Showing posts with label WikiLeaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WikiLeaks. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2019

Could Julian Assange U.S. return sink Trump's ship?

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. said following Julian Assange's arrest at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, "He is our property." The agreement was unanimous in Washington...
Julian Assange
"from Congress to the intelligence services. Assange committed the unpardonable sins of embarrassing the establishment — from members of Congress to intelligence officials to the news media."
It's hard for me to understand how anyone could embarrass a Congress consisting of such a gang of idiots. USA Today's take on the Assange case...
"What could be the most important free speech and free press case in our history could well be reduced to the scope and substance of an unauthorized computer access case."
Assange has had his ups and downs with Donald Trump thinking his presidency would benefit him when...
"it was the Trump Administration that sought to redefine WikiLeaks as a 'non-state hostile intelligence service'—an organization that did not belong within the ambit of journalism."
 In 2016 Donald Trump said he loved WikiLeaks, later refuting he knew anything about it. And then Mike Pence adds his usual confusing and laughable comment...
"Trump’s acclaim for an organization his own administration has identified as a cutout of Russian intelligence services was not actually an 'endorsement.'”
Now, doesn't that just out-dumb everything? But it is yet another reminder that we have not one, but two imbeciles in the White House.

The question is why did Equador dump their most prestigious guest? Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno said...
“We’ve ended the asylum of this spoiled brat. From now on we’ll be more careful in giving asylum to people who are really worth it, and not miserable hackers whose only goal is to destabilize governments.”
In turning his tiny office-cum-bedroom into a new headquarters for the WikiLeaks’ operations, he made the mistake of interfering in politics, most importantly "releasing stolen emails related to Hillary Clinton’s campaign." Then he even turned on his host's President Moreno, accusing him of financial irregularity. Assange also abused the very staff that was caring for him and astoundingly spread feces on the walls.

So, the man's a pig and gave up information that was critical to U.S. security, but does he know something that can sink Donald Trump's ship? Assange was very vague when talking to Meghan Kelly in 2016, saying he would release anything he had, adding...
"it's really hard for us to release anything worse than what comes out of Donald Trump's mouth every second day."

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Mueller "shadow" that Trump can't avoid

Donald Trump...Still denying Mueller Report
The Mueller Report is about to be released but Politico says...
"a pair of high-profile new cases surfacing in the past 24 hours signals that the arm of his Russia investigation is long indeed."
They are charges "against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and the indictment of former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig." Although not actually connected, the two could add to and tie together many of Robert Mueller's findings. This includes...
"everything from Russian interference in the 2016 election to the hush-money payment scheme Donald Trump’s campaign designed to help sway the last White House race, from the fundraising for Trump’s 2017 inauguration to unregistered foreign lobbyists working in the U.S."
I will be doing a post on Assange's release later, but this shows how there is yet another player in the investigation that will eventually bring Donald Trump to his knees, or lower. Gene Rossi, a former federal prosecutor from Virginia, describes it as a part of Robert Mueller's tendons that have resulted from his investigation and which branch off into several directions. They include the Justice Department, Eastern District of Virginia, Southern District of New York and Washington D.C.

If the examination of Donald Trump's wrongdoing continues on for months, like National Public Radio reports, how can this country possibly move on ahead and do the job of governing? Congress is already stymied with the "anti-everything" Mitch McConnell heading up the Senate, while Nancy Pelosi does her best to keep the House moving forward. NPR refers to the following cases...
Prosecutors have charged GOP political consultant Roger Stone with obstruction, witness tampering and lying to Congress in connection with his work in 2016 on behalf of Trump's campaign...Attorney General William Barr has come under fire from Democrats for releasing top-line findings tied to Mueller’s work that Trump has used to claim “total EXONERATION” even though the special counsel’s report said no such thing...The case against the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting, which has been linked to Russia's social media disinformation campaign...
There's more you can read in the NPR article, but the gist of all this is that Donald Trump is sitting in the Oval Office just waiting for the shit to hit the fan.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...