Already in Arizona in 2012, 48 have died, 31 or 64.4% of those by guns.
These numbers are compiled by the Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence who proclaims that there are obvious signs that precede these cases, as reported by USA Today below:
- your partner controls everything.
- your partner calls you names or yells at you.
- your partner shoves, pinches, hits, punches, kicks or otherwise hurts you.
- your partner destroys your belongings.
- your partner threatens to hurt you, the children, or pets."
“Domestic-violence deaths are counted when a partner or other person in the home kills or is killed. An abuser committing a murder-suicide would be considered two deaths; a death is also counted if an abuser is shot during a confrontation with law enforcement,” says AZCADV. Further, “Battered women who have been threatened or assaulted with a gun — even once — are 20 times as likely than other battered women to be murdered.” The signs tell the tale.
Nationally, a recent study shows that access to firearms increases the risk of intimate partner homicide more than 5 times compared to those instances where there are no weapons in the house. Also, those abusers who own guns are more likely to inflict the most severe injuries on their partners. And nearly two-thirds of all women killed by firearms were killed by an intimate partner.
Firearms are the most frequently used weapon in intimate partner homicide, more than all other weapons combined.
These are heavy figures, especially when you stop to consider that in 1994 the Gun Control Act was amended to prohibit anyone subject to a domestic violence protective order from possessing a firearm. In 1996, the Lautenberg Amendment was added prohibiting anyone convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence from possessing a firearm. Fatal incidents do have a pattern, says Carl Mangold, a licensed social worker commenting in the following:
A man becomes violent, and blames the victim. She tries to resist, and his abuse escalates. She attempts to end the relationship, and he punishes her for her defiance.
Neil Websdale, a Northern Arizona U. criminology and criminal-justice professor refers to the above warning signs while adding others such as being over-possessive of the partner and drinking heavily. Websdale says, "It's about manhood and failing to live up to prescriptions of modern-day masculinity." This mirrors my contention that gun bubbas have the hots for the concealed carry law because it requires having a weapon at their side to make them feel like a man.
Connie Phillips, director of the Phoenix Sojourner Center , a domestic-violence shelter for women, says a gun is a powerful weapon as much for its ability to intimidate as to kill. “You don't even have to point it at her.” He only has to clean it in front of her, put it on the bedside nightstand as she sleeps, or carry it on his hip to make a point.
In other words, firearms are a threat to women in case of domestic violence, so why is it so easy for these people to regain their gun rights after an episode?