PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk
And then Biden says, "that gun manufacturers, not the National Rifle Association (NRA), are the Democratic Party's 'enemy' in its efforts to reform gun control laws. Comments like this are why he's slipping in the polls. The NRA, led by head gun nut, Wayne LaPierre, is what gives gun manufacturers reason to keep making more and more guns, thus, more killing machines on the street. It doesn't help for the leading Democratic contender to protect the NRA.
Older but great analysis of NRA supports gun manufacturers...
Trump economy weak and heading down says an Aussie with public policy experience. Here is his assessment...
"During the election we were promised jobs and growth. But in 2019-20 The Conversation’s forecasting panel is predicting an economic growth rate as weak as any since the financial crisis, as well as dismal consumer spending, no improvement in unemployment or wage growth, and an increased chance of recession."And Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, says the economic growth isn't as strong as it looks. Much will depend on Donald Trump's tariff wars, which anyone knows could be bizarre.
Bernie Sanders should be delighted, the entire lineup of Democratic Primary candidates has picked up at least one issue that the Bern has been advocating his entire political career. In other words, without Bernie Sanders, we would not have a Democratic platform. And doesn't this say something about the vision of this man that can't be overlooked. If his age is the only barrier, then the selection of a vice president should solve that problem. The Bern deserves a break here.
Bernie Sanders on the issues...
Presidential candidate John Hickenlooper is solidly against Socialism and even attempts to make his point with a banjo. He was booed heavily at a San Francisco Democratic convention which didn't seem to dim his enthusiasm. On the other side, Bernie Sanders has a continuing Democratic Socialism vision that he says will save us from global authoritarianism. I go with Bernie and am sure he would start his sweep with the current White House.