Showing posts with label Rush Limbaugh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rush Limbaugh. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2020

Trump's self appraisal gets support from his bootlickers

Why coronavirus will go out of control in the United States...

Sean Hannity, one of Fox News' biggest sources of misinformation

The Russians are coming - The Russians are spread coronavirus propaganda like...
"conspiracy theories — suggesting, for example, that the coronavirus had been created by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or was the result of a bioweapon."
Not so far-fetched when you consider they helped spread hoaxes in 2016 that the Democrats wanted to "destroy T-rump's presidency." Now Putin's gang is fast at work again, this time on the coronavirus to lay the blame anywhere but at Donald Trump's feet, where it belongs. If you can believe anything from Trump's Cabinet...
"A top State Department official said Thursday that Russia is behind 'swarms of online, false personas' that sought to spread misinformation about coronavirus on social-media sites, stressing the 'entire ecosystem of Russian disinformation is at play.'" 
Dumbo Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is at it again when he went on TV to advance the theory of Chinese bioweapon conspiracy, not backing down when questioned over his remark. Here's the real skinny...
Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, told the Washington Post, “There’s absolutely nothing in the genome sequence of this virus that indicates the virus was engineered. The possibility this was a deliberately released bioweapon can be firmly excluded.”
The master moron of misinformation speaks on coronavirus...

So back to ground zero where Trump, Pence and the whole lot of misfits and incompetents charge ahead with more cover-up propaganda, rather than pay attention to the crisis at hand. And, that's not good since Fox News' Maria Bartiromo predicts there will be ‘hundreds of thousands’ of US coronavirus cases,' as I reported in yesterday's post. But Salon's Digby Parton cautions...
"If these rumors and lies were started by the Russian government it just proves, once again, that they know their targets. But the truth is that Americans don’t really need their help. The right-wing media is doing a great job of misleading half the country all by themselves."
And Maria Bartiromo is one of the few Fox staff who can be trusted.
Rush Limbaugh

It is beyond frightening that an unbridled GOP can get away with this in modern day America. But this is what it has come down to today and if the American public decides to reelect Donald Trump to a second term. Salon reminded us, "Rush Limbaugh insisted that the coronavirus was just a common cold and it was being 'weaponized' to use against the president." With world-class morons like this in our own country, we don't need any enemies.

And then there is another delusion from Fox News dimwits. They have...
"blamed the homeless population for spreading the disease, despite absolutely no evidence that has happened. This fits with their evident programming directive to demean and degrade the homeless population as often as possible, particularly in states that didn’t vote for Donald Trump."
Now this exceeds the unconscionable when these displaced folks are trying their best to just survive in some cases. And this is the first time I have heard this one, Digby Parton contends that Donald Trump has a "fake reputation," throwing the term back in the face of the blockhead that originated it with "fake news." But here's an unbelievable comment that Trump made to the king of misinformation, Fox News Sean Hannity...
"We have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better."
Many of the mild cases have experienced some improvement and will continue to do so. But another implication they should go to work is asinine and potentially dangerous for those with more serious conditions. There have been 3,570 coronavirus deaths worldwide, 19 in the U.S. There are a number of factors that affect the immunity to this virus and only the experienced medical community should be giving advice, not some dufus sitting in the Oval Office.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

"Rush Limbaugh: ‘Mr. Man’ Trump Will ‘Have Fun’ With ‘Gay Guy’ Buttigieg Kissing His Husband"

Friday, August 16, 2019

White Supremacist Evangelical Republican Party loves Donald Trump

August 16, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET...News Bytes where Liberals Walk

Paul Krugman is a Nobel Prize-winning economist who muses over how Donald Trump openly and without restraint, spouts his perpetual bigotry...  
Donald Trump in his environment
"how prominent Republicans had failed to link President Donald Trump’s incitements to violence to a rise in hate crimes following the weekend’s mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, that was carried out by a gunman suspected of holding white supremacist views."
He continues...
“So the party remains in lockstep behind a man who has arguably done more to promote racial violence than any American since Nathan Bedford Forrest, who helped found the Ku Klux Klan, a terrorist organization if there ever was one.”
As have other critics of Donald Trump commented, this pretty much puts T-rump on the same level as Adolph Hitler. Harking back to the atrocities of Nazi Germany, and considering the Oval Office lunatic is in charge of the most powerful country in the world--at least currently--just very can this be? Krugman told us, because of an inept and cowardly Congress. And it is something the American public will have to deal with in 2020.

