Showing posts with label Scottsdale Gun Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scottsdale Gun Club. Show all posts

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Scottsdale (AZ) Gun Club extends the state’s stupid streak on firearms

Young boy holding assault rifle
It is no longer appropriate to say, “Just when you think you’ve heard everything,” about the bizarre antics of the gun nuts in Arizona, because there is no end to their idiocy.  The latest, and this is its second year, are the pictures from the Scottsdale Gun Club featuring families with an array of weapons from handguns to assault weapons.  There are also machine guns included in some of the photos you can’t even own legally.  Probably a portent of the National Rifle Assn.’s next move to legalize new firearms for the average family.

There is one of a young boy proudly holding something like an AK-47, a baby caressing the same, a pregnant woman, yes, another assault rifle, and two complete groups decked out with AK-47s, apparently the gun of choice.  They are taken with a Santa that looks less then pleased with what is going on around him.  Many of the photos will end up as Christmas cards, which, when sent out of Arizona, will give sane minded people across the country just one more reason to lavishly ridicule the state.

And here is a comment to end all gun bubba comments by gun club member Richard Jones: “I think it’s going to be all in fun from those who support the second amendment and those who don’t.”  Only a moron would surmise mentally sound individuals would think this kind of lunacy could be fun, and the gun control advocates must be running to sympathetic members in Congress right now saying, “we told you so.” 

Baby caressing assault rifle
This is arrogance at its worst, and a clear indication from the Arizona gun fruitcakes that there is no end to how far they will push gun ownership and the right to carry.  The state already has the loosest weapons laws in the country, and has recently tried to make it legal to take a gun to school.  Because of these alarmingly inadequate laws, Arizona could become the state that puts hundreds of unqualified gun owners on the streets across the country if the Right to Carry Reciprocity Act is passed by Congress.
Jennifer Dove, another club member, said, “There's a huge community that's interested in firearms as a sport and a hobby. There's no reason they can't express their holiday spirit and their passion for that hobby.” You will never convince me, and anyone else who doesn’t let the NRA do their thinking, that the AK-47 is the kind of toy you create a hobby around. It’s for the military and law enforcement, stupid.

The story has gone viral around the world with much of the media just laying out the event with pictures provided by the Scottsdale Gun Club you can see in the above link, and statements such as those mentioned in this article. For those who have a reasonable attitude toward gun ownership, that is sufficient to paint the members of the Scottsdale Gun Club and many other gun-totin’ fanatics in Arizona as something less than bright.

Jennifer Dove, another club member, said, “There's a huge community that's interested in firearms as a sport and a hobby.  There's no reason they can't express their holiday spirit and their passion for that hobby.”  You will never convince me, and anyone else who doesn’t let the NRA do their thinking, that the AK-47 is the kind of toy you create a hobby around.  It’s for the military and law enforcement, stupid.

The story has gone viral around the world with much of the media just laying out the event with pictures provided by the Scottsdale Gun Club you can see in the above link, and statements such as those mentioned in this article.  For those who have a reasonable attitude toward gun ownership, that is sufficient to paint the members of the Scottsdale Gun Club and many other gun-totin’ fanatics in Arizona as something less than bright.

Pregnant woman holding assault rifle
 Arizona state Rep. Steve Farley who has proposed a ban on large-capacity magazines like Jared Loughner used in Tucson in January to kill 6 people and injure many others including Arizona U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords was outraged. 
Farley commented, "To involve machine guns and Santa in a celebration in the birth of Jesus Christ is the worst kind of heresy I can imagine.  I would suggest that the people who created this read some of the New Testament."
Well, Merry Christmas to all you Scottsdale Gun Club crackpots, and hopefully you won’t suffer for your family the same carnage that has been going on in Arizona and throughout the nation that has resulted from loose gun laws like those in Arizona.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...