Showing posts with label Lori Loughlin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lori Loughlin. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2019

Dimwitted celebrities just don't get it

Lori Loughlin freaked out
Lori Loughlin and her spacey daughter Jade are really not worth more attention in the media, but the fact that the well-to-do believe they are above the law is taking front and center. Only a person who thinks they are in this position would slough off an investigation into their illegal activities, saying publicly they thought the prosecutors were just bluffing. But now that jail time draws nearer, Loughlin is "freaking out" with the idea of spending time in the slammer.

The Root says...
"Lori Loughlin thought that her being a wealthy white woman legal defense would save her. Yeah…she thought. But reality comes at you fast."
And what about her husband, fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli? Did she tell him to keep his mouth shut and she, the big wealthy Hollywood celebrity, would handle this? A source says she has been in complete denial, ignoring...
Legal experts who have been offering repeated warnings in recent days about what would happen if Loughlin refused to play ball.
The fact that Felicity Huffman pled guilty and offered such a great statement of remorse and contrition is a very bad sign for Lori Loughlin, reported one legal expert. He believes by fighting her case she could even lengthen her stay in prison. And now Loughlin and her husband have been charged with new violations, including money laundering facing up to 40 years in prison, if convicted. All this to get an under-performing kid into the U. of Southern California.

Big Trump supporters--what else?--she and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, "were among 50 who were allegedly involved with bribing and colluding with college administrators and athletic coaches to guarantee acceptance for their kids." More from Root...
"Loughlin and Giannulli paid a combined $1 million to scam their daughters into University of Southern California. The fallout has shook the infrastructure of illegal factions within schools across the country."
It will be interesting now to see just how far prosecutors take this case, considering the fact that we have such a host of well-known celebrities and a prestigious university involved. Should there be preferential treatment involved, it will be yet another check mark in Bernie Sanders book on the issue of the 1% controlling this country.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Do we really care about these people?

To begin with, I could care less. And what is even more frustrating is the fact that the media gives it such high profiling. I did one blog post on the news that some top TV and movie stars could be prosecuted for their involvement in an admissions scandal for their children at the U. of Southern California. USC is a bastion of higher learning and should be quick to deal with those school officials involved. But I am really sick and tired of hearing bout it.

These people made their beds so now they must sleep in it, a term Hollywood is quite familiar with. Apparently Lori Loughlin and her husband bought their kids way into USC because they felt they were too dumb to do it on their own. From what I have seen so far from kid Olivia Jade Giannulli, the parents were right in their mental assessment. And Olivia now says she also fears prosecution, but recently blaming her lost career on her mother. What lost career?

While this freak daughter screams over her persecution, People Magazine said, "The 19-year-old knew about the alleged scheme and would have stopped it if she thought they’d get caught." Now that shows real character and is why this whole thing should go to court soon if this case is prosecutable. There's talk of some of the culprits making a deal and in tinsel town that is done regularly. But no matter what happens, these people will always carry with them their involvement in a petty scam.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...