Trump insider on his racism...

What is even more terrifying is the White (Supremacist) Evangelical Republican Party is solidly behind Donald Trump and will not be swayed by his white nationalism and blatant racism. I left the organized church years ago and this kind of realization makes me understand why. Here's another extremely alarming statement...
"No matter what Donald Trump does or says, most Republicans and white evangelicals are not going to criticize or break from him in 2020. It is also a fantasy that his racist rhetoric and policies will turn off most Republicans and white evangelicals."
And here's the reason from David Schultz of Counterpunch...
"What Trump has achieved is the merger and consolidation of white supremacy, white evangelicalism and Republicanism into a party that simply is about racial identity. This is the new Republican Party."
That's about as scary as it gets, at the very least when you consider the Ten Commandments. People of God are supposed to be giving and forgiving, not raging racists who hate anyone who doesn't look like them. "Recent Pew Research Centerpolls puts Trump’s approval among evangelicals at 69%, although down from a high of 78%, but still overwhelming." Schultz adds...
"The Republican Party today of Donald Trump is the product of three political movements that have consolidated to a core set of principles that focus mostly on race, but also on guns, abortion, and gay rights."
This is chilling.

Evangelicals still support Donald Trump, regardless...

Here's advice from Trump's evangelical adviser Robert Jeffress : "Make kids scared of Jesus again and stop teaching evolution to end mass shootings." This article goes on to discuss the part religion plays in ending gun violence. Matthew Chapman of Raw Story comments, "Trump is the end result of 40 years of right-wing radio hate-mongering," as Chapman quotes CNN’s Michael Smerconish...
“That’s the day [August 1, 1980] that Rush Limbaugh takes to the radio,” said journalism expert Brian Rosenwald. “And people tune in, what they hear every day is calls for action. It doesn’t make for good radio to say, hey, nuance, compromise, that stuff is boring. But fighting, that’s good radio. And Donald Trump captured that.”
Agreed, white supremacy, racism and particularly hate, could not be discussed without mentioning Russ Limbaugh, perhaps one of Donald Trump's biggest mentors. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Rush Limbaugh at his best
I hate to keep using that word "stupid" but it is the best definition I can find for some conservatives who seem to dwell in the doldrums of lunacy. Rush Limbaugh heads the list. In his latest tirade he asks if DREAM kids are so great, why can't they make it in their own country? Now only a moron would ask that question when it is obvious kids from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras don't have the same opportunities in their countries as they would in the United States. The question that should be asked is why are these kids flowing across the border and what are we going to do about them? President Obama has already said they cannot stay legally but they are children and something humane must be done. But parents from these foreign countries have learned that the U.S. is a benevolent country and the problem is likely to get worse.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Rush Limbaugh lies…but what’s new about that?

Pres. and the blabbermouth
The big fat oaf rants that the American public does not “support gun violence prevention,” as described in a MediaMatters release, saying Rush Limbaugh has quoted from a 1998 statement by then State Sen. Barack Obama.  Obama said “"the vast majority of Americans would like to see serious gun control," which the conservative blowhard said was incorrect.  In fact a ban on assault weapons and background checks at gun shows is highly favored with the public.

In terms of hard gun control, Pew Research found following the Aurora, Colo. movie massacre that 47% prefer stronger gun control compared to 46% who don’t.  A stark comment in the London Daily Mail which said in response to new stats on gun control following Aurora, it was as if it never happened.  And here lies the tragedy in the U.S. gun problem.  Americans have been so brainwashed by the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) they have become just lame on the issue.

