Showing posts with label Sarah Sanders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Sanders. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Donald Trump and his new Jesus Christ complex

August 22, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET NEWS BYTES...Where Liberals Walk

Donald Trump really thinks he is God  

How Trump sees himself
This has to be at the top of the list of the Donald Trump freak show that has become a daily occurrence in the White House and around the world. It seems a T-rump superfan compared him to Jesus Christ, using his latest widely criticized remarks about Jews and Israel...
"The president on Tuesday questioned the loyalty of Jews who voted for Democrats, which was widely condemned as anti-Semitic, and he defended himself the following morning by tweeting out quotes from Newsmax commentator Wayne Allyn Root — who has promoted anti-Semitic and racist conspiracy theories against George Soros and President Barack Obama."
Wayne Allen Root had commented...
“’President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world…and the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel.'”
How most see Trump
Now, does anyone wonder how the double-digit Trump supporters come up with such bizarre statements in their backing of this moron. People as crazy as Donald Trump talking about an equally crazy Donald Trump. Root concluded with, They love him like he is the second coming of God.” Not sure we can top this. Trump isn't the first president to compare himself with God. Historian Heather Cox Richardson tweeted...
the “last president to compare himself to Jesus was Andrew Johnson, before the 1866 midterms. Johnson at the time planned to lead his white supremacist supporters to victory to roll back Reconstruction.”
The other village idiot, Sarah Sanders, says God wanted Donald Trump...

Well, Johnson failed, but it may be harder to stop the Oval Office lunatic if he should be elected to a second term. Chauncey DeVega on Salon says, "Trump’s limited intellectual development has given him a ‘God complex." Now there is no doubt in our minds that Donald Trump's intellectual development is severely narrowed, that is, if there has been any at all. Here's how DeVega explains it...
"Trump’s lack of respect for the country’s long-standing democratic norms and institutions also extends to America’s alliances, security arrangements with its allies and friends, and the international order more broadly...hailed the merits of nationalism (while barely pretending that does not mean white nationalism)...tried to surrender U.S. security to Russian President Vladimir Putin...Donald Trump is also a habitual liar who is at war with the truth and empirical reality...Donald Trump is an authoritarian in waiting, who acts as though he believes himself to be God."
There is so much more in this AlterNet piece from Salon that makes good reading. And here Trump "declares himself ‘the chosen one’ as ‘antichrist’ trends on social media."

READ MORE of my posts on Trump authoritarianism and white supremacy.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Sarah Sanders has no credibility

Sarah Sanders
That's just tragic since Sarah Sanders is the spokesperson for Donald Trump, who, of course, has zero credibility himself. Which means when the lie comes out of T-rump's mouth, it is immediately compounded by Sanders. If this all hadn't already dropped to the depths of the ludicrous, I would have to say again it's getting worse. But we're way beyond worse after Columbia Journalism Review editor-in-chief Kyle Pope remarked...
“Reporters have to start assuming that this White House is going to continue to lie and manipulate the media.”
That is one of the most pathetic statements on the Trump administration I have ever heard, but it will still fall on the deaf ears of hard-core T-rump supporters. In addition, Pope...
"even questioned the value of quoting or interviewing Trump’s principal spokesperson, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who admitted to Mueller’s investigators that she made unfounded claims that the ousted FBI director James Comey had lost support among rank-and-file agents."
And even worse, Sanders tried to maintain her credibility even after admitting to Robert Mueller's investigators that her Comey comments had no basis in fact. Lather she went so far as to denounce the media while Trump bashed The New York Times on Twitter, calling on them to “get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness.” This whole damn administration is a gang of certifiable freaks, and the tragedy is they are in control of the most powerful government in the world. There is literally no one who can be trusted, and that's scary as hell.

