Showing posts with label Impeachment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Impeachment. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2020

New impeachment evidence requires new action

Why aren't Dems reopening impeachment hearings with new exhibits?

Adam Schiff, above, claims seven "stunning new pieces of impeachment evidence" that were recently released by the House. Among them are...
"Rudy Giuliani told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky he’s working with Trump’s 'knowledge and consent.'”
"In the same letter, Giuliani says he is acting in his 'capacity as personal counsel to President Trump.'”
[Lev] "Parnas wrote notes on Ritz-Carlton stationery suggesting he was directly involved with the Ukraine scheme."
"Parnas was also communicating with Ukrainian officials which, Schiff argued, demonstrated 'that Mr. Parnas served as a direct channel between President Trump’s agent, Mr. Giuliani, and individuals close to President Volodymyr Zelensky.'”
Kushner, Parnas, Ivanka

All of this points out just how closely connected to the Ukraine incident Giuliani was, and makes it clear how involved Giuliani associate, Lev Parnas, was. At the same time, Parnas has now released documents guaranteed to scare T-rump to death, which AlterNet says will destroy his 3 key impeachment defenses. Okay, Democrats, why aren't we running with this?   READ MORE...

Monday, September 30, 2019

Ukrainegate will doom Donald Trump's administration


Ukrainegate is taking its toll...   

Rudy Giuliani should be concerned
In an opinion piece for The Washington Post, Paul Waldman said acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire in his opening statement to the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday, "perhaps unintentionally," may have dumped on Donald Trump. Waldman felt Maguire's implication was, " just how thoroughly infected with corruption the entire executive branch has become under President Trump." Intentional or not, it is a true statement.

Waldman feels Magure is not an "amoral conspiracy theorist like Michael Flynn," or "not willing to brazenly deceive the public and twist government to the president’s purposes like Attorney General William P. Barr." It's amazing the acting director is still where he is. But, "Maguire’s first stop, upon receiving a breathtaking set of accusations about Trump and his White House, was … Donald Trump’s White House."

And in a refute to Trump's accusations against the Bidens re. son Hunter's Ukrainian dealings with the gas company there...
"A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity."
"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko said.
Hunter Biden and Ukrainegate...

Lutsenko made this statement way back in May, but T-rump keeps renewing the accusation. And anyway, “Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko added. If you are really interested, here are four false claims by the Oval Office lunatic that show his concern with winning in 2020...
False: Biden pushed out a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son
False: Hunter Biden made a killing on a China deal
False: Biden lied about talking to his son
False: Democratic senators also threatened Ukraine’s aid
Based on Donald Trump's administration, the Republic Party will be known in the future as the party that refined and improved lying in politics. Now, poor baby...Salon portrays T-rump as, "consumed with self-pitying paranoia as the Ukraine scandal spirals out of his control." The scenario...
"The fact that this material was released so quickly indicates that the White House expects to lose the impeachment vote in the House and are counting on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the “gravedigger of democracy” himself, either to refuse to hold a trial at all or to ensure that no such trial produces a two-thirds majority for conviction."
Here's lowlife Mitch McConnell on impeachment...disgusting...

Not sure Trump can be so sure about the senate with public opinion fast turning in favor of impeachment, and members of Congress finally realizing that country is more important than their reelection or the Party. I don't believe anything could raise the opinion of the American public about Congress, but as they say, it's time to do the right thing. Heather Digby Parton of Salon comments...
"Rudy Giuliani is on the verge of some kind of breakdown, acting like a wild man on television on a nightly basis?"
Here's a Giuliani quote...
“It is impossible that the whistle-blower is a hero and I’m not. And I will be the hero! These morons — when this is over, I will be the hero. I’m not acting as a lawyer. I’m acting as someone who has devoted most of his life to straightening out government. Anything I did should be praised.”
Well, that pretty much seals the deal. Donald Trump's impeachment is just around the corner.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Here is the Trump/Zelensky Ukraine transcript


Here come the Ukrainegate transcript...  