More facts from MediaMatters show that 62% of Americans support banning assault weapons, even 49% of Republicans.  86% favor background checks when buying a gun, including at gun shows, and the majority want bans on high capacity magazines.  A majority also wants to limit the number of guns purchased at one time and a requirement to report lost or stolen guns by owners.  Most rational Americans would agree all of these are reasonable…not the NRA.

Typical gun owner inventory
Albert Bender in People’s World is concerned that the U.S. gun culture has been diagnosed as a social disease.  This comes from a group of American doctors who lament over the fact that “Mass murders of citizens by other citizens occur here with a frequency seen in no other nation in the world.”  When you consider the turmoil going on around the globe, this puts the U.S. in the enviable position of loving our guns over the love of human life, a comment I make repeatedly.

The docs cite facts that illustrate what a monopoly we have on gun violence:

  • Over 300 million guns in American households-one for each citizen

  • The NRA has a powerful lobby that threatens and fills the pockets of Congress to do their bidding

  • Racism is still present in this country and along with hate groups headed up by those like the late Arizonan J.T. Ready, operate freely

  • Massive inequality and poverty, particularly in communities of color

  • 20% of Americans have significant mental problems

  • Thanks to former President Ronald Reagan, there has been a severe decline in mental health facilities

  • The U.S. has an arms industry supported by the NRA making billions annually “opting for profit over humanity”

The way Limbaugh should be
Media Matters exclaims, based on the above, “a lot of innocent citizens will be shot on a regular basis.”  That’s a pretty conservative statement when you consider there are 31,347 firearm deaths each year which breaks down to 86 per day, according to the CDC.  To point out the severity of this issue, I have started a Monthly Shooting Report based on media announcements, which is very conservative.

Since starting the report in March of this year, and through August, there have been 509 firearms deaths from 1,398 shootings.

So Rush Limbaugh lies, which any sane American already knew, but at the same time he has called attention to what I consider the most serious problem facing the United States today: the proliferation of guns that are being used by citizens to kill each other.  I repeat, gun worshippers do love their guns more than human life.  And for that prominent claim to fame, we have Wayne LaPierre and his henchmen at the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) to thank.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Some conservative talk radio features and caters to idiots

Almost everyone has heard of the Rush Limbaughs, Sean Hannitys and Glenn Becks, but how many of you progressives out there take the time to listen to your local gaggle of conservative talk radio misfits?  I do.  As a matter of fact, I was actually disappointed when Glenn Beck was removed from one of our local stations.  Someone counseled me years ago; as long as you know what the opposition is doing you can plan your strategy to defeat them.  Good advice.

Rush Limbaugh on the air
We are often in the car on the way to and from errands and appointments mid-afternoons and I am hooked on the news.  Unfortunately, the best is available on the local Phoenix station of KTAR-Radio, which is very conservative; what else, this is Arizona?  It was following the ABC newscast one day that I heard the “comedy team” of Mac and Gaydos and since then, have listened off and on to see just how stupid this pair of dropouts can get.  It is truly pathetic.

These two political amateurs try their best to sound “Limbaugh” or “Beck” but the result is a combination of moronic bantering back and forth with trumped up issues that only a conservative simpleton would accept.  Like, arguing that V.P. Joe Biden’s comment that Romney would “”unchain Wall Street” is racist.  Only two baboons—I apologize to all apes—like this couple of bush leaguers, or other like simple minded conservatives, could come up with this kind of reasoning.

And then they compound their brainlessness by having lightweight Meghan McCain, daughter of our illustrious U.S. Senator, John McCain, come on their show and call Biden an “idiot.”  Of course, any thinking American would likely place these three (Mac, Gados and Meghan McCain) in the same category with other lost souls on the far right.  John McCain is a has-been who just doesn’t know when to quit. 

