is "long-term," a period not yet specifically determined by the scientific community, but known to be significantly better than the 3 months offered by a mild infection of coronavirus. Added to this are the unknowns centered around the fact that the Delta has not yet been fully vetted so it is impossible to predict where this virus will go. And, of course, there is always the possibility of a new mutation sneaking up from somewhere.

It isn't that Americans should live in constant fear of being infected; Dr. Fauci nor the CDC want that, nor is it recommended. But, in this time of crisis there are simple precautions known to prevent the spread of Covid-19: vaccinate; wear a mask; honor reasonable distancing; and stay away from misinformation. Re. the latter, in a recent The Guardian headline...

"Anti-vaccine chiropractors capitalizing on Covid and sowing misinformation"

That's like having a whole faction of the medical community propagating falsities

that could kill their patients and innocent outsiders. And here's an example of the political right that, God knows, those pathetic followers of the Republican Party will believe right to the death. Former rabid congressman, Allen West, unvaccinated and in the hospital with coronavirus related pneumonia and low oxygen, still rants on his Twitter account debasing the vaccine.  

So, does blogging like this do any good? Probably not for the die-hards. But there might be some of the on-the-fence Anti-All gang who take these facts and decide to get vaccinated, wear a mask, and observe the protocols from the CDC. If not, well, it's your life to kill.


Wednesday - 2/5/25: NO TIME FOR NEWS???

Sure you do...   The latest headlines... Ignoring accepted medical guidance, Texas governor tells agency heads to recognize only 2 genders.....