Hard to read but it's there
While we wait for the White House to release the transcript of the whistleblower complaint, there may be a bump in the road reported by Fox News, always a questionable news source. Fox says "the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower had 'political bias in favor of 'a rival candidate' of the president." First, the report come from the unreliable Fox News, second, Donald Trump appointed Michael Atkinson ICSG.

The above, which started out as today's post, has been left with strikethrough because it makes two important points. One is the fact that Fox News is mostly unreliable if you're looking for facts, and second, the guy who determined the whistleblower was biased in his statement was a Trump appointee. That said, the L A Times reports it would appear that not only did T-rump ask Ukraine's Zelensky...
"to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, he also urged the foreign leader to look into CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm that did work for the Democrats in the 2016 election."
Here's coverage of the transcript...

Trump pushed it even further by adding to congratulations for the new Ukrainian leader that he should "speak with U.S. Atty. Gen. William Barr and Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney, who was leading Trump’s efforts in urging Ukraine to investigate Biden and his son, Hunter." Here's the scenario...
"Trump has insisted he has done nothing wrong. But the transcript shows Trump urged a foreign government to intervene in the 2020 election against his rival..."
"Trump had already acknowledged that he asked Zelensky to investigate Biden, whose son Hunter had a contract with a Ukrainian gas company. Trump also acknowledged this week that he held up military aid intended for the Ukrainian government in the same period. He has denied that the delay in releasing the aid money was a form of pressure to prompt the investigation."
The Democrats aren't satisfied and say there are more questions to be answered. To begin with, the document released Wednesday was only a memorandum of the Zelensky conversation, according to The Washington Post, not a verbatim account. BINGO! There was a cautionary note with the memorandum warning...
"that the text reflects the notes and memories of officials in the Situation Room and that a number of factors 'can affect the accuracy of the record.'”
BINGO! again. The WP piece goes on to point out some background on the call and specifics that relate to the conversation. It all boils down to the fact that the American president, who is running for a second term, asks the president of a foreign nation to investigate what he thinks is wrongdoing by his opponent in the election. Although the $400 million in aid promised, but withdrawn just prior to the call to Zelensky, isn't mentioned, at least as far as we know, the implication was always there.

Trump response to transcript: If you want dumb here's dumb...

Is there a transcript of the actual recording? If so, why wasn't that made available instead of the "notes and memories " of those in the Situation Room? This is just a continuation of the ambiguous Donald Trump the American people have had to live with since he entered the White House. So far Speaker Pelosi is moving ahead with impeachment but dealing with such an enigmatic administration will continue to make the effort look like madness at times.

Trump Ukraine telephone call


Will Donald trump answer up or walk?... 
Donald Trump blathering at the UN

"Trump says he has authorized release of transcript of call with the Ukrainian president" is the headline in The Washington Post where T-rump was also quoted as saying, “I am currently at the United Nations representing our Country." Earlier he had condemned globalism--at the UN no less--and commented further, nationalism is the only answer. Only Donald dunderhead could insult the whole world and come away thinking he had done a good thing.

He immediately backs up with assurances t5hat he did nothing wrong in the conversation where one week prior he had instructed his minion Mulvaney to hold $400 million in aide to Ukraine. His complaint was that "the United States was contributing more to Ukraine than were European countries." This is what Ivo Daalder, a former U.S. ambassador to NATO under President Barack Obama said...
Trump’s claim that he withheld the funds from Ukraine because Europe was not paying its fair share is “laughable. The U.S. has provided military aid, but so have many of the Europeans.”
"15 billion euros ($16.5 billion) in grants and loans to Ukraine, according to an E.U. fact sheet on relations with Ukraine.
Just another lie to cover up the Oval Office lunatic's meddling in the 2020 election, after getting caught colluding with the Russians in 2016. Apparently there is no end to what this maniac will do the appease his ego and have his way. Bur maybe there is another reason Donald Trump feels he can release the comment of the whistleblower. He has the AG Bill Barr as his second defense of cover up. This twerp sinks almost as low as T-rump.

Republican Kevin McCarthy's stupid reply to Speaker Pelosi...

