Showing posts with label Liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberals. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Hail-Hail...Conservatism is Declining

In a study by Gallup in the way Americans define themselves politically, conservatives no longer lead the pack. The rise of the Progressives/liberals makes them equal to social conservatives at 31% each for the first time in 15 years. Conservatives dropped from 39% to 31%. Progressives rose from 21% to 31%, a two point increase advantage. Can anyone wonder why? Let's see, Geo. W. Bush went into office on Jan. 20, 2001, and served for eight years. That, alone, would push the borderline/moderate conservatives to change their loyalty.

Barack Obama was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009 and it was almost immediately that Mitch McConnell made it known that it was his number one priority to make sure President Obama was a one-term president. He didn't; in fact Obama beat Mitt Romney handily in 2012. But McConnell's hate campaign turned the U.S. Senate into a bunch of laughable hyenas and it has never recovered. Then the House was taken over by Republicans in 2011, and John Boehner, the new Speaker, has made it his personal cause to oppose every idea and piece of legislation President Obama has come up with.

But the House infiltration of the Tea Party has perhaps been the most damaging to this country in ages. When you add to that Ted Cruz--one of the laughable Senate Hyenas--almost shutting down the government in 2013, well, you can understand a shaky conservative block that said, 'enough is enough.' In another war of matching numbers Gallup finds Democrats jumping from a low 37% to 53% leaning toward liberal issues. Likewise Republicans dropped from 67% to 53% in their ideological identification on social issues.

What does this mean for 2016? You only have to look at who is the biggest Progressive out there. Bernie Sanders.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Progressivism started as a social movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, eventually becoming a political movement. Teddy Roosevelt actually spearheaded the cause after taking office in 1901, mixing this with GOP conservatism. He said most everyone wants some progress but both Republicans and Democrats were slow to actually implement it. Roosevelt took it a step farther declaring he "always believed that wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand in hand." Progressivism was highlighted in the Industrial Revolution, later when technology completely changed the way we do business. It was recently in 2014 that Andrew Tillett-Saks described a Progressive in Counterpunch, as one believing in a restrained free market, trade unions, taxing the wealthy, the nationalization of essential social needs such as education and healthcare, strong public welfare programs, higher minimum wage requirement and increased unionization, and the support of the poor.

The difference between a liberal and a progressive, at least as far as I see it; first I would extend the free market restraints to serious regulations on corporations. As far as taxing wealth, liberals have been way too lax on this in recent years. And liberals have been far too conceding on the establishment of private schools at the sake of the public school system. Bleeding liberals open welfare to the point of dispensing money without any control which I think is counterproductive. There hasn't been a sufficient drive in liberal politics to increase the minimum wage and to do more for the poor, both of which Progressives feel would improve the economy. And then there is my favorite of all, gun control, which some liberals even vote against.

Believe me, there are other differences that reside on an individual basis but the key factor here is that Progressives aren't saddled with a radical ideology like the Republican right. That's why we're called Progressives.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Liberals are always searching for the reasons that conservatives would do the stupid things they do these days. Five new studies attempt to explain their inadequacies. First, “Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes,” was done by Brock University claims that a low IQ as a child translates into the person being a racist and voting conservative. Two, Fairleigh Dickinson University asked people which news shows they watched, then queried them about current events and their source. Those watching Fox News had the lowest ranking, even lower than those that watched no news at all. Three, researchers at the University of Arkansas found that conservatives were likely to put little effort into their thinking. Four, Kent State University's “Abstract Reasoning as a Predictor of Attitudes Toward Gay Men,” found that, "those with low abstract reasoning ability have a tendency to be homophobic." Five, in the last study performing MRI brain scans on students at the University College in London, they were asked their political persuasion. Results: "liberal students had more gray matter, which would make them smarter."

A Progressive can only deduce that the above is why John Boehner and Mitch McConnell do the stupid things they do and why other Republican fruitcakes go around making the inane statements they do.

Monday, March 30, 2015


A 2007 Study found that non-voters are more economically liberal, preferring Barack over Mitt Romney 59% to 24%. Marginal voters, those affected by weather or election timing, are liberal. Among the 34 million registered to vote in 2010 midterms, 63.1% were Democrats. Liberals do benefit from high voter turnout, which can also be volatile. So, from this should we assume that liberals are lazy couch potatoes afraid of the rain who vote only when they see a crowd collecting at the polls?

MARK TWAIN: "The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie"

The headline is a Mark Twain quote. And it precisely describes the predicament the good people of this country find themselves in the fight ...