Showing posts with label Marie Yovanovitch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marie Yovanovitch. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2020

Marie Yovanovitch labels Donald Trump administration a dictatorship

Marie Yovanovitch

The former American ambassador to Ukraine was a career woman in the U.S. government, a member of the senior ranks of the United States Foreign Service. Unfortunately, her high standard of ethics and service to her country did not agree with those of Donald Trump, who fired her recently. "Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani and his henchman Lev Parnas worked to spread false stories about her work to destroy her reputation."

Well, they didn't, and Ms. Yovanovitch has come out on top swinging at the Oval Office lunatic and his henchmen in "a scathing editorial for the Washington Post that raises fears about the future of American democracy." Here's some of what she says...
“I have seen dictatorships around the world, where blind obedience is the norm and truth-tellers are threatened with punishment or death,” she writes. “We must not allow the United States to become a country where standing up to our government is a dangerous act. It has been shocking to experience the storm of criticism, lies and malicious conspiracies that have preceded and followed my public testimony.”
The former ambassador warns how Trump is discouraging anyone in the foreign service, or who might be thinking about it by actions such as those toward her. She says, “Our public servants need responsible and ethical political leadership.” However...
“This administration, through acts of omission and commission, has undermined our democratic institutions, making the public question the truth and leaving public servants without the support and example of ethical behavior that they need to do their jobs and advance U.S. interests.”
How many people like this will it take to convince the American public in November that, since we were not able to impeach the White house maniac, we must vote him out of office. Can we count on you to help produce the landslide?  READ MORE...

Friday, January 31, 2020

Just how involved is Bill Barr in the Ukraine investigation?

AG William Barr

It has apparently become impossible to separate Attorney General Bill Barr from the impeachment of Donald Trump, particularly the Ukraine incident. The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent reports a recent “damning new audio recording” has far-reaching effects...
"reportedly features Trump telling his associates that he wants then-U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch fired could be a significant development in Democrats."
 In the recording, Trump clearly says, “Get rid of her!” in reference to Yovanovitch. Then he says, “Get her out tomorrow. I don’t care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. Okay? Do it.” 'Take her out?' This idiot sounds like a mafia boss, but. then, he has been compared with Don Corleone before. Well, Yovanovitch is out and the video confirms Lev Parnas' version of the firing. Parnas told Rachel Maddow...
“I do remember me telling the president the ambassador was bad-mouthing him and saying he was going to get impeached, something to that effect.”
The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent reports...
"the recording reveals “how involved Trump was in the campaign to oust Yovanovitch” in order to “clear the way for the corrupt scheme that Giuliani was preparing to orchestrate in an effort to extort Ukraine into announcing investigations that would help Trump politically.”
Then Sargent closes with this re. Barr...
“All of which is a reminder that we still have only the foggiest understanding of the role Attorney General William P. Barr is playing. Is Barr allowing this investigation — whatever it’s examining — to proceed wherever the facts lead?”
For some time now the suck-up Attorney General has directed all his energies protecting the White House maniac instead of the citizens of this country he swore to protect when taking office. Chalk up one more to dump.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...