New York times coronavirus predictions warning us of what could come...
The status of coronavirus across the world...
Most people poo poo predictions because they have learned there is little or no credibility behind them. You probably should pay attention here since the source is The New York Times and a group of epidemiologists they selected to create a computer model that produces 'what if' results in the handling of the virus. They no doubt used artificial intelligence (AI) in their model which is very dependable. Here's the scenario...
"Working with infectious disease epidemiologists, we [NY Times] developed this interactive tool that lets you see what may lie ahead in the United States and how much of a difference it could make if officials act quickly. (The figures are for America, but the lessons are broadly applicable to any country.)"Keep in mind here the key words are "if officials act quickly." They haven't and the Trump administration shows no signs yet of solid competence in the issue. Try it, but you won't like what you see if you choose the less aggressive approach, which is the current course. The main thing to take from this is the fact that while Donald Trump and his number two henchman run this program, there will be no aggressive action...just more incompetence...READ MORE...