Donna Brazile says she has proof that Hillary Clinton "rigged the race against Bernie Sanders. I blogged in agreement several times in 2016, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren also acknowledges the fact. Brazile promised Sanders she'd get to the bottom of the then mystery after replacing Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Brazile talks about how Hillary compromised the party’s integrity, and "alleges that an unethical agreement was signed between Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and the DNC to keep the party financially afloat." My question is, with Elizabeth Warren so vocal now, 'Where was she in 2016 when Bernie needed her?' Donna Brazile has proof Hillary Clinton rigged 2016 Primary... Elizabeth Warren acknowledges Hillary Clinton guilt... Donna Brazile goes to work at DNC uncovering scam...
Not only are they convinced of this but the Democratic National Committee is using this premise as the basis for their defense in a lawsuit against the organization for Debbie Wasserman Schultz's bias toward Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primary. The DNC said in a court of law that the party is not obligated to run a fair and impartial primary election implying, "We rigged primaries. So what." Wasserman Schultz agreed, apparently, being the ringleader in the rigging and being fired in disgrace as a result. The losers, the American voters and Bernie Sanders.
The charges against the DNC and Wasserman Schultz include fraud, negligent misrepresentation, unjust enrichment and negligence. According to RT, "The suit has three different classes of plaintiffs - those who donated to the DNC, those who donated to the Bernie Sanders campaign and all members of the Democratic Party." I fit into the second class, those who contributed generously to Bernie Sander's campaign. It would be comforting to see Wasserman Schultz and whoever was in this with her go to jail. I am sure Bernie Sanders will agree.
It doesn't appear the DNC defense has much of a chance based on a comment by Tom Perez, the current chair. reports while campaigning to become the DNC chairman, he even admitted in February that the Democratic Party primaries were rigged in favor of Clinton. And on top of all this, Democratic influential Donna Brazile admitted she used her position at CNN to pass on debate questions to the Clinton campaign. It's beginning to become apparent why many in the Democratic establishment are trying to distance themselves from the Clintons.
Take a look at the following and then wonder with me just how this man was ever admitted to the bar. Here is DNC attorney Bruce Spiva's argument...
"...where you have a party that’s saying, ‘We’re gonna, you know, choose our standard bearer, and we’re gonna follow these general rules of the road,’ which we are voluntarily deciding, we could have – and we could have voluntarily decided that, ‘Look, we’re gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way.'”
God forbid. The man sounds like Donald Trump. This brings up once again my suggestion that we dump the Democratic Party and start all over for the liberals. This time we'll get it right because we'll populate Washington with Progressives and get rid of the McConnells and Ryans and the rest of the Republican riff raff. 2018!
The Democratic National Committee fired its entire staff. That even includes longtime Dem pundit, Donna Brazile, who just recently owned up to the fact that she had slipped Hillary Clinton debate questions based on her connections with CNN. Brazile had earlier fired Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was responsible for the Party being in the shape it is today. She stood by with her finger in her nose while Republicans took over political seats starting with city, county and state, all the way to the House and Senate, resulting in a loss of the White House. These people are a disgrace to the Party.
As The Blaze put it, "...a humiliating rout in an election that pundits widely believed would fall their [Democrats] way..." I am not sure just what good this will do, considering the guy doing the firing is a Dem hardliner. The Party couldn't see past their noses when Bernie Sanders tried to tell them that Keith Ellison was the man for the DNC job. They are, of course, both Progressives. And that brings me to the title of this blog, "Time to dump the Democratic we know it." As Kenny Rogers put it, "ygot to know when to hold 'em / Know when to fold 'em." Now's the time to fold 'em."
We need to revive the Progressive Party in the format of Bernie Sanders Our Revolution and make it a viable political movement that will give disillusioned Democrats/liberals a place to organize and establish a platform that makes sense to the modern day left. That said, did you know the Progressive Party was first organized in 1912 by Theodore Roosevelt after he lost the nomination of the Republican Party to his former protégé, President William Howard Taft. The Bull Moose version of the Party was dissolved in 1916. No more real activity until 2016 when the Bern came on the scene.
An early attempt at continuing the political positions of Bernie Sanders is by Cenk Uygur, founder of the Young Turks, who has started a movement called, Justice Democrats, whose goal is to put a significant number of Justice Democrats in the Congress. You can see their platform here. And to show how grave the situation was, here is Uygur's comment, "I was hoping someone else would do this, but when no one else was, somebody had to do it.” And of course there are the Progressive Democrats of America, who also mirror the Bern's movement. But so far, we're disjointed.
To correct this there must be a coordinated effort to officially structure a party apparatus that will withstand the organizational challenges of the developing members and the constituents. It will take a strong leader, and, of course, who better than Bernie Sanders? I do not think Sanders is too old to run in 2020, but if the consensus is that he is, there is Elizabeth Warren, and as a dark horse, how about Chuck Schumer? The Senate minority head even supported the Bern's pick of Keith Ellison to head up the DNC, who, unfortunately lost.
If we are to be ready for 2020, things must get moving pretty soon and it will take Bernie's organizational skills to ramp it all up. I will be a constant supporter from my blog and am sure there are many others like me, including the Young Turks. The cry is out there senator Sanders and only you can answer the call.
Think I’ve lost my mind?A staunch liberal and progressive like me promoting a stalwart conservative, and Tea Party darling, like Rep. Paul Ryan from Wisconsin for vice president has to have an underlying motive.Well, of course I do, and of course I don’t mean Ryan as a running mate for Barack Obama, but rather for Mitt Romney who has just chosen Ryan to share the campaign trail with him.In my opinion it basically cinches a win for Obama in November.