Bob Cesca says in Salon...
"During normal times, Donald Trump’s attempted extortion of the Ukrainian government, aimed at forcing an investigation against one of his chief political opponents would almost immediately become the purview of the attorney general, who would — again, during normal times — appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the allegations.
But these are not normal times and the people we are dealing with are far from normal. How many times have we heard, if the Ukraine incident doesn't justify impeachment, nothing does. Well, apparently Speaker Pelosi agrees, finally, plus 165 Democrats and one Republican, Justin Amash. There are 235 democrats in the House. It takes 218 votes to impeach, then it goes to the Senate. But wait, as they say in the TV commercials...
"Trump has literally confessed to the charges on several occasions, while staring directly into video cameras, daring the rest of us to finally cuff him."
Trump says did nothing wrong, "beautiful" Ukrainian conversation... 

RawStory says...
Bill Barr is "Trump’s personal fixer — Trump’s personal Tom Hagen (in the visage of Tom Bosley) whose barely four pages of hastily-authored misinformation last March effectively suffocated the Trump-Russia saga in the press, while cloaking Trump in layers and layers of government-issued bubble wrap.
The fact that a voting public along with the media let all of this occur right in front of them in the most blatant way with only a meager cry for Donald Trump's head is hard to comprehend. Apathetics I call them, the do-nothings who bitch and moan about what's wrong with our country, but never step up to the plate to voice their opinions and/or vote. Keep an eye on Barr. Once he's in the Ukraine situation, the next thing you know is Donald Trump is completely off the hook.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Donald Trump tries to "fix" U.S. Constitution

July 25, 2019: TODAY'S COMMENTARY  

Donald Trump lies to auditorium full of teens

Donald Trump regularly defiles the Constitution
A crowd of teenagers and young adults at the Turning Point USA Teen Student Action Summit in Washington probably looked anxiously at the figure before them purported to be the President of the United States. It isn't known how many of them harbored opinions on the speech maker one way or another, but in most cases they would have been in awe of the top resident of the White House. We are talking about Donald Trump and as usual his cache of lies to be expected.

Trump whines to young people over Mueller investigation

He even whined over Robert Mueller's investigation of Trump's involvement in the Russian tampering with the 2016 election, but then became emphatic when he started on the Constitution...
“Then, I have an Article II, where I have to the right to do whatever I want as president. But, I don’t even talk about that.”
Donald Trump waging war on Constitution

Forefathers would be ashamed 

I would imagine some of these teenagers, especially those steeped in political science, visualizing their ancestors, especially our forefathers, turning over in the graves. He has said this before, most recently to ABC News' host George Stephanopoulos when discussing the Robert Mueller investigation. The tragedy of this, other than poisoning these teens' minds that someone like this could actually be in the White House, is that this maniac believes it. It's very scary.

It was natural that...
"Political pundits flooded social media with [the above] clip, though most of the videos didn’t include the Mueller-probe context. Trump in his Tuesday speech also attacked 'the Squad' and falsely claimed Democrats saw wins in the 2018 elections because undocumented immigrants voted 'many times — not just twice.'”
How many at Summit of color?

I wonder how many of these teens were of color, and just how they reacted to Trump's continued disparaging of the four congresswomen who not only have his attention, but are clearly aggravating and enraging the Oval Office lunatic with their comments on his bizarre behavior. Here's what the upheaval is all about...
"Article II grants the president “executive power.” It does not indicate the president has total power. Article II is the same part of the Constitution that describes some of Congress’s oversight responsibilities, including over the office of the presidency. It also details how the president may be removed from office via impeachment."
Don't you think it is interesting that Trump repeatedly reflects on the portion of the Constitution that could remove him from office with impeachment? Maybe it's time to rethink this whole possibility.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Trump even worse than Nixon says John Dean