Now, I am fully aware of just how this conservative talk radio thing works.  You say harebrained things that are supposedly funny or entertaining because it is this kind of mindless audience that you are pandering to.  Rush Limbaugh has been doing it for years and the size of his captive audience is chilling if you think about it.  These people are always in the attack mode, but rarely have their facts right or make sense due to the lack of substance in their rants.

Glenn Beck
As in the case of this crackbrained Mac and Gaydos team on KTAR in Phoenix which tied Biden’s “unchained” comment into racism.  It was obviously a result of Republican remarks that Obama should “unshackle” small business and the economy, and they probably knew this but preferred to play the “race card.”  When you have a couple of greenhorn hosts like these two, you simply consider the source and go on.  But it’s different in the case of KTAR.

The station is well known for its conservative talk radio programs in the area, and if anyone in programming is listening to these two clowns, you’d think they would steer them back to something of substance and reality.  Unless the audience is so strong and it supports their daily afternoon gibbering, then I have another explanation.  It is the typical ultra conservative, double-digit IQs that seem to thrive in this state.  Probably led by the Surprise, Arizona Tea Party.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lim-burger-baugh supplies latest stink to conservative talk radio

Limburger cheese

Limburger cheese originated in Europe and is known for its pungent odor often compared to body odor.  Rush Limbaugh is a (fill in the word) who originated in the United States, specifically Cape Girardeau, Missouri, who has developed an unmistakable smell doing his radio show over the years that just won’t seem to go away. 

Minnesota Senator Al Franken, then a liberal humorist, had it right when he said: “Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot.”  Although I wouldn’t want to put all of Limbaugh’s listeners in this category—some say they tune in to this bald pinhead for entertainment—but if you are one that takes him serious, you are in trouble.  Some say we should keep him around just to expose extreme-right politics that has brought this country down to a level never before seen.

The Young Turks on the Limbaugh/Fluke incident in the video below:


He’s done it again but this time it seems to be more enduring when he called Georgetown student, Sandra Fluke, a “slut” and a “Prostitute.”  She was testifying before Congress that she felt her school’s health insurance should cover contraception for female students.  He apologized, sort of, saying: "I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices."  What he didn’t add was the fact that he is a pathological moron with followers who don’t have a clue.

I did an article on Limbaugh for Phoenix Examiner back in June of 2009, “If Rush Limbaugh says Sotomayor is bad, she must be good,” about how he tried to block Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court.  This was actually his second attempt to stop a Sotomayor appointment; he tried to block her from the 2nd U.S. Court of Appeals several years ago.  Limbaugh even predicted then that she was on her way to the Supreme Court.

Rush Limbaugh "On the air"
He referred to her as a “reverse racist” and a “hack,” the former due to her statement, “wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.”  I asked a Latina friend how she interpreted this and she told me that, after she had thought about it, she agreed with Sotomayor.

But it was Jane Fonda, Robin Morgan, and Gloria Steinem that went for Limbaugh’s jugular in their CNN article, “FCC should clear Limbaugh from airwaves.”  They emphasized the severity of the situation by saying it “was not much worse than his regular broadcast of sexist, racist and homophobic hate speech” as follows:

  • “Female Cabinet members are sex-Retaries.”

  • “The NAACP should have riot rehearsal.  They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.”

  • “The National Organization for Women is a bunch of whores to liberalism”

  • “Said to an African-American female caller: ‘Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.’”

The Jane/Robin/Gloria trio says, “Limbaugh doesn't just call people names. He promotes language that deliberately dehumanizes his targets.”  Further, “This isn't political. While we disagree with Limbaugh's politics, what's at stake is the fallout of a society tolerating toxic, hate-inciting speech. For 20 years, Limbaugh has hidden behind the First Amendment, or else claimed he's really ‘doing humor’ or ‘entertainment.’"   

As an example, the talk show host has called women "femi-Nazi," for years.  Other illustrations of Limbaugh degradation are subjects like people of color, lesbians and gays, immigrants, the disabled, the elderly, Muslims, Jews, veterans, environmentalists and more.

