The White House is a swinging door of people being fired and leaving, with new schmucks coming through the door regularly to support Donald Trump's ineptness...
Politico reports, "Trump fires intelligence communitywatchdog who defied him on whistleblower complaint." This is the
intelligence community’s chief watchdog, Michael Atkinson. who alerted Congress
last September about Trump’s communications with the Ukraine president, Volodymyr
Zelensky. Here's the response from the left...
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Atkinson’s ouster was evidence that Trump “fires people for telling the truth.”
The revolving door is only a small part of the story. The
real focus here is on truth, something Donald Trump's White House does not
believe in. Therefore, if you choose to be truthful about the Oval Office
lunatic, 'yer out!' Pathetic!
You're on Progressive Street...Where Liberals Walk...