Watergate is the political conspiracy scandal against which all others are measured, claims John Dean, who served as President Richard Nixon's White House attorney in the 1970s. In the beginning Dean worked to protect Nixon, but then, "...flipped and helped sink Nixon by revealing the president’s involvement in the cover-up." The Los Angeles Times reports...
"As part of a deal with prosecutors, he pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice and served four months in a federal safe house. He was barred from practicing law in Virginia and the District of Columbia, moved to his wife’s home state of California and made his livelihood as an investment banker and regular on the lecture circuit."
John Dean is back, but this time his interest is in Donald Trump, and as the Times put it...
"He hasn’t been in this great a demand since his call for President George W. Bush’s impeachment — for condoning torture, among other perceived abuses of power — and, before that, as a ringside commentator during the Clinton-era Monica Lewinsky scandal."
Dean states something that is painfully obvious to the rest of the world now, the fact that Richard Nixon was better prepared to serve as President than is Donald Trump. This, of course, is laughable at this point, but Nixon's former attorney adds, although they both had an authoritarian persona, Trump is by far the most narcissistic and transparent. As an example of the latter...
"Unlike Nixon, 'Trump is surprisingly candid about himself,' Dean said. The president’s admission that he fired FBI Director James B. Comey to relieve the pressure of his investigation into Russia and the 2016 election was, to Dean’s mind, 'basically confessing obstruction of justice.'”
A Politico poll taken at the end of May shows that, "Forty-three percent of voters want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings...up from 38 percent last week." That's a significant increase, five percentage points in just seven days. The 46% who earlier were against impeachment has dropped to 45%, no big deal, unless the slide continues. Along with all this Trump's approval rating hit a new low, "...46 percent of voters approved of Trump’s job performance, and 47 percent disapproved. Much of this comes from the fact that Americans are concerned over the GOP health care bill.

If Congress is not ready to launch impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, there are a growing number of cities and towns around the U.S. putting pressure on Congress for that reason. Politico reports...
"Brookline, Mass., became the 10th and latest local government Thursday to pass a resolution calling for impeachment, a step designed to add pressure on the state’s congressmen to launch a formal investigation that could ultimately lead to the president’s removal from office."
Already on the move are Cambridge, Amherst, Pelham and Leverett. And then there's the liberal playground of California where, "The Los Angeles city council in early May overwhelmingly passed a measure asking for impeachment proceedings to begin. Richmond, Alameda and Berkeley did the same." Not to be outdone, Chicago is drafting an ordnance for impeachment. This isn't the first time for this action; it also happened in 2006 when...
"...a group of towns in Vermont, and later the state’s Senate, passed resolutions calling for George W. Bush’s impeachment, saying he misled the country before going to war in Iraq."
According to another Politico poll, 43% of Americans want Donald Trump impeached regardless of whether or not he has committed acts of high crimes or misdemeanors, required by the Constitution. If close to half the country wants this man out of the Oval Office, based entirely on the fact that his behavior as President has been unfit for that office, good God!...what more does it take. The answer to that is a Congress that finally realizes it must do the right thing and put the good of the country ahead of the good of the Republican Party. Will that ever happen?

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Will Trump impeachment woes turn out Progressives in 2018?

Daniel Coats-Michael Rogers
In yesterday's post, I posed the idea that the Republican Congress could become so worried over Donald Trump's recent antics between the Russian relationship, Michael Flynn's problems, and what James Comey might say to Congress, they would vote for impeachment. But wait, that's not all. The dumbest of all dufuses has done it again. T-rump asked Daniel Coats, director of national intelligence, and Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency, two of the top intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence. Unbelievable.