Who's a "slut" now?

It could be catching up with the toxic-jock.  I believe the latest is 13 sponsors that have left the show, two radio stations dropping Limbaugh.  The determined trio has challenged his syndicator, Clear Channel Communications, on their plans to support this kind of hate speech which obviously will never change.  However, if the sponsors stand by their decision to drop Limbaugh and more stations do the same based on a loss of revenue, you can’t call it censorship. 

You can also make a complaint to the FCC.  Complaints can be registered under the broadcast category of the FCC website: 

With any luck, the era of Karl Roves and Rush Limbaughs is coming to an end.  Maybe conservatives will finally get the message and start working on talking about issues instead of the ‘we’re against everything progressive” attitude.  But the liberals and moderates will have to do their part too by coming to the table with an open mind.

In the meantime, try some Limburger cheese.  My father loved it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

B-A-N-N-E-D by DAILY KOS for my views on gun rights fanatics – Part 2

New Daily Kos diarist
In the first article in this series, I supplied some background on Daily Kos and how I was banned from that blog.  Unless DK wants to be more specific, the only explanation is that I was drummed out by a gang of guns rights fanatics.  But I doubt the blog can refute the fact that the reaction to my articles on gun control were the reason the Daily Kos “community” kicked me out, unless DK elects to censor me further by deleting all my posts and their comments. 

Right up front I will admit that many of my articles were reproachful against gun owners, but were based on my prior experience where gun extremists have reviled my writing using language fit only for a sailor (I was a swabbie).  They were very similar to some you will see here today.  And it is hard for anyone to ignore the daily blasts from the media by gun worshippers who love their guns more than life.  I live in Arizona, the seat of loose gun laws.

See MSNBC's Chris Matthews on gun control below:

Eddie Garcia at work in Vermont

I’ll start the Daily Kos comments with a guy from Vermont who must be sucking too much maple syrup from the trees in his yard.  He goes by the online name of kestrel9000 but his real name is Eddie Garcia and apparently his mother never washed his mouth out with soap.  That is, if he had one.  As an example he commented on my DK articles:

  • “What in the sequined fuck are you talking about?” in reply to another DK diarist who had made an asinine comment on one of my diaries.

  • “Some would say it's fucking weird to come armed to a coffee shop, and if you don't like it, go somewhere else.  it's fucking weird for a black guy to date a white woman.  Others would say it's fucking weid (SIC) for a black woman to date a white woman.  You would ban things on the basis of them being fucking weird?”

  • “you had the stones to answer comments on Daily Kos where you vomited out this piece of shit, minus the pictures and youtubes (wtf are you, lame?) you'd see you're getting your ass handed to you by both sides of the issue, but I bet you don't. Your tipjar now stands at +1/-8. This will be my first and last comment on this blog. You are being hiderated for spamming, hit and run diarying, and bigotry. I'm outta here.”

  • “Another lie: There is no gun show loophole.  The rules regarding private sales do not change regardless of where they take place.”  Now only a complete idiot would make this statement.

But what could you expect from someone whose most recommended diary is Rush Limbaugh.

Here’s one from someone with only the online name of labwitchy:

  • “Well kestrel9000, if people weren't so darn dark there'd be no need to control what they can or can't possess.  i know you get that as snark kes. you know where i stand.  when slaves own guns, masters are in major trouble.  Republicans ARE cooties!” An apparent reply to “gun mouth” re. my post on how racism had been connected to gun control.

Pavepusher’s comment, below, is further evidence of the fact that I was banned from Daily Kos for my views on radical gun rights:

  • “Pack of lies in that ‘video,’ of course.  ‘Concealed assault weapon’ my ass.  You really are a vile fuckwad.  Congrats on getting kicked out of DKos, took you long enough.  Bet you don’t have the intestinal fortitude to let this comment stay.”  I did.

