Showing posts with label Dimitrios Pagourtzis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dimitrios Pagourtzis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Oliver North just completed extensive NRA training

Oliver North-NRA's new propaganda master
One would expect no more from Oliver North, recently elected head of the National Rifle Assn., and true to the cause as dictated by NRA head, Wayne LaPierre, than to blame everything but guns on the Santa Fe, Texas massacre of 8 students and 2 teachers. This gun nut actually dismisses "the role of guns in a spate of recent high school shootings." North's words...
"the 'disease' causing such rampages is not firearms but 'youngsters who are steeped in a culture of violence' and who have “been drugged in many cases.”
Can you believe this idiot? The recent mass killings of students, according to North, are caused by everything but the guns used to commit the mayhem; guns, in this case, which were owned by his father and available to the shooter, Dimitrios Pagourtzisbecause the father didn't secure them. Even if he had, Pagourtzis could have easily obtained one under the lax gun laws in Texas. And I don't remember the shooter being on drugs. What did happen, apparently, is bullying of this young man, but it takes some other contributing factor to make him resort to this kind of gun violence.

As has been the case in all the school bloodbaths, the availability of the weapons has been a key component in the carrying out of the shooter's mission. And the flags that are raised by most of the killers, like Pagourtzis wearing a black t-shirt with the inscription "Born to Kill." It isn't cute, nor something to snicker about; it is a serious statement that is a prediction of what that person might do. In this case, he did it. Didn't his parents see him in this shirt, or the students at Santa Fe High? We have become entirely too apathetic over these things, which only encourages the next incident.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Red Flag law should have prevented 10 deaths at Santa Fe, High

Ten people were killed, ten wounded at Santa Fe High School in Texas. The shooter was 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a student at the school. Reports say two guns were used in the attack, a shotgun and a .38 revolver, but I have also heard that Pagourtzis had an assault weapon, all legally owned by his father. As is the case with many gun owners, they don't secure their arsenal. CBS News notes that...
Dimitrios Pagourtzis
"Pagourtzis' social media pages showed multiple images of guns. He recently posted a photo wearing a t-shirt reading "Born to Kill" and there were also photos of a long green jacket with Nazi regalia."
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott claims that, "unlike Parkland, unlike Sutherland Springs, there were not those types of warning signs." If wearing a t-shirt with the inscription "Born to Kill" isn't a warning sign of pending violence, the Governor of Texas must explain just what is. Abbott's reaction to the incident in this way is clearly designed to disguise the fact that his state of Texas does not yet have a Red Flag law...
"Red flag laws – also known as Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) or Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs) – enable law enforcement, and sometimes family members and other concerned parties, to petition a judge to remove guns from individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others."
If there is any law right now being considered in the gun control movement that should be enacted across the nation, immediately, it is the Red Flag law. Yes, there could be incidents where law enforcement makes the wrong move, but on the other hand, how many childrens' lives could be saved? Only nine states have the law, another fourteen considering it, but in twenty-eight states there is no law, nor are there any active bills. Check this article for the apathetical states like Texas who apparently care more about their guns that the lives of their children.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Mass killing ten Texas students without assault weapon

Dimitrios Pagourtzis
Well now we know that you can take out 10 students in a high school using a shotgun a .38 and some bombs. No AR-15, just plain old everyday killing tools. 10 killed with the killer in custody who admitted he didn't have the courage to commit suicide. It was the Santa Fe, TX high school and the shooter's name is Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a seventeen-year-old. I am really beginning to wonder if this kind of thing has become so common the American public actually no longer gives a shit? OK folks, wait until it hits your high school.

Note: Later sources indicate there was an assault rifle in Pagourtzis' possession; no indication yet if it was used.


  Sure you do...   The latest headlines... A GOP lawmaker wants to repeal AZ’s ban on machine guns, pipe bombs and more... Read more 'Un...