The Washington Post commented...
"Trump’s effort to use the director of national intelligence and the NSA director to dispute Comey’s statement and to say there was no evidence of collusion echoes President Richard Nixon’s 'unsuccessful efforts to use the CIA to shut down the FBI’s investigation of the Watergate break-in on national security grounds,' said Jeffrey H. Smith, a former general counsel at the CIA. Smith called Trump’s actions 'an appalling abuse of power.'"
So now we have added another blunder by the master blunderer, and more fire in the furnace of growing disillusionment with Donald Trump with increasing worry for those GOP seats across the country that could go left in 2018. Marc Rotterman, a longtime Republican consultant in North Carolina, feels Trump is not fulfilling his 2016 campaign promises, and finds it hard to justify this to Trump supporters in his state. Rotterman said...
“...there still could be a course correction but that if Trump and Republicans don’t make good on their promises, they risk losing support — particularly from the blue-collar voters who helped propel Trump to victory last fall. They’re counting on him,”
As a life-long liberal, I remember when the blue-collar worker was solidly in the Democrats' camp. I do not know what happened to change their minds so radically that they would vote for someone like Donald Trump; perhaps their lack of education, which is borne out by some of the comments made by the man's supporters. And here is the best example of Trump supporter stupidity I have ever seen. WATCH THE VIDEO. It is so obvious in this video that the people interviewed, T-rump's loyal supporters, belong to the same moron club as does the blockhead they elected.

So, how is this affecting the trenches, those Republican strongholds in local, state, and national offices nationwide that were carefully expanded over the years while DNC head, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had her head up her...well, you know. Here's an assessment of the current situation from Jennifer Horn, a former chairwoman of the New Hampshire Republican Party...
“We cannot sustain this level of chaos from the White House and expect it will be anything less than a tragic outcome on Election Day.”
While Rotterman concentrates on the Trump blue collar vote, the candidate took 29% of the Hispanic vote, better than Romney in 2012; total Latino turnout in 2016 was 11%, which mirrored 2012. Unfortunately, Bernie Sanders didn't convince Hispanics in 2016, but he made a solid pitch to the working class, the blue-collar worker, and had he run against Trump, he might very well have taken this group, thus, eliminating one of T-rump's bases. As a point of reference, Donald Trump won blue collar workers by 40% over Clinton; men by 49%.

While it's all about Russia, James Comey and Michael Flynn right now, Barry Bennett, a Trump political adviser during last year’s election campaign, says 2018 will be all about jobs and his present feeling is that the jobs picture is good, therefore, many Republicans will be safe in the midterms. But, while Bennett's point does have some validity, I cannot believe that a rational American public will continue to settle for a bonehead like Donald Trump as the President of the greatest country in the world. You won't change the dimwits in the video above, but who really needs that mentality.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

More on why Trump may be impeached

Yesterday I made the statement in my headline "Why GOP may be planning Trump impeachment," and in the post I recovered the issues that have led the sane members of the public to wonder at this point just what is going on in Donald Trump's administration. His administrative staff and his closest advisers apparently don't, so the bungling idiot, who listens to no one, just goes stupidly on his way. Aren't we lucky that there has been no major crisis to contend with because it is certain that, whatever the dilemma, T-rump would screw it up, possibly even getting us into a war.

Here's what Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) had to say...
“Obviously, they are in a downward spiral right now and have got to figure out a way to come to grips with all that’s happening,”
Congress has not established a relationship with Trump allowing it to pass legislation that has been on the agenda since it scored both houses of Congress and the Oval Office. Unfortunately, the latter has not cooperated and their master plan to conservatize the country is in a constant case of chaos. And as long as there are die-hard T-rump supporters like Joseph Amodeo, age 19, of Staten Island, NY, the White House lunatic isn't likely to back down. Amodeo "...incorrectly praised the president for raising New York's minimum wage, something enacted by Democrats in the Legislature."

The Staten Island resident added...
"If you're wishing for him to fail, you're basically wishing for the pilot of the plane to crash. You just gotta stick by him and hopefully he does things that benefit everyone."
Joseph Amodeo, in a nutshell, showcases the sheer stupidity of those who support Trump. The dismal, out-of-touch world they live in allows this gang of poor souls to survive, much as the ostrich does when it puts its head in the sand. Pathetic but so true. Here's the Washington Post's assessment of Donald Trump's leadership to date...
"He has provided limited leadership on health care and limited leadership on taxes. He has offered direction that does not always conform to the preferences of conservatives in Congress. He has offered guidelines but no detailed blueprints. His priorities are not always those of congressional Republicans. He retains the power to sign legislation but in all other ways seems to frustrate or complicate efforts by congressional Republicans to bring those measures to his desk."
And they cap it off with the fact that T-rump is nowhere near the deal maker he professes to be. In other words, he falls short on just about every level of what it takes to be President.
So, what about a special prosecutor to investigate both Donald Trump and Michael Flynn, in relation to Russians interfering with the 2016 election, Flynn's relationship with Turkey and what Trump knew in advance of his appointment along with what James Comey is about to say before Congress? Republicans will stand by him until their constituents demand otherwise. That's when the shit will hit the fan and that's when Republicans will be forced to do something they abhor doing, the right thing. Backed into a corner, they will do the unthinkable to a Republican President. Impeach him.