Paul Ryan helps another Senior Citizen
Democratic strategist Donna Brazile said Romney’s V.P. decision is bad news for the middle class, a large voting bloc.She says by adopting Ryan’s budget plan, Romney has thrown, “…seniors under the bus and undermined their health security by ending Medicare as we know it. It would increase health care cost for seniors, including those on fixed income, by thousands of dollars a year.”Refusing to raise taxes, they have put ideology ahead of the general public.
Brazile thinks Romney has turned into, “…the most extreme conservative candidate we have had in generations.”Good for the kooks on the severe right, including the Tea Party, but it will lose the Independents for the Bobbsey Twins, especially those in the swing states.While Obama scored with moves to save the economy from depression like rescuing the auto industry, the health care bill, eliminating Osama bin Laden, Ryan was working with House Speaker John Boehner pushing America to the edge of financial disaster.
John King reporting on CNN says that Ryan’s latest budget plan would: “…curb growing deficits by slashing domestic programs and lowering tax rates for individuals and businesses. The Medicare eligibility age would rise from 65 to 67 and spending would be capped. Seniors could stay in the current fee-for-service model or opt to receive government assistance to purchase private health insurance plans.”Ryan also favors privatizing Social Security.
Romney constantly harped on the President’s lack of business credentials until Obama turned Romney’s business affairs into question with his refusal to release more than two years of taxes, and the fact that Romney says he wasn’t in control of Bain Capital during the significant out-sourcing of jobs.Senate leader Harry Reid announced a creditable source told him Romney didn’t pay any taxes for 10 years.On top of all this, Thomas M. Holbrook said, “His {Paul Ryan} working-class credentials include driving an Oscar Mayer weiner truck.”
Obama campaign comments on Paul Ryan choice:
Kevin Bohn on CNN quotes a statement from the Obama campaign: “The Republican ticket favors tax cuts for the wealthy while putting a greater burden on the middle class, it would gut Medicare and shift costs to the elderly, and it would make deep cuts in education.”Continuing, "As a member of Congress, Ryan rubber-stamped the reckless Bush economic policies that exploded our deficit and crashed our economy.”Do we really want more of the same?
The Ryan budget plan, fully backed by Romney, would repeal President Obama’s health care bill, and Medicaid would be turned over to the states with a $750 billion cut over 10 years.Medicare would be designed to be run by private insurers and would cost seniors more or offer them less, while traditional Medicare would still remain an option, according to Richard Wolf on USA Today.It is reported that the block grants to states would be a 33% cut by 2021.
There is a good rendering of Paul Ryan’s array of budget plans since 2008 and leading up to 2012 on Wikipedia.The amazing thing is that none of his plans fully passed through Congress, with even some Republicans opposing him.The 2012 version was passed by the House but economist Paul Krugman said the plan didn’t even count tax cuts as revenue-negative.Marc Goldwein of the Committee for a Responsible Budget added, we may never balance the budget again, nor do we need to.
Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman summed it up for the right: over the period of a year, “…Ryan committed fiscal conservative apostasy on three high-profile votes: The Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP (whereby the government purchased assets and equity from financial institutions), the auto-bailout (which essentially implied he agrees car companies – especially the ones with an auto plant in his district–are too big to fail), and for a confiscatory tax on CEO bonuses (which essentially says the government has the right to take away private property–if it doesn’t like you).”
If you are running for president, especially as a Republican, you get to change the laws, or at least the interpretation of them, to fit your particular situation.Like running for president.And you can even make this retroactive to whenever you want.John Adams said years ago, “facts are stubborn things” and he should know as our second president, a founding father, and a leader of American independence from Great Britain.
ummmm...What did I do?
But as stubborn as some facts are, Mitt Romney insists that he didn’t run Bain Capital after 1999, although he was still president, CEO and its only shareholder.The AP reports, however, that Romney stayed in “regular contact” and was personally involved with the signing or approval of legal documents well into 2001.He claimed to have left Bain in 1999.He also argues that he didn’t even visit Bain during the period in question.
Following 1999 Bain was investing in companies that shipped jobs overseas; actually, pioneering the practice.Putting Americans out of work is not something that goes over well with middle class Americans, but fits perfectly in with Romney’s philosophy of putting corporations ahead of the general public.Obviously the campaign reacted fiercely to defend the candidate.
But in mid-July the Boston Globe said Romney had signed official documents claiming to be president and CEO of Bain Capital as late as 2002, in the middle of the period it was developing firms that were outsourcing jobs.This was sworn to on Securities and Exchange Commission filings.Not only did Romney deny everything again, he demanded a retraction from the Boston Globe which he didn’t get.
Good video on Romney flip-flops:
Donna Brazile, a contributor to CNN and a Democratic strategist says, despite what the candidate’s campaign claims, this whole issue is about getting to the bottom of their complete diversion of the facts.To support all the accusations of burying facts and potential lies, there is the tax returns issue.The general policy of most presidential candidates is to release 12 years of tax returns…unless you have something to hide.
Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, did just that in his run for president in 1968.The elder’s effective tax rate at the time was 37 percent.The son’s similar tax rate was under 15 percent in 2010, the only year he has released.He promises 2011 when completed.John McCain released only 2 years of tax returns when he ran against Barack Obama in 2008 and look what happened to him.
Brazile sums it up eloquently: “If Romney won't stand by his record at Bain, just like he won't stand by his record as governor of Massachusetts, how exactly is the American public supposed to evaluate the candidate?”Romney did a flip-flop on both his health care plan and gun control laws as governor.The answer to Brazile: if you mix Bain Capital with no additional tax returns, plus reversals in policies on major issues, the real question is can we trust Romney?