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas

Looking back on my Daily Kos article comments, you would think that all these people have to do is sit around all day making derogatory statements about anyone who they think wants to take away their precious guns.  It makes me wonder if this is the majority of DK’s traffic, which would indicate a very low-brow profile.  The site’s founder, Markos Moulitsas, might want to take the time to evaluate this…before his advertisers do.

NEXT: More on Daily Kos with additional comments, many from the pro-gun control group.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Can Republican HATE politics bring this country down?

GOP Hate and Fear
Daily Kos posted a piece recently, “Why Does The GOP Hate (everything sane)?” that is the best I’ve seen for putting Republican hate-mongering in perspective with its biggest supporter, the Tea Party.  It said, “The GOP has such an easy task when it comes to adapting people's minds to vote for them; Spread hate and they will be yours…”  Sounds like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and the master, Karl Rove.  Also reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984 but more on that later.

I Googled “GOP hate” and “Republican hate” and was able to formulate a list of what some pretty influential sites and organizations think Republicans hate, as follows:

Taxes, the poor and hungry, gays, Hispanics, liberals, gun control, animal rights, the truth, women, even those pregnant, the Occupy Movement, Barack Obama, science (as in stem cell research), public education, environmentalism, veterans, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, teachers, unions, and, yes, even other Republicans (as in Newt Gingrich)

There are probably more that I have missed but this will get the ball rolling and I encourage you to add to the list with your comments. 

Norman Lear

Many of us—all but the very young—remember Norman Lear’s TV sitcom All in the Family, starring Carroll O’Connor as Archie Bunker and Jean Stapleton, Rob Reiner and Sally Struthers as the rest of the family.  Archie was a “nice” bigot and was constantly chastised by his son-in-law “Meathead” played by Rob Reiner.  Many thought this character was patterned after Lear who abhorred bigotry.  Because of its insightful humor the show lasted for nine years on CBS.

Lear was concerned over how the religious right could repeatedly disgorge sermons that reeked of politics so he, through his organization People for the American Way, complained to a Los Angeles television station about one of Pat Robertson’s TV program.  Robertson responded with a threat of God’s wrath against him.  Jerry Falwell told his followers, “I am about to name the man that some people believe to be the greatest threat to the American family in our generation: Norman Lear!"

Falwell’s “threat” comment garnered Lear hate mail and death threats, one so threatening that the TV producer had to get protection.  Since most of this religious pack are Republican, it is astonishing that their religion—if that’s what it really is—would allow them to do such a thing, although it is commonplace they would as a right-wing extremist, particularly Tea Partiers.  Lear’s position is that “Our founders clearly intended that there be a level of separation between church and state.”

And as promised, the Orwellian connection between hate and the Republican Party.  In 1984, Emmanuel Goldstein is the face of the “Two Minutes Hate” which the citizens of Oceania were subjected to on a regular basis.  They were whipped up into a tremendous frenzy to hate Goldstein and anything else that didn’t agree with the Party.  What Goldstein said made perfect sense in defying this extremely hellish atmosphere and no matter how much hatred was directed against him and his leftist beliefs, his influence never seemed to grow less.

Sound familiar?  George Orwell was a novelist and political writer who was well acquainted with social injustice in the world.  The proles of Oceania represent the poor and out of work people in the U.S. today who are completely ignored by the GOP in favor of supporting the wealthy and large corporations.  (See the poor and hungry and those on Medicaid in the list above.) 

The difference is, where Goldstein’s followers, above, could only look on in the “Two Minute Hate” but could not take action, the progressive movement has begun to rebut the Republican hate messages with responses of hope.  There is no hope in hate, and the American public is beginning to see through the GOP façade.  And to answer the original question, the answer is NO, the Republican HATE politics will not bring this country down.

If you haven’t already, please check out Norman Lear’s People for the
American Way

Wednesday - 2/5/25: NO TIME FOR NEWS???

Sure you do...   The latest headlines... Ignoring accepted medical guidance, Texas governor tells agency heads to recognize only 2 genders.....