Here's my reasoning. The 2018 midterms are fast approaching and the GOP has already lost ground in several races nationwide. A Republican Congress could easily lose the Senate with Democrats needing only 3 seats to take a majority. There's even talk of taking enough seats in the House to at least make it harder for the GOP to pass its legislation. I don't think Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell want that. Their only option is to throw Donald Trump under the train which means this option will mean impeachment of the President of the United States.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Why GOP may be planning Trump impeachment

Trump and Flynn the Bobbsey twins
I am back after ten days of great vacation in the Prescott, Arizona mountains. We stayed at a small resort hotel there by the name of Forrest Villas. The service was exceptional and we plan a return trip in the future. I capped it off with a speeding ticket in Prescott Valley, receiving my ticket from one of the nicest cops I think I have ever met. However, I do need regular reminders that I drive too fast and this was my latest $100 one. The interesting thing is that when we both stopped and he got out of the car, my wife was more worried about the cop getting hit by traffic than the ticket I was getting.

Spent the time barely looking at news but couldn't avoid hearing regularly about what the current person in the Oval Office--the idiot doesn't act like a President so no sense calling him one--was doing. Now Prescott is heavily conservative and many of the residents are still supporting Donald Trump, but we have a friend there who shares our liberal views who welcomed talking to a couple of Progressives. It gave me some time to think about what has been happening and just where the whole political movement may be going. I have come to a conclusion.

But first it is necessary to review just what has gotten this now identified moron into the mess he has created. It started with the suspected Russian intervention in the 2016 election that helped Trump beat Hillary Clinton. Then he fired Michael Flynn and now it has been learned that the administration knew all along of Flynn's ties with Turkey. Then he, for some stupid, reason gives up sensitive U.S. Data in a meeting with Russian officials. Finally, perhaps the stupidest of all, he fires FBI Director James Comey, supposedly re. Clinton emails but most likely to disrupt the Director's investigation.

Until the latest rash of idiotic moves, the Republican Congress had pretty much stuck with him, as the Washington Post explained it, "compartmentalizing" to help them ignore the facts. But recent events have seemed to overshadow the issues before Congress, like Obamacare and the tax bill. And then the shit hit the fan with Comey's firing combined with the WP's release that the dumb Donald had "shared highly classified intelligence with Russian officials." And if that wasn't enough...
"...on Tuesday, the New York Times published another stunner, reporting that in February the president sought to persuade Comey to back off the FBI investigation into fired national security adviser Michael Flynn."
It would appear now that WP feels that Congress is looking "beyond" the President, a statement I interpret as implying impeachment. As they put it...
"Increasingly, it will be difficult for Republicans to avoid recognizing the responsibility that comes with being the majority party in separate branch of government, rather than seeing events primarily through the prism of a political alliance, no matter how awkward at times, between members of Congress and a president who won the November election as their nominee."
There have been a number of reasons for GOP pessimism over the Oval Office with the zany things T-rump has done since being elected. There have been notable disagreements on the issues; even though he claims to be the big deal maker, he failed miserably with healthcare. And the insane tweets keep coming. Republicans don't want a special prosecutor but with pressure to do the right thing, they could cave on this. In the end, Congress must forego their support of Trump and do their job in providing a check against the Presidency.

Tomorrow, my reason for the GOP to impeach Donald Trump. 

If DOGE is illegal then Elon Musk must be illegal

The “department of government efficiency” (Doge), headed up by billionaire Elon Musk, has grabbed the governmental infrastructure by the bal...