Another example, first T-rump claimed “total exoneration” from the Mueller Report. Later this changed to Mueller's findings were “total bulls--t" while at the same time berating his staff who blew the whistle on him. Peter Baker of the New York Times said...
“Journalists shouldn't take anything said by any president at face value, but the Mueller report reminds us that this president in particular says so many things that are flatly untrue that we shouldn't trust anything without checking it.”
There's not much more left to be said than please, please let the 2020 elections get here as soon as possible so we can rid ourselves of this fraudulent president. Unless he wants to resign now???

Saturday, April 20, 2019

A pathetic presidential administration based on lies

The culprits Sarah Sanders and Donald Trump
THE DONALD TRUMP ADMINISTRATION has based its entire tenure in the White House on lying. Lying to the public, lying to the media and the Oval Office lunatic even lies to his own aides. The Mueller Report exposed a bunch of these intentional deceptions, the latest of which is T-rump's spokesperson, Sarah Sanders. She is trying to lie herself out of a lie over James Comey...
"Addressing reporters from the White House lectern, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made a startling claim shortly after President Trump fired FBI Director James B. Comey two years ago. 'I’ve heard from countless members of the FBI that are grateful and thankful for the president’s decision,' she said, refusing to back down when pressed on the issue. 'Between emails, text messages, absolutely,' she insisted."
You don't lie to Congress, nor the feds, as the prosecuted perjurers Michael Flynn and Michael Cohen found out. But Sarah Sanders is the face of Donald Trump, and a very ugly one it is. Not because of her looks but because of how low she is willing to lower herself for the lowlife she works for. The deceit extends into the Trump family when Donald Trump Jr. was told the [Trump Tower] lawyer was working on behalf of the Russian government and would bring damaging information on Hillary Clinton...
Trump Jr. replied, “If it's what you say I love it.”
And this is Los Angeles Times Chris Megerian's take on the whole scenario...
"Pervasive lying is an unsurprising result of having a president whose dishonesty has been a hallmark for years, whether it’s exaggerating the height of his buildings or claiming that President Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

While every White House is accused of dissembling or worse at times, the report makes clear that Trump leads a White House where falsehoods and misrepresentations are common practice."
What is clear is that this country somehow elected an accomplished scam artist. What we must be careful of now is not to do it again in 2020.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly on the hot seat

Kelly says, 'OK Sarah, let's get it right'
Apparently John Kelly missed the class on war history at the U. of Massachusetts. Kelly blamed the Civil War on “the lack of an ability to compromise, which historians deemed “dangerous” to “kind of depressing.” Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the sole black Senate Republican said, “There was no compromise to make – only a choice between continuing slavery and ending it." Kelly later espouses the Jim Crow version of the causes of the Civil War. And it didn't end there when Sarah Sanders tried to confirm it claiming certification from left, right, North and South. Kelly is also charged with lying in an Oct. 19, speech about Rep. Frederica Wilson of Fla. re. what Trump said to widow of an American soldier. Has there ever been a White House this screwed up?

John Kelly comment “dangerous” to “kind of depressing”...

The Civil War was about ending slavery...

John Kelly just can't get it right...

John Kelly lies just like his boss, Donald Trump...

Friday, October 27, 2017

Trump first 9 months better than Obama Presidency? Bullshit!

The insecurity of the Oval Office
Sarah Sanders, clueless mouthpiece of the Oval Office lunatic, made the statement in last Wednesday's press briefing that Donald Trump's first nine months had out performed Barack Obama's entire presidency. The accomplishments she pointed to were mostly ludicrous with the usual distortion of the truth. Like 1.7 million jobs added in that period when the latest data reveals only 1.33 million, projecting that 2017 will end short of prior years. The insecurity of this man is so obvious by always comparing with Obama and taking credit for his accomplishments. Pathetic!

The distortion of a sick presidency by Sarah Sanders 

Republicans play hide and seek with Trump 

More of Sanders' drivel

Jeff Flake says Trump deserves a bipartisan assault

Selective wealth and power will bring America to its knees

It is called an oligarchy, "a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; govern...