It’s all about “ME,” and by that I mean a dysfunctional
Congress thinking only about what it takes to get reelected. When it means turning on a huge new voting population
like Hispanics, they are now rushing in to enlist this group in hopes of
holding on to their jobs in 2014, and maybe adding a few seats in heavily
Latino districts. But when it comes to curbing gun violence through the passage of reasonable
gun control legislation that will save innocent lives, the votes evaporate
under the cloud of Wayne LaPierre and his National Rifle Assn. (NRA).
And it isn’t just Republicans. There are turncoat Democrats representing
conservative to moderate districts who walk the fence and vote with the right
just to stay in office. The primary
example is Dems who refuse to back the President’s gun control legislation
because of the gun bubbas they represent.
Much of this group is likely to be against immigration reform but if
their district has a sizable Hispanic population, the typical politician will
no doubt find a way to justify a vote in favor just to stay competitive. I say throw ‘em all out.
As an example of a classic flip-flop, there was Arizona
Republican Sen. John McCain who championed immigration reform prior to the 2008
election. But in his run for President,
in a time where the Tea Party still had a firm grip on the GOP, he turned
against the issue to please his Arizona and national constituents. As it turned out it worked, at least as far
as turning off the Latino vote. Obama
received 67% nationally, 56% in McCain’s home state of Arizona compared to
McCain’s 31% and 41% respectively. Overall,
Obama 52.9%, McCain 45.7%.
In a recent CNN/ORC International survey, 53% want the main
focus of the immigration issue focused on allowing undocumented immigrants a
pathway to citizenship. This is a change
from 2011 when 55% said the main focus should be on deportation. With a wishy-washy American public, is
Congress making its decisions based on the current direction taken on
immigration reform? If so, why don’t
these blockheads listen to this same constituency when it says in a CBS News
poll following the Sandy Hook massacre that 59% favorstricter gun control?
It’s clear why. Because
of the intimidation of LaPierre’s NRA and the fear he instills in Congress that
he will get them fired if they don’t back his brand of gun control. Once again, looking out for number one over
passing common sense gun control legislation that could save thousands of
lives. And there’s a connection between
the Hispanic vote and gun control. A November 2011 poll by Mayors Against
Illegal Guns found that 69 percent of Latino voters support stricter laws on
gun sales. Hispanics for gun control in
2014 could be a formidable force.
After the Romney disaster with Hispanics, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus
said: "I think you are seeing a lot of movement from our party on these
issues. A lot of it, I tell you, was
tone. You know, it wasn't necessarily the policy on immigration, it was what is
coming out of your mouth." I’m not
sure just how to interpret this but it sounds suspiciously like an approach to
Latinos of ‘we will tolerate you for your vote but don’t expect too much from
the GOP in the way of change on immigration issues.’ That’s just my take.
John Feinblatt, chief adviser
for policy and strategic planning to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg,
says our “antiquated immigration laws” are still meant for the black and white
TV era. Adding, even China provides
generous stipends and other perks to lure the best scientists and engineers to
its country. Further, while “Canada, the
United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and Chile offer visas and other incentives
to attract entrepreneurs to their countries, we make it nearly impossible for
most entrepreneurs to come here.” There’s
more but you get the idea.
And gun control is just one more example illustrating the
mental retardation of the United States on issues clearly beneficial to
Americans living a better life. But in
Congress you will jeopardize your career in politics if you cross Wayne LaPierre
and his NRA. FormerArizona Sen. Dennis DeConcini, a Democrat, championed legislation
against assault weapons in 1989 after the Stockton, CA shooting of school
children. It passed in the Senate,
failed in the House. DeConcini, in
Arizona, was almost recalled. What else
would you expect from this state?
The 2014 elections will be interesting from several standpoints. A lot depends on what happens to gun control and Immigration reform legislation in the next several months. Even more will be decided on how the GOP Congress of “NO” will work with the President on the programs he laid out in his State of the Union message. Obama’s win was a mandate but he is still hampered by a Republican led House and a bare majority in the Senate. And so far the conservatives have shown few signs of cooperation. How long will the American public put up with this?