Showing posts with label Coronavirus effect on rural areas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coronavirus effect on rural areas. Show all posts

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Republicans are sick and I don't mean just mentally

Here's the RawStory headline: "Red states may be facing a perfect storm of illness and death from COVID-19"...

Trump, surrounded with other morons 
We're talking about previously minimum outbreaks of COVID-19 due to the low density of rural areas compared to New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. That has now changed...
"More than two-thirds of rural counties have confirmed at least one case.” Forty-two states now have over 1,000 confirmed cases of the disease, and many red states are among those conducting the fewest tests."
There's more...
"Polls consistently find that Republicans–especially those who watch Fox News regularly–are more likely than Democrats to believe that COVID-19 is similar to the seasonal flu, and that the media and Democrats are hyping the seriousness of the pandemic to harm Donald Trump’s prospects in November."
Coronavirus effects on rural areas...

And there are additional health factors involved...
"According to data from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 17 of the 20 states with the highest rates of smoking are red. Two are swing states and one, North Carolina, has only become blue in the past couple of cycles.
"Twelve of the 15 states with the highest self-reported rate of diabetes are red.
"Thirteen of the 15 states with the highest obesity rates are as well.
"Of the 15 states with the largest share of their populations reporting being in “fair” or “poor” health, one is blue, two are swing states and the rest are solidly Republican.
"Among the 15 states with the highest rates of death from heart disease, four are swing states but none are blue states.
Not only do we have a bunch of double-digits running around out there rooting for Donald Trump, these same Republicans don't seem to give a damn about their health. 

Wednesday - 2/5/25: NO TIME FOR NEWS???

Sure you do...   The latest headlines... Ignoring accepted medical guidance, Texas governor tells agency heads to recognize only